explain the rationale behind the safeguarding and welfare requirements

Although the practitioner might be acting in the best interest of the person, they may be operating within the constraints of their role. Safeguarding children with disabilities: this course aims to ensure that participants can safeguard disabled children from harm through an increased awareness of their vulnerability to abuse. However, as this can be an existing member of staff, the committee were confident that there would be no significant resource impact. The recommendations may also help to reduce the number of section 42 enquiries involving the care home, local authority and others. However, the committee agreed that these findings can be a key source of learning material for care home providers, and they regularly use information from Safeguarding Adults Reviews in their own work. Care Quality Commission standards cover basic safeguarding training for all staff (CQC: Regulation 13 - Safeguarding service users from abuse and improper treatment and CQC: Safeguarding Adults - Roles and responsibilities in health and care services) so this is not a new requirement and is unlikely to lead to significant resource implications. CHILD ACCIDENT PREVENTION TRUSTAn organisation that works with 25,000 frontline staff who work with children, young people, and their families, as well as with senior practitioners and policymakers to encourage best practice around child injury prevention through partnership and networking events, bespoke training packages, specialist master classes on child injury prevention, fact sheets, good practice guides and child safety resources for professionals. There may also be cost implications if practitioners need training of their own in order to conduct training for staff, or if external organisations are used to deliver training. This is in addition to the formal and mandatory role of a safeguarding lead. However, the committee found the guidance to be highly relevant as a source of evidence to support their work, and used it to inform the recommendations, alongside their own expertise and experience. It is based in London and has eight regional co-ordinators working across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.4 TRAINING AND CONSULTANCYPaediatric first aid: a 12-hour course recognised by Ofsted and the National Childminding Association.FPM. The evidence highlighted the need for basic training for all staff employed by or contracted to work within the care home, to make sure they have a good understanding of what safeguarding is, how it is everyone's responsibility and how it might relate to their job within the care home. The NDCS is the only UK charity dedicated to supporting deaf children and their families in overcoming the challenges of childhood deafness. If they are not already doing so, they will need to promote a positive culture and encourage greater collaboration between their members and partner organisations, especially care homes. However, any additional costs may be justified by the improvements in staff knowledge, competence and confidence, which will provide better quality of care for residents. The evidence on training only included short-term measurements of effectiveness. SEBDA, formerly the Association of Workers for Children with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, promotes excellence in services for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties. Evidence suggested that improvements in safeguarding practice were not always maintained in the longer-term, and the committee agreed that it was important to run refresher training if needed. Organisational abuse and neglect both involve some level of psychological or medical and physical abuse, and may be a sign that other types of abuse and neglect are also happening. hbbd```b`` The BDA promotes early identification and support in schools to ensure opportunity to learn for dyslexics. Care home staff may also need training to improve their understanding of safeguarding policy and procedure, and to show them how to preserve evidence from reported safeguarding concerns. There were concerns around the adequacy of the data, issues with the methods used to analyse the data, and problems with how the study authors addressed potential bias. Because of the shortage of good-quality evidence, the committee made recommendations partly based on their own expertise and experience. The committee felt that this was an important area, and built on the evidence using their own expertise. ENTAEnta is a voluntary sector, not for profit organisation working across Birmingham to provide learning opportunities, training courses, information, advice and guidance and employment support to help people think about and prepare for paid employment. This creates opportunities for parents and professionals to engage with current thinking on a range of issues. The committee used qualitative themes from research evidence on responding to and managing safeguarding concerns in care homes, and support and information needs for everyone involved in safeguarding concerns in care homes. The EYFS defines what records must be kept on both children and staff, and how and where to store them confidentially, and when to share them (with parents, other professionals, the police, social services and Ofsted), as appropriate. However, the committee had some concerns about the quality of the data, which had some methodological limitations as well as questionable relevance (it was not always clear whether findings related specifically to care home settings). There were uncertainties around the methods used to develop much of this guidance. The committee were keen to highlight the obligations of individuals (including visitors) and organisations, to ensure that everyone knows what to do when a safeguarding concern arises. Planning Tool Training: one-day training courses from Autumn 2011 designed to enable use of the Planning Tool for Involving Children and Young People in Healthcare. Training in paediatric/childcare first aid is a requirement for all childcare practitioners who require registration by OFSTED. When the existing guidance did not cover all the areas the committee thought were important they also used their own expertise and experience to make the recommendations. 04002826. hb```;,B cbXDV6'cl`|cFX=gb&-uLk;Ls^ It also promotes child safety awareness during Child Safety Week. However, the committee found the guidance to be highly relevant as a source of evidence to support their work, and used it to make recommendations, alongside their own expertise and experience. There are Laws that give the children the right to be safe from any form of harm or abuse. NATIONAL ECZEMA SOCIETYThe National Eczema Society gives advice and assistance on lifestyle changes and self-help measures to help keep eczema under control. For qualitative findings there was a shortage of evidence, with only limited data from a small number of studies. Eight hours of tuition deal with food hygiene, bacteriology, personal hygiene, equipment and pest control, cleaning and disinfecting and legislation. However, any additional costs will be justified by the improvements in staff knowledge, competence and confidence, which will provide better quality of care for care home residents. Safeguarding Self Assessments (Audit) The Safeguarding Self-Assessments (Safeguarding Audits) are intended to support you to meet the safeguarding and welfare requirements of the Early. There were uncertainties around the methods used to develop much of this guidance. Some organisations will need to review how they provide support. Please note that changes to content are minor and providers willnotneed to alter any planning based on the September 2020 version that they may have already made. There were uncertainties around the methods used to develop much of this guidance. Organisations may need to do more to involve people at risk and their independent advocates in safeguarding enquiries. Abuse and neglect are more likely to happen when staff are poorly trained, poorly supervised, unsupported by management, and when the care home has a culture that does not promote openness and good communication. Care homes will need to ensure they implement relevant, up-to-date policies and procedures. The existing guidance did not cover all the areas that the committee thought were important, so they also used their own knowledge and expertise when agreeing the recommendations. Standards of documentation and record-keeping within care homes vary widely, so these recommendations are expected to help standardise practice. As a result, they felt that it was important to make specific recommendations on this, to ensure that this learning is more widely promoted. EDUCATION AND RESOURCES FOR IMPROVING CHILDHOOD CONTINENCE (ERIC). There may be an increase in the number of requests for training. In addition, the studies only used short-term follow-up periods. These sources highlight the importance of involving people fully as possible in decisions and giving them the information and support they need to participate. Disability awareness and inclusion in childcare settings: two half-day workshops which cover a range of issues including an inclusive ethos and attitude, communications and partnerships, listening to disabled children and inclusion and playwork principles. However, the committee found the guidance to be highly relevant as a source of evidence to support their work, and used it to inform the recommendations, alongside their own expertise and experience. Section 3 - The Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements April 2017 3 Registered providers must also notify Ofsted or their childminding agency of the action taken in respect of the allegations. Courses include: PLAY AND EARLY YEARS TRAINING UNITFood safety awareness: an introduction to food safety, best cooking practice and legal obligations. VAT Registration Number: GB 830 472 251, Open source web development - pedalo limited, Involving parents in their childrens learning, Business Blocks: essential resources for your early years business, Charitable settings - legislation and governance. Reflecting on these observations means practitioners can shape learning experiences for individual children. The committee used qualitative themes from research evidence on identifying abuse and neglect to make the recommendations. The Statutory Framework for theEarly Years Foundation Stage(EYFS) sets the standards for promoting the learning, development and safety of children from birth to five years in Ofsted registered settings. To reflect this, the indicators are split into 2 categories ('consider' and 'suspect'), with different actions based on the likelihood of abuse or neglect. recommendations in the Safeguarding children and Safer Recruitment in Education (2007). A St John Ambulance certificate, valid for three years, is issued on a candidate's successful completion of assessment of each of the following courses: Offers integrated educational and training programmes for professionals working with under-fives. Infection control: providing an understanding of effective infection control practice within a setting. The committee discussed whether it is possible to specify how soon new staff should have mandatory safeguarding training. The guidance highlighted the importance of writing down carefully what the person discloses using their own words, but not interviewing them, and encouraging the resident to preserve any physical evidence if a crime may have been committed. Its imperative to have fully-implemented safeguarding policies at childcare settings and to have a designated safeguarding lead that liaises with the relevant local authorities. The recommendations are based on a review of existing guidance, so staff should be familiar with the indicators referred to in this guideline. Based on their own knowledge, the committee decided to emphasise the legal protections for whistleblowers. There are rules around what information must be available to parents/carers, including information on how the EYFS is being delivered, the activities and experiences that are provided, policies and procedures, emergency contact details, and information about the childs key person. 09270577, (which weve covered in a previous blog, and can be found here), < The EYFS - measuring and assessing progress. There were some problems with this evidence. While having policies and procedures in place is important, care homes and care home providers can have problems ensuring that staff follow these. They also agreed that care homes should build good relationships with local authorities, seeking advice if needed, in order to better judge when referrals should be made. The implications for care home resources should not be significant, and some of the ways of working suggested may already be in place in some or most care homes. Commissioners may need to do more to promote good communication and working relationships with care homes, but this could be achieved without additional resources. Sun safety: two-hour course in safe-sun practice. Copyright 2023 All Rights Reserved. TWIN AND MULTIPLE BIRTHS ASSOCIATION (TAMBA). endstream endobj startxref Care homes may also need to change their recruitment processes, to ensure that applicants are suitable and have been properly vetted. Some care home providers already fund access to employee assistance programmes, so would not significantly need to change practice. ]6>XlYPCR*`S, `Z9@ 0CT5 Make sure you're up to scratch with rules and regulations. This includes ensuring that agency staff have the necessary training. As a result, the committee drew on their own expertise to supplement the evidence and make recommendations. Coeliac UK provides help to coeliacs and those with dermatitis herpetiformis (an itchy skin rash caused by gluten sensitivity). Some staff may also need more support to benefit from training. First-aid in childcare: two-day first-aid course as required by Ofsted for childcare settings. Because of this, the committee did not make recommendations about who should have further training or when this should happen. These meetings already commonly occur, so they may just need more emphasis on guidance and support for the affected member of staff. ERIC provides advice on bedwetting, daytime wetting, constipation and incontinence. It will particularly focus on the key areas identified within the Planning Tool manual and aims to help and support existing work with children and young people and to identify and evaluate its aims and goals.ADVANCED CHILDCARE, Afasic seeks to raise awareness and to create better services and provision for children and young people with speech and language impairments. Paediatric first-aid: one-day course leading to appointed person status for those working with children. BRITISH RED CROSSFirst-aid for baby and child: UK-wide courses for anyone wishing to learn first aid skills for babies and children.First-aid for child carers: designed to meet the first aid training needs of child minders and child carers. Safeguarding is about preventing children from being abused and protecting them from abuse. They may also need to do more to promote more positive attitudes about whistleblowing among staff, and to encourage an open culture to help staff feel more confident raising concerns. hXn[7>hKw 051@. Y2$gWMv4y9p339*bN:TY*i|&&NQI{44"tQJX'A!1X4xqaYeqLZDF;$Rbw9>&8r>AxDQyo?7_&9k.bU|x5^!|3e9]/T"#`ep5{GGFPZBs2Gz)|2tDtx;L c->/$6p{peAq0^)o Well-formulated policies and procedures give essential, clear information to staff and parents on your provisions aims and the steps you take to put these into action. You're probably well aware that the EYFS is a very detailed document, and when it comes to safeguarding and welfare, there is lots to take in. There are many courses on safeguarding. adequacy, as the themes were based on relatively limited data. Getting the views of residents will ensure that their needs are understood and that subsequent care can be person-centred and outcomes-focused. And it was unclear whether the data related specifically to safeguarding. In many care homes, managers already do all of this. This may have cost implications, but access to support is a statutory right under the Care Act 2014 and is part of the Making Safeguarding Personal framework. This was mostly due to issues with: the study methods, such as the processes used to analyse the data, the relevance of the data, as it was not clear whether data was specific to safeguarding (rather than more general quality of care) or whether data had been generated in care settings other than care homes. Cancer Research UK is the largest volunteer-supported cancer research organisation in the world. As a result, the committee agreed that it is important to emphasise that training should not be a one-off event. the adequacy of the data, because some of the included studies provided limited data. Inclusion is key to effective practice in the EYFS, which places such emphasis on the individual child. Providers must take all reasonable steps to keep children safe and well. Qualitative evidence suggested that recording actions or preventative measures and sharing these with colleagues can help staff to safeguard residents more effectively. The evidence suggested that some people felt excluded from important safeguarding meetings. The safeguarding and welfare requirements are designed to ensure that childcare providers promote the welfare of children and keep them safe and well. There were also methodological concerns regarding some of the studies, for example in relation to recruitment strategies and data analysis processes. The committee supported this evidence with their own expertise. The recommendations should lead to greater consistency. There were uncertainties around the methods used to develop much of this guidance. Enable's services include legal advice and direct care services for children and adults with learning disabilities.ENABLE IRELANDEnable Ireland's services cover all aspects of a child's physical, educational and social development from early infancy. The government says the changes will improve outcomes for all children, but particularly the language and literacy outcomes for disadvantaged children and reduce teacher workload. Youre probably well aware that the EYFS is a very detailed document, and when it comes to safeguarding and welfare, there is lots to take in.

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