compare and contrast the french and american revolution quizlet

Web. Before both the American and French revolutions happened there were two established countries France and England. ADVERTISEMENT This enormous massacre of people went against Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity, all of which the national assembly declared were every man 's right. about in this lesson. Victors fathers ash symbolizes the friendship between Victor and Thomas because they both have memories with Victors father and they both want to toss his ashes into the water. , n making. America was trying to gain freedom from the rules and taxes put upon them by Great Britain. However, problems came up when the nobles refused to sit and discuss with the commoners. 3 votes The american revolutions main purpose was to become independent from the British and create their own country. America was obligated to pay off the war, and to pay the high taxes that British Parliament assigned. A stamp glued to each article indicated that the tax had been paid. The French revolutions purpose was to abolish the oppressive french government and create a new France (Britannica). Looking deeper into the events surrounding the French Revolution shows that there are striking similarities with its American counterpart; both America and France were becoming dissatisfied with their absolute monarchy, poverty and taxation bringing citizens to a boiling point. Zimmerman also states that Alphonses conviction that all emotions can be trumped by rational appeals to duty and instrumentality is typified in his response to Victors looming despair (2). These graphic organizers will ensure students stay focused and have clear criteria to research. Study notes on the conflict in indo-china (Aust syllabus), Vietnam War: April 30th 1975 The Most Remembered Day of the War, The Role of Education and the Military in Sparta. Both French Revolution and American Revolution succeeded in toppling the monarchy. Section 1 and 2 guided notes template 3. For the most part, the revolutions greatly impacted the societies of France and America. Both wanted to set up a Republic, which provided liberty and justice to all classes of citizens. Essay by Opines that mary shelley's frankenstein is a wonderful story that has been slowly destroyed by hollywood through the years. his father, arnold joseph, saved both of the boys, but could not save thomas's parents. Lesson designed for use in an 8th grade American History course in Oakland, CA, but adaptable for many classrooms. It will provides students with information about events that led to the Revolutionary War including French & Indian War, Stamp Act, Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party, First Continental Congress, and much more! The only person he was nice to was his mother. Analyzes how the relationship between father and son in sherman alexie's this is what it means to say phoenix, arizona was not the best like in hamlet. Compare And Contrast This Is What It Means To Say Phoenix Arizona. victor has a more dominant approach when it comes to task he needs to accomplish, while thomas tries to play the nice guy. His selfishness and secrecy cause his friends to suffer and also make him a tragic hero within the novel. But as the years grow on, he begins to abuse his family. Americans are also much more individualistic than the French. Although the French and American people had several distinct and differing motives for revolting against their ruling governments, some similar causes led to both revolutions, including the. Students will examine primary sources to learn more about each revolution. Both countries were trying to gain freedom. Analyzes how the lone ranger and tonto fistfight in heaven and this is what it means to say phoenix, arizona by sherman alexie are about victor's challenges about being native american and poor. Describe how Europe and the United States built colonies in Southeast Asia. Maggie, however, we cannot determine her racial status. Sometimes Victor realizes it but then he goes back to this disillusioned memory of his, The father son relationship here was complicated and this is evident when Victors father leaves him when he was still young. America. The American Revolution was effectively a "conservative" advancement, and was fought, Compare And Contrast The French And American Revolution, The French and American Revolution had similar goals, and were caused by the lack of the same things. Both of the revolutions were fueled by people who didnt agree with their government. victor did something only if it might help his future. Analyzes how lee zimmerman, author of frankenstein, invisibility and the nameless dread, uses many resources to explain multiple theories on the novel. Both of the revolutions were liberating, but the French revolution was more violent and bloodier than the American. War between the British and French Outcome: French were brutally defeated, losing the majority of their land in the Americas and were left with a massive amount of debt Seven Years War -> American Revolution The British gained land north and west of the 13 colonies. That some people have extrasensory perception seems to be borne out by scientific studies. Likewise, the American Revolution was also a political and social upheaval that took place from 1765 to 1783, where the colonists in the thirteen colonies rejected the British rule and were eventually able to defeat Britains authority hence creating the United States of America. The government and leadership in France was corrupt as they were in much debt. Victors dad explains to Thomas, Take care of each other (516). He did not believe there was a point in him going to collect anything that was left other than the truck and savings account that was left for him. Analyzes how roberta asserts that maggie didn't fall in the orchard, but rather, was pushed by the older girls. The king did nothing to help the peasants in their times of trouble, which caused even more uproar. Both the American and French Revolutions were focused around liberty and equality. Although the British won most of the battles, the Americans would be able to form a competent military, with civilian support networks, that provided supplies and financial support (495). We eventually learn which girl has which color throughout the story. This is significant because the French insurgents did not have a navy as the Americans had a navy. Previously in the novel he blamed himself for the deaths of Mathew, Justine, and Henry, claiming to be their murderer and lamenting on the evil he had set forth into the world. Both countries were trying to gain freedom. One of them is the fact that the American's had warships and the French rebels did not. Brief Background Reading on American Revolution2. However it was a minor success because of the socialistic ideologies that were given birth to during the Revolution, which helped reform France into what it is today. Like the Americans, the French were also in debt from war, they enterd the Seven Years War by using borrowed money. Ideological, economic and historical factors that led a revolutionary vanguard to declare, Personal Perception of the American Revolution, How did George Washingtons understanding of military tactics and geography helped defeat the. he knew that if he had to talk to someone it could be victor. became part of the American Revolution. Included in this zip file are:1. The main difference between the American Revolution and the French Revolution is that the American Revolution was the war between the 13 colonies and the British Empire whereas the French revolution was the war between the people and their government. This is a great way to get students to think in depth and compare and contrast the American Revolution, French Revolution, and Russian Revolutions.The answer key is sold separately and its called: World History: Comparing American, French, and Russian Revolutions AKThis is an extension to another assignment that only compares the American and French Revolutions. Revenge alone endowed [him] with strength and composure; it modeled [his] feelings, and allowed [him] to be calculating and calm (145). This is based on the book World History: Patterns of Interaction. During this time period, there were several revolutions that occurred throughout the developing world. The goals of both of these are different for a reason, because the French Revolution wanted a government and the American Revolution wanted to get away from their government. Student groups will be assigned one of the following combinations and create a project board comparing their revolutions and answering a series of critical-thinking open-ended questions:1. The series of tax laws, including the Sugar Act, the Stamp Act and the Currency Act aggravated the grievances of an already over-taxed colonial population. Maggie represents silence and absence. Copyright 2023 All rights reserved. The late 18th and 19th century brought about the French and Haitian Revolutions. One similarity being is that they both wanted to escape the rule of their King. Victor thinks negative ways about toss his fathers ashes into water and described that letting things go after they stopped having any use (Alexie, 30). Although it was mostly a failure, some achievements can be seen through the Revolution. The American Revolution started out by not wanting bloodshed and violence. Just like in every warring country, it is inevitable that there will be some change that occurs whether it be for the better or for worse. In order to pay the it off, the king, Louis XIV, levied a large tax, however the people refused to pay. victor is frustrated, angry, and confused, while thomas is lonely, positive, but sad. The French commoners did gain some freedom, but there was still a king ruling over. need asap I also need to be explained really well please I need more, The idea of democracy is often what people say sets America apart from many other Students will share their findings with the class and complete a graphic organizer comparing the British, French, Colonists, and Native Americans. The French and the American civilians both rebelled violently. The rest of this essay will compare and contrast these two major historical events. The years 1750-1900 are better known as the Revolution Era. One of them is the fact that the American's had warships and the French rebels did not. The countries fought different battles. They also wanted to create a new government but king Louis XVI wouldnt sign it off so the National Assembly got mad and they overthrew the bastille. Examples of this were the Napoleonic Code and Declaration of Rights of Man. Analyzes how sherman alexie uses themes of reservation relationships, war and heroes to allow read into victor's life throughout the story, "because my father always said he was the only indian who saw jimi hendrix play. They were similar in their causes because both of them were caused because of unfair taxation, war debt, and lack of representation. Their fury was such that they made sure that the last floating crate of tea was duly sunk into the saline ocean waters. The French were rapidly losing trust in the King, in fact many nobles began moving out of the palace of Versailles. He had been assured that the shades of [his] murdered friends heard and approved [his] devotion rage choked [him](146). The revolutions of France and North America were extremely relevant yet not necessarily helpful to the commoners, and their liberty and equality. Analyzes how sherman alexie's short story, "this is what it means to say phoenix, arizona," shows the two main characters' change. people at the rez are rude and do not interact with him at all due to him talking and retelling the same stories. Students will compare the American Revolutions to other major revolutions that took place around the world during an "Age of Revolutions" in the early 19th century. Here is an excerpt from this assignment: World History Bundle for Canadian Students, Effects of the French Revolution and Comparing the American and French Rev. he learned to "take care of each other" no matter the circumstances. Analyzes how alcoholism can make you feel alone in social situations because it makes you sensitive to sound while you're drunk. The Americans elected representatives who assumed powers of government and created their own currency which effectively cut off payments to Britain while the US organized an official army (495). As people in France got educated about the enlightenment ideals and principles, they started to question the authority of the monarchy and the excesses of the aristocracy. This is what triggered some memories for Victor and came to the realization that his dad did love him. The French rebelled against their government in a violent manner, as did the Americans. The American Revolution began for two reasons: political and economic, while the French Revolution began with domination and mismanagement that contributed to the French society. The French Revolution was a major failure and a minor success. There is a third character in Recitatif who gives distortion of Robertas and Twylas memories. However Victor was a young boy his father left him. The English Bill of Rights declared that there would be no more collecting of taxes without the permission of the Parliament. The Enlightenment was a movement by intellectuals who promoted reason and science, and they began to question the system in place at the time in France and they began to spread revolutionary ideas that got people thinking about change. Analyzes how alexie uses victor's character to display how alcoholism causes isolation and causes individuals to leave their community. Analyzes how howard johnson's "recitatif" ends with one character crying, "what the hell happened to maggie?". victor joseph's personality is mean and despicable, but his personality grows gradually. C. It can better prevent political leaders from serving their own These indignities coupled with the spread of Enlightenment ideas lead two nations to break away from old ties to monarchies that were a virtually universal standard of government for centuries within mere years of each other. The revolutions were similar because they both wanted a different ruler and they both had absolute monarchs. Analyzes victor's self-identity as a person who chooses his own path by himself, and he does not follow other peoples paths. Analyzes how victor frankenstein and his creature are tormented by humanity and become criminals, but does this necessarily mean that both were unable to retain their humanity? Which do you think changed Victor feels guilty for the actions of his creation but is too much of a coward to confess to anyone about what he has done. This activity is great for ensuring students are truly reflecting and going beyond just how subjects are similar or different. Analyzes how victor's lifestyle prior to this trip was a horrible one. This allows the readers to see how powerful a friendship could be in just short, Click here to unlock this and over one million essays, Thomass vision helps Victor realize how his father truly feels about his family. Because both of these revolutions had a similar cause and effect, means they will have very similar stages. Analyzes how twyla and roberta are round characters since they are complex, have underlying traits, and grow throughout the story as they make their way through the stages of life. As death of his family members occurs, he becomes emotionally unstable and seeks revenge against his creation. Thomas is a little bit geekier than most people, and Victor knows this. Similarities between these two revolutions is in their ideology, economy, and leaders. This is significant because the American colonists probably had more time to prepare for an invasion and as an addition to, the country of Britain was far away from America. The Haitian Revolution can be compared to the French revolution in that they were both influenced by the Enlightenment. Also, describing how his relationship with Thomas in Journey has no effect on him. On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson. (2006, February 15). Victor knew Thomas was known for being a Storyteller with a crazy imagination. This was the final verdict of the Great War , especially among the Anglo-French stamped French. Analyzes victor's hostility towards people, especially his cousin, but when a woman from phoenix, az calls his mother, informing them his father is dead, everything changes slowly but surely. In France, the people were divided into three separate social estates, clergy, nobility, and the commoner as the lowest and the highest above all of course would be the king. thomas' change is subtle, but it is there. After the fight they put up, the thirteen colonies were heading into a time of much significant progression. Although the French and American revolutions may seem different they were more similar in that they were taxed for the same reason, wanted representation and wanted a constitutional government. But he could not save Thomas's parents. 472 words. Analyzes how victor develops an understanding of himself throughout the journey that he and thomas went through. The French and American Revolution do have some similarities although, ultimately, the two wars are completely different. Especially, war veterans like Senator John Mc. Analyzes how victor frankenstein indirectly kills justine moritz by framing her for the death of william. Although the revolutions of both started for very similar reasons, and both countries fought for the same thing, the outcomes of the two were very different. Analyzes how thomas told victor a story about two indian boys who wanted to become warriors but couldn't because it was too late. The French Revolution followed in suit with the American Revolution, because the French were in favor for what the American Revolution was fighting for. Although the ideas of the American and French Revolutions where similar, they are not the same. interests. The French Revolution and American Revolution were two examples of civilians rebelling against their government. Explains sherman alexie's book, the lone ranger and tonto fistfight in heaven, is a captivating compilation of short stories. Then they'll compare and contrast both revolutions. Brief Background Reading on French Revolution3. He stopped talking as much, stopped drinking as much. The American lifestyle is fast-paced and focused on work/career success. Fighting For Freedoms When revolution broke out in France in 1789, white colonists in . The first stage of a revolution is the normal stage, a stage in which before the revolution takes place there is a person or group in power, which gained power through traditional means. Americans' lives most? It teaches the American and French revolution side-by-side, connecting these revolutions to current political issues, outlining the causes and effects of each revolution, and includes a powerpoint, handout, graphic organizer and student assessment.

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