jason eric massey last words

The question of him being a danger did not arise. [4] He shot King twice in the head. I know you guys want to know where the rest of her remains are. Did the State therefore REALLY think he was that dangerous? Summary: The jury took just three hours to convict Massey after hearing testimony from a former friend of Massey, 18-year-old Chris Nowlin, who told the court that Massey had said he wanted to have sex with Benjamin, then kill her and mutilate her. [3], A former teacher and classmate of Massey also testified about his disturbing behavior. King got out of bed and went to the front door. PROCEDURAL TIME-LINE Jason Eric. March 6, 1998 - Massey filed a petition for habeas corpus relief in federal district court. He continued to kill dogs and was soon he was back on drugs. When he got up the next morning, King found that Brian and his 13-year old stepdaughter, Christina, were not in the house. Had he accepted the Plea Bargain the DP would not have been imposed. God will let them know. His heroes had done so, too. ignore customs seizure letter. Now that there is nothing they can do to change their fate, the prisoners are allowed small freedoms: to choose their last meals, to say a few words. EXPERT WITNESSES: The Prosecutions Evidence Technician was a man with a record of mental illness, alcohol and drug abuse. There also was evidence of sexual mutilation. ", Evidence showed Massey knew King and Benjamin, whom he flirted with, and arranged to pick her up in his car if she would sneak out of her house the early morning hours of July 27, 1993. Bones to talk with.". In fact, he'd not only become a serial killer and achieve some of that glory, but he'd become America's most notorious serial killer. A subsequent investigation revealed that Massey's cousin owned a .22 caliber pistol that he stored at his grandmother's house before leaving on a trip. The next year, when he shot Christina in the back, he told someone that he saw three angels leave her body. King woke his common-law wife, Donna Benjamin, and although worried, they decided to wait to see if they would return home. DNA testing revealed a genetic match between Christina's blood and the blood found on the car seat, duct tape and hammer. "I can't imagine what I've taken from you," he said looking at relatives of Christina Benjamin, 13, and her stepbrother, James King, 14. On August 3 20 year old Jason Massey was arrested and charged with the killings. James King, whose son and stepdaughter were killed by Massey, said he was glad authorities nabbed Massey when they did and that would-be serial killer didn't have the chance to act more on his fantasies. APPEALS: in 1995 the case went to Appeal on 24 counts of trial error. I hope you find comfort in my execution. When the authorities began searching for the victim's missing body parts they discovered the body of a young boy, identified as Brian King. Massey stalked a young woman, and revered killers like Ted Bundy, Charles Manson, and Henry Lee Lucas. ignore customs seizure letter. WebThe evil world of Jason Eric Massey.Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jason_MasseyFort Worth Star-Telegram Hair strands in barbed wire. March 27, 2000 - The district court denied the motion. His last words, on June 22 2000, ended with: "Keep marching, black people. ", Crime Rape and murder of an 84-year-old woman, Last statement "I would like to give love to my mother, sisters and brothers and let them know that I am thinking of them right now and I want to thank God for giving me such a loving family. Let everybody know I love them [ ] and love is unconditional, as Mama has always told us. He also told a friend in explicit language what he would like to do the girl. 245th murderer executed in Texas since 1976. But I guess it only hurts for a little while. Rape, strangling and drowning of a 28-year-old woman. He talked about the contents of Massey's journal, and said the most concerning part of it was when the writing shifted from fantasy to reality. Due to the extensive nature of her injuries and several days of decomposition in the intense summer heat, initial identification was impossible. By his teens, he was a juvenile delinquent with a lengthy criminal record, mostly for torturing animals and stalking. Children who grow up without stability, as the published accounts say he did, have difficulty forming emotional attachments to their caretakers. [5] On July 29, both their bodies were found in a field near Telico by a road worker. Massey bragged and kept a diary about wanting to be a famous serial killer, fantasizing to others that he wanted to decapitate a girl and have sex in her neck. Not only did she create a transient and unpredictable environment, she added to it with neglect, starvation and punishment. I love you, Gabby." Thoughts like that were powerfully erotic to a lonely, disturbed boy who had few social skills. Police learned that Jason Massey, then 20, had been seen carrying a pistol by several people recently. After a search of Massey's car, the console, steering wheel, step to the car, and spots in the passenger seat tested positive for blood, as did a knife in the glove box and items in the trunk, including duct tape, tissue paper, electrical tape, a wrench, a screwdriver, a denim shirt, the head of a hammer, and a jacket. Read the blog below, which Massey crafted to help commemorate the second anniversary of the announcement of Arizona Public Services Clean Energy Commitment. Looking outside, he saw his 14-year old son, Brian, approach the car on foot and talk to the people in the car. Thank you all for being here. Next, he expressed love to individual members of his family and apologized to them "for all of the pain that I have caused." Massey had decided he was going to become the worst serial killer that Texas had ever seen. An arrest warrant was issued; when placed under arrest, Massey smiled. Nowlin convinced Massey to drive over to see Christina, a friend of Nowlin's. It was just something I did to make a living. 23rd murderer executed in U.S. in 2001 There isn't much time to dwell on rights and wrongs and regrets. Both were released without charge. His heroes had done so, too. Also inside the cooler were the heads of 31 dogs and cats, said Strange, noting that Massey kept statistics on how many people he would have to kill each month to reach 1,000. Officials impounded Massey's 1982 Subaru. Massey v. State, 933 SW2d 141 (Tex. His journals became increasingly violent and set goals for vast numbers of killings. [Remaining portion of statement omitted due to profanity.]. There is guilt. See Photos. He was over ruled and the objection not recorded. I am sorry for that. No one walks away victorious.". Citations: Episodes being played now. [10], Massey's crime was documented on an episode of the TV series Forensic Files called "Pure Evil". [3], A witness testified that while he was walking in the woods, he had found a cooler containing animal bones, primarily skulls and jawbones. "I think he did it because it was pleasurable to him." Thereafter, the Court of Criminal Appeals adopted the trial court's findings of fact and conclusions of law and ordered that Massey's request for state habeas relief be denied.). The State also proffered testimony from Dr. Clay Griffith, a forensic psychiatrist, who having read portions of Massey's journals, letters, the recorded observations of Dr. Dekleva and the autopsy reports for the present victims, concluded that Massey would be a future danger to society and that he could not be rehabilitated. Feeling angry and afraid, he developed violent fantasies, and his image of women was formed by an ill-tempered mother who was anything but nurturing. January 10, 2000 - The U.S. Magistrate recommended relief be denied. During that time, the date of execution was phoned to the prison while they were in the courthouse building. Another witness testified that while on a walk in the woods, he came across a cooler containing animal skulls and numerous journals labeled "the thoughts of Jason Massey." There were also journals labeled "Slayer's Book of Death," volumes 1-4. The State also proffered testimony from Dr. Clay Griffith, a forensic psychiatrist, who having read portions of Massey's journals, letters, the recorded observations of Dr. Dekleva and the autopsy reports for the present victims, concluded that Massey would be a future danger to society and that he could not be rehabilitated. Above, Jason holding his cousin Arthur Steal me and my family's money. Race is an unignorable factor, but though the general perception is that death row is populated largely by black men, 49% of those executed since 1976 have been white, 36% black, and 15% Hispanic; much more striking is the lack of opportunity, the generally low level of education: few went further than high school. While this kind of parenting and childhood experience would not necessarily cause someone to look to serial killers as the source of power, it apparently had some influence on Jason's selection of what gave his life meaning. Final Meal: Investigators discovered a long list of potential victims and his diaries were filled with fantasies of rape, torture, and cannibalism of female victims. Date of Execution Execution Report: Jason Massey. They are at once public and very private. Late in July, the owner of a local car wash observed Massey pull in about 11:30 p.m. in a tan-colored Subaru. The boy's fully clothed body was found 100 yards away in a creek with no visible wounds, Gothard said. However when Jason's family tried to gain access to his transcript the were continually rebuffed by various delaying tactics, from weak excuses and blatant lies, to the transcripts not being ready when arranged and being kept waiting in the court house. King got out of bed and went to the front door. In closing, he said, "Tonight I dance on the streets of gold. September 13, 2000 - The Fifth Circuit denied COA. Texas Attorney General "It's almost a miracle we caught him as quickly in his career as we did," he added. The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals affirmed his conviction. May 26, 2000 - Massey filed a motion for COA in the Fifth Circuit. This is inaccurate. I am at peace. When the car passed by again, he looked out his window and observed a tan car turn off its headlights and park in front of his house. I am glad I am leaving this world. Marijuana, a Persian cat with a rope around its neck, a three-prong knife and diary that listed names with check marks next to them were found in his car. James King, whose son and stepdaughter were killed by Massey, said he was glad authorities nabbed Massey when they did and that would-be serial killer didn't have the chance to act more on his fantasies. It's a shame he started with kids." Questions also arise over other witnesses. They ask partners to care for soon-to-be fatherless children. There were at least four volumes of the journal, discovered by a hunter who found them inside a cooler hidden in bushes in a rural area. FACTS OF THE CRIME Massey had decided he was going to become the worst serial killer that Texas had ever seen. Bill Cox begins Born Bad with a quote from Jason Massey's journals that appropriately shows the workings of his mind: "My life: It's been about chasing girls, finding the one to rape and kill. Looking outside, he saw his 14-year old son, Brian, approach the car on foot and talk to the people in the car. Some exit defiant, squaring up to the victims' relatives. Webjason eric massey last words. On that occasion, a dead cat was found in his car. "I didn't pay much attention to him because he was always talking about killing girls," Nowlin testified. Rather, it is a failure of character rooted in human passion. A jury found him guilty and sentenced him to death. He added, "I know you guys want to know where the rest of her remains are. Ellis County sheriff's Lt. Royce Gothard said the girl's naked body was in the brush beside a gravel road. 1996). Jason Eric Massey W / M / 20 - 28 The Walmart sales clerk, who sold bullets for a .22 caliber gun, two knives, and handcuffs to Massey, picked him out of a line-up after his arrest. She was a friend of mine and I betrayed her trust. I now see the books were called The Slayers Book of Death. My previous searches only turned up episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and some book, unrelated. Dekleva testified that there were no successful treatments for someone like Massey, that such individuals pose a lasting threat to society and are at an extraordinarily high risk of killing again and again.

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