emery smith scientist

[Quoting "Dreki"]It has always made me question if this isnt all a huge psy-op. Previously, Emery was a Research Associate at Athers ys. He will be making a statement soon enough. Anything less is junk. In 1990, Emery became active duty in the USAF and was stationed at Lackland AFB in San Antonio, Texas. Some of Pauls intel was mentioned. Cristina Dorador, another scientist, has called for the Chilean government to condemn the research, highlighting the potential distress it could cause the family of the baby. We love you Emery, youre coursge is inspiring to us all! We were also extremely thorough. All of us that understand, stand together towards the realization of The Great Endeavor. I had been telegraphing for three days via electronic communication that I was writing the big one i.e. There are plenty of movies, television shows, video games and the like that have prepared us for the type of cosmic disclosure that Emery Smith is bringing to the table. YOU MIGHT FIND YOUR WAY INTO THIS THROUGH THE MILITARY. It was almost as if he prefers listening to himself.. Hello David This is a great article. So again, please send Emery your thoughts, prayers and good wishes, and if you feel inclined to donate, now would be the time. Stellar Explorer$29.99/Month:Submit up to 3 questionsEVERY WEEK in advance for Emery to pick from and answer exclusively for the Stellar Explorers live on the webinar. He is survived by his wife, Myrtle, and a daughter, Johari M.C. Love the name, thanks. By age 10, Emery was awarded Lee Countys Sharpest Shooter by the Lee County Sheriffs Department, carrying the title on into the military. They pulled off about 50 Meters away and took my dog and accelerated away! You are very welcome to sell items made with fabric featuring my designs. Due to this varying surgical experience and intense knowledge of biologics and genetics gathered during his time working and studying on base, in the field, and at the hospitals, Emery was offered a moon lighting job at both Sandia National Laboratory facilities and Los Alamos National Laboratory facilities, and eventually facilities all over the world. Emery Smith is a Senior Research Assistant at Scripps Research based in La Jolla, California. There is no related content available. By doing this attack, they are absolutely, 100 percent signaling that Emery is telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. [In this meeting within the Oval Office,] President Eisenhower [told the insider]: We called the people in from MJ-12, from Area 51 and S-4, but they told us that the government had no jurisdiction over what they were doing. Teach US how to break free of it. He was certified in surgical apprenticeship and also worked as a HAZMAT instructor, EMT, terrorist negotiation coordinator, flight medic specialist, surgical technologist, expert marksman, chemical warfare specialist, biotech warfare specialist, and lead DECON response units, among other positions. DECLAS, Disclosure and Davids #1 New Ascension Film Incoming! Peace to all. Why is it important? Id love for the skeptic in me to be proven wrong. I couldnt be more pleased with what has happened here. This is a close-up showing he had a temperature of 103 at the time this was taken. Stellar Human$9.99/Month:Watch and listenONLY. And I thank you for stepping up to help him out! By age 10, Emery was awarded Lee Countys Sharpest Shooter by the Lee County Sheriffs Department, carrying the title on into the military. During his professional life, Emery worked inside secret biological facilities deep under the New Mexico desert at Kirtland, AFB, NM where he was tasked with dissecting tissue samples taken from extraterrestrial bodies. In fact, MegaAnon clearly states this will be a long time coming still. I absolutely agree with you. Its almost like a person who has been locked in a room their whole lives, never allowed to see the outside world, finally being set free. I was very disappointed in the interview with Richard I love Richard but felt he doesnt have the knowledge to appropriately ask great questions.. The skeleton was found by treasure hunter what a job title, eh? Acts of terror like this reek of total desperation. Then, in 2018 the scientists from Stanford University in San Francisco and the University of California found that the baby died around 40 years ago, and had several genetic conditions that contributed to the unusual nature of the bones. In 1990, Emery Smith entered active duty with the USAF, stationed in Lackland AFB in San Antonio, Texas. This opened the doors for training as a surgical technologist and surgical first assist, working under numerous specialized surgeons around the William R. "Bill" Wiley was so revered for his forward-thinking ideas, his passion for education and his community charisma that his leadership of the Battelle Pacific Northwest National Laboratory near Richland seemed almost incidental. You can see how someone like Emery complicates the idea of a neat, tidy, partial disclosure that rolls out over the next 50 to 100 years. There is no money exchange in this greater cosmic society. Revolutionary ET/ Alien Technology, the future is here. I am once again impressed with you, this time for not responding to Hoaglands insulting lecture. Many things were left out of this update for Emerys own safety. (See the book by Dr. Abram Hoffer, who researched vitamin healing for more than 50 years, called Niacin: The Real Story, from 2012.). What relation does this have on the impact of our longevity? It is possible that various assets in the Dark Alliance were unaware of the soft launch of Emerys testimony on Cosmic Disclosure until I wrote about it. My treatment approach focuses on rapid symptom relief and making changes to improve thinking, mood, behavior, and well-being. Im sending my love, appreciation and healing visualizations to Emery, and also to all who stand on the front lines aiding with the great endeavor. There is no fraud going on here. With that in mind, check out the text I got after having a long time to think about this and mourn his dog: We have recovered Raven who was thrown out of an SUV on the highway. By the way, Coreys Sphere Being Alliance website has been very severely hacked. Emery was made directly aware of the presence of gigantic ET motherships under the Antarctic ice from his own time working in various black-ops programs. No one had any idea what the bones were, though. But Mr. Wiley was perhaps best-known for his love of education and his desire to see youths, especially African-American kids, take advantage of learning. Based on the number of operating rooms and floors in this one base alone, there are probably THOUSANDS of other employees doing the exact same job. Many insiders, documents and reports suggest Kennedy got some info on UFOs, but not very much. It could have been been chipped or some more advance tracking device or could have even been infected with a virus. I dont care what kind of classified material you got. This may very well have been a move that saved his life, even though it brought the impact even closer to his side of the car. Be safe. Simply put, although I didnt like thinking this way, I was well aware that Emery might be attacked once again. At other times it had gone up to 105. During this time Emery participated in all extracurricular activities that would advance his rank, knowledge, and experience within the military. Pauls body collided with the windshield, leaving visible cracks as you can see here. WHY DID WE POST SOMETHING ON OCTOBER 22ND? Lets extend and include in those, the all the peoples from all corners of this beautiful planetLIGHT EVERYWHERE! By attacking him so forcefully and frontally, they are indeed making it very obvious that they are on the ropes and feeling threatened by this. Absolutely plus, he has a large enough sub base to be useful, without being overly so. I would not have had the patience to endure any of that (people can judge for themselves) for three hours. Anyone who thinks this was just a normal flu should remember that it started immediately after three black SUVs abducted his dog, right near him. He will then publish his findings in a scholarly journal, and that will be the end of that. What is gene hacking? His time put into ARMY ROTC, the Lee Countys sheriff explorers unit, and other advanced training courses paid off allowing Emery to quickly succeed with accomplishing his goals. The Deep State obviously wants to make other insiders afraid to come forward. Your email address will not be published. I have asked Emery to get as much documented evidence about this as possible, so fake Dark Alliance trolls wont accuse him of making this up. "If you leave the scientist alone to do his work, he'll go on to probe the essence of nature. Granted, we can go into a lot more detail, and we plan to. Instead of slowing down or steering away, this driver maintained his collision course and actually accelerated. Now you are getting this for the first time. I see this as another sign that the Satanists are being defeated: Thank you again for stepping up to help Emery in his hour of greatest need. This is the same thing Ive heard for the entire 22 years Ive been doing this. Scientists have studied this specimen's entire genome. I recommended documenting any tissue damage to the dog, photos of the Facebook post with the name scrubbed, et cetera. Stellar Leader$249.99/Month:LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE. God bless and protect you, Corey, Emery and all those courageous whistleblowers that have come forward so far. Thats the only part that doesnt make sense to me. Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry. UPDATE, SAME DAY, 12/29, 1:51 PM: PAYPAL UN-FROZE THE ACCOUNT! He tells us of his induction Using the reference-free alignment across 241 mammalian genomes produced by the Zoonomia Consortium, we charted evolutionary trajectories for 0.92 million human candidate cis-regulatory elements (cCREs) and 15.6 Emerys experience working for the military, compartmentalized contract corporations, their hospitals and their laboratories became the foundation of knowledge and experience in which he later utilized down the road once being honorably discharged after 7 years of service. That is obviously not an accident. [Quoting "Nanci"]My first thought on the promotion of Tyler/Secure team 10 is tbat he covers ufos, NOT cabal/collective conscious/ascension. At the beginning of this article, I shared more of what had happened to Emery, including the head-on collision that occurred only a half-hour after the previous article went up. Clearly, they are doing everything they can to try to distract, divert and destroy our efforts. Both cash and credit are accepted. This is a very real battle, with very high stakes. Ive never had anything like this dis-ease. There is a level of UFO secrecy that goes far above the US military, the highest generals, even the Commander-in-Chief of the US Armed Forces. These articles have very interesting info in them, but no clear indication our lives will change anytime soon. Please send your prayers and support to Emery in this difficult time. In 1986, Emery volunteered to join Civil Air Patrol where he worked on a vast array of life saving missions. This only further motivates us to do whatever we can to get the truth out. Emery Smith Scientist, Inventor, Explorer, and Humanitarian, Television Host at Gaia TV, Washington, DC. Webinar Topics will change every week and Included (not limited to): Suppressed Technology and Classified Projects. A dark drawer in some place in Europe. This all screams of foul play.. The search and abduction was over in 90 minutes without me calling in the satellites! Furthermore, everything business-related gets delayed around the holidays, making it even tougher. I could only imagine what might have happened, and my thoughts were pretty dark, I must say. The higher the stress condition, the more the body can absorb. Emery is a scientist, inventor and a humanitarian looking to join forces with like minds to cure the planet of planeticide. Our last article shared the story of the dogs abduction in an update, but not everyone reads updates. Right before his health collapsed, three black SUVs followed him and abducted his dog Raven. Ask questions, open conversation. Some believe it could be an alien skeleton, and others believed it to be ancient. From 1984 to 1994, he was director of the laboratory. WebHe was certified in surgical apprenticeship, and also worked as a HAZMAT instructor, EMT, terrorist negotiation coordinator, flight medic specialist, surgical technologist, expert If we (in the MIC) went into the manufacturing business with all the cool stuff that we learned, various ETs would need to start paying us for our products. It was vitally essential that we preserve his knowledge and experience in case something happened. Emery is a scientist, inventor and a humanitarian looking to join forces with like minds to cure the planet of planeticide. If Emery was larping, i.e. They dropped Paul off outside and he had to go in alone: The attack was very spiteful, including smashing all his crystals to bits on the floor and stealing every personal record and belonging from the previous 30 years. I finished listening to your interview program with Hoagland. This may be the only video of yours that I would not recommend due to the lack of knowledge of Hoagland interfering with the purveying of such. Emery Smith: I've worked with alien spaceships that would change No matter what it is they concocted, if its biological in nature (and not a toxin), that will absolutely blast it out. What I did not say at the time this was written was that Emery and I were already at Gaia HQ, in Colorado, taping his testimony in episode-length installments. When people would say David Has No Evidence, or No Other Insiders Have Corroborating Testimony, I held my tongue for Emerys own safety. Thanks for the reviews of the Hoagland interview on here. However, Emery spent most of his time working at the facilities within Sandia & Los Alamos National laboratories, where his work was focused in the classified genetic research department, hematology department and tissue engineering and testing facilities. This was very obviously a Dark Alliance targeted attack, not just three random black SUVs who happened to follow him and want to abduct his dog. https://www.consciousvitality.org/3J67C/2CTPL/. I was very reluctant to publicize this at the time. If the military-industrial complex (MIC) had access to a live ET, and various ET technologies, they obviously would be able to make contact with other ETs. As I said before, they were already at full capacity the night this happened, and wouldnt admit him for seven more hours. More information on Smiths life and experience is available on his website, in his recorded public talks, and on GaiaTVs Cosmic Disclosure, of which he is the presenter. Please get in touch for scale or colour change requests. In case anyone tries to question this aspect of the story, Eisenhower was the best emergency care he could find for the area. Im devastated! I specialize in Depression, Anxiety and Relationship. Were cops called? No one is stopping those 15 episodes from getting out. Luckily, he escaped with whiplash and a concussion and nothing more severe, other than the final loss of everything he owned. I mentioned films like Spider Man: Homecoming, in which the Tony Stark character gives Peter Parker a similar suit as he himself was using as Ironman. Nothing about this incident appeared on this website until October 22nd, 2017, two months and one week later. These positions allowed him to work under various specialized surgeons, where each individual taught him multiple procedures and various ways on how to perform them. Additionally, it was forcing him to manually approve all donations from overseas, which they said they had Never Seen Before.. DECLAS: Social Media Nukes An Entire Generation But Why? Sie koennen die Uebersetzung unter dem Google-Drive-Link finden, den ich unten anfuege. I feel it is very important that we do this. Therefore, I have theorized that the Cabal is trying to clean it up before either being exposed or attempting a Partial Disclosure. This was used for a joint civilian/military venture in sharing tissue sample data of various and unknown origins collected from classified areas.Working at these laboratories and facilities became a milestone for him in his pursuit of the truth, where he openly talks about his experiences working in these projects for the first time in 25 years publicly at symposiums and as a guest on Gaia TVs Cosmic Disclosure. A surprising number of insiders have surfaced to shed light on this amazing story but for most people it still seems hard to accept. It has always made me question if this isnt all a huge psy-op. This uncommon vast and varying knowledge attained by Emery became highly valuable to those searching for an assistant with such skills in the underground compartmentalized laboratories. This was used for a joint civilian/military venture in sharing tissue sample data of various and unknown origins collected from classified areas.Working at these laboratories and facilities became a milestone for him in his pursuit of the truth, where he openly talks about his experiences working in these projects for the first time in 25 years publicly at symposiums and as a guest on Gaia TVs Cosmic Disclosure. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QpOh8ISQZ916tzVDQkg_E8qmv2MulqsY/view?usp=sharing, Sounds like hes really upset one or more of his handlers. The Alliance will make its moves regardless of whether I am involved in any of this or not. I tend to ignore the trolls, theres been a lot on Gaia recently esp toward Corey. During this time, Emery developed the first military industrial laboratory tissue database complex. How long has ungoverned gene hacking been going on? I am conducting telehealth appointments by secure video or phone. He joined Battelle in 1965 as a research scientist. He obtained his single engine pilots license shortly thereafter, and became an EMT by age 16. With Much Love. The science proving this works is very well established, as I have written in The Source Field Investigations and covered in Wisdom Teachings. Emery received I remember in the past being frustrated when I would ask about certain things and know he was holding back, for whatever reason. Anything less is junk. WebEmery Smith is an American surgeon assistant and inventor of the [Platelet Recovery Protocol]. Nothing else is online yet. Audience members will be able to ask Smith any question and receive a direct response. This also shows the medications he was given for a shortness of breath which he is still suffering from now: Lastly, this is a full-page view of the same document that the above image was taken from: As I was writing this update and had gotten to this point, Emery texted me and said his condition has worsened again and he is going back in. If you so choose, you can visualize him surrounded with white, healing light. Also take 3,000 mg. of Niacin (no-flush Niacin, if preferred), as 6 x 500 mg. spaced throughout the day. The devices he has invented since, including the first table-top stem cell concentrator and pure PRP concentrator, are based off of this unique, classified education and are used in clinics for healing all around the world today. Emery Smith is a Professional Speaker at Gaia based in Louisville, Colorado. Regenerative Medicine, Anti-Aging technologies, Trans-dimensional technologies, Biological Consciousness Assisted technology, etc.) All it does is show us how very real all of this is. I was very sorry about the dog. The Range Rover was the last item of value that Paul still owned, and it was destroyed beyond repair in the collision. He is a cosmic reporter of poignant news and events in the Ascension timeline and drama. Bear in mind that this is only 2.6 degrees below the temperature where permanent brain damage or death can result 107.6 degrees Fahrenheit. II thing the dog will need to be quarantined. Credit: Dr Emery Smith Cristina Dorador, another scientist, has called for the Chilean government to condemn the research, highlighting the potential distress it could He was a guy who pulled himself up from poverty and racism in rural Mississippi and never stopped preaching the empowerment of education to generations of kids. He had a silver Porsche but rarely took it out of the garage. The bones were found in the Atacama Desert in 2003, and the strange find has since been nicknamed Ata. Excelling in all of his classes at such a young age, Emery quickly advanced his education and pursued his dream of joining the United States Airforce. This kind of a move, however, just reeks of desperation. Something Big is Coming, Part II: Is Wikileaks About to Drop the Nuke?. This was the same insider who had everything he owned stolen, with nothing left but an armor-piercing bullet on the countertop of his home. Im all for the freeing of humanity, but cant help but have a skeptical side (which I think is a healthy thing) that wonders if these hopeful messages that someones going to come to our rescue are just a ruse to keep us complacent until the elites dont need us anymore (AI, anyone?) This is all very real. What relation does this have on the impact of our longevity? I am very happy to report that Emery had a miraculous and very fast recovery today after our call for a mass meditation and prayer. By the time Corey Goode started talking in late 2014, I already had seven years to meditate on the implications of what Emery and many other insiders had already shared with me. This isnt necessarily on topic, but this interview does highlight what can impede the goal of waking people up and having their full investment in this process. Emery Smith public speaker, U.S. Air Force veteran, scientist, and inventor will be on site to answer questions regarding his experience working in classified government research facilities in the U.S. and around the world. From there, he went on to surgical tech training at Sheppard AFB in Wichita Falls, Texas, and then on to England AFB in the 23rd Tactical Fighter Wing, located in Alexandria Louisiana, where he worked as a surgical technologist and surgical first assist. ", Ed Sheeran's beloved Irish grandmother Nancy has died, Wrexham fans criticise 'cowardly' vandals who defaced mural with 'disgusting' graffiti, Ed Sheeran claims he'll quit music altogether if found guilty of plagiarising song, Bella Ramsey stuns at the Met Gala after being told they didnt have the face for Hollywood, Snoop Dogg and Ryan Reynolds are 'attempting to buy the exact same sports team', South Korean art student eats 96,000 banana duct taped to wall 'because he was hungry', MasterChef Australia judge Jock Zonfrillo has died at the age of 46, Mystery of the Yeti may finally be solved with new images captured by scientists, Mystery of bleeding waterfalls in Antarctica finally solved after decades, Every blue-eyed person on Earth is a descendant of one single person, scientists find, Skeleton of female 'vampire' unearthed in Polish cemetery. Paul had a brick wall to his side, leaving him with nowhere else to turn and no escape. Smith will be live and answering questions at the Ski Park from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Tickets are $30 and are available for purchase online at www.emerysmith.net/events/shasta or at the front gate. I have known Emery Smith since 2008. This was not at all easy to write. Davids message is one of unity and love, encouraging people to live a life of goodness and harmony. Emery took what he learned from these projects and formed his own medical and biotechnology companies. Im very happy to hear that Emery can access the funds sent to him via PayPal. For Emerys security, we did not say how sick he really was, or that he was in the hospital, until he stabilized. During his professional life, Emery worked inside secret biological facilities deep under the New Mexico desert at Kirtland, AFB, NM where he was tasked with dissecting tissue samples taken from extraterrestrial bodies. That doesnt make it any less real.]. There is a lot of power when people unite in great numbers, is why theyre so scared of us of course. ; and many other relatives. Ive donated a few days ago and have mediated this morning for his safety and return to health. Why does Gaia seem to be untouchable? You can find it at the Google Drive link provided below. We already have taped enough from him that a Cabal hit would only make him even more of a hero. Thanks. Thank you David and Emery for putting yourselves on the line because you believe in the future of humanity and a positive outcome where we can all move forward into the Bigger Picture. WebJoin the world-renowned scientist, inventor, and insider Emery Smith at GaiaSphere as he teaches about the many advancements in regenerative medicine today and how it is linked to classified projec Streaming on Roku. The October 22nd article was entitled Something Big is Coming, Part II: Is Wikileaks About to Drop the Nuke?, and it was very extensive in scope. Too many people think this is all a game, just something to read about if it can hold their interest for a few minutes. Tom DeLonge Group Stunningly Debunked: Curtains for Partial Disclosure. He became very despondent from this, as expected. I believe many in the truth movement have one or more without realising it. Miraculously, Raven was found alive by a good citizen after the perpetrators dumped her off on the highway. We do appreciate it. David Wilcock is a professional lecturer, filmmaker and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science and new paradigms of energy and matter. Understanding the regulatory landscape of the human genome is a long-standing objective of modern biology. He thought he had pneumonia. After discussing reasons for initiating the first appointment, a thorough psychological assessment and selection of tests may provide a more refined understanding of a person's situation. Thought I would film a little update video for you guys and let you know about my upcoming talks. Furthermore, Emery has extensive experience with advanced technology (e.g. The broadcast did not truly highlight what is going on or give substantial information. If the Deep State were smart, they would totally avoid targeting someone like this after they came out. In this case, I profiled his testimony on smart suits, which as it turns out are very advanced. Furthermore, they are giving themselves three days 72 hours to complete the investigation, even after seeing my website. He had no intention to ever do so. This included large crystals that had been completely smashed to worthless powder on the ground. and Extraterrestrial Biological Analysis, working with otherworldly creatures, ranging from small tissue samples to full-size beings. The power of our mass consciousness to affect his healing process cannot be undermined. The adversary very likely did not count on anything like this happening. The Golden thread that weaves his work together is the science of Ascension - a solar-system-wide transformation that elevates earth and humanity to a higher phase of spiritual advancement. making it all up, I highly doubt any of this would have happened. Emery was featured with Dr. Steven Greer in the film Sirius and is known for his research and DNA testing on the 6-inch long Atacama Humanoid body from the Atacama Desert in Chile. Wiley-Johnson, both of Richland; his parents, William and Edna Wiley of Oxford, Miss. "From the presumed timeline of her death, it is likely that her mother probably is still alive. Additionally, just since I said I was about to do more YouTube videos, the entire service has been overwhelmed with tons of new, fake David Wilcock videos.

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