kotor taris: planetary information quest

[Save Teleport](5dagb) to the Galaxy Map Taris -> Dantooine -> Kashyyyk -> Tatooine 1 -> (Manaan 1 -> Tatooine 2 -> Manaan 2) -> Leviathan -> Korriban -> Unknown Planet -> Star Forge The planets in parentheses are traveled between using Hotshots ; Tatooine 2 includes several cleanup Hotshots , which start on Tatooine and warp to Manaan, Kashyyyk, Tatooine, and Manaan again in quick . - We have to be careful here to not warp our party to the Czerka office [Open Buffer](t5kyf#ch5Open_Buffers) to skip Trask - Disable V-Sync and use an Alacrity on MC **Redeeming Juhani:** [Save Teleport](5dagb) to the main gate Transit Back to Valley of the Dark Lords [Section=Early Duel Ring] Run Canderous to the edge of the first ramp down As you cancel the menus, the elevator convo should trigger; use it to go to Upper Shadowlands: 1 - This will Duration Glitch Master Speed so that it lasts the entirety of Dantooine - Finishes "The Way of the Sith" - Do Carth #1 when prompted If you tell her that youll take care of it you will gain light side points. - This skips Bastila's first phase - The Way of the Sith - Light This will be a tough fight as Kandon is more than a match even for Zaalbar in melee fighting. - While this line plays, click to skip it then immediately start buffering **Jedi Enclave:** Go visit Gadon again and let him know you have the accelerator. - Repair the Ebon Hawk and locate the Star Forge The lowest levels of Taris are overrun by terrible monsters called rakghouls. - Deactivate V-Sync and activate Solo Mode - All necessary Hard Saves are noted in **bold**, along with the slot to save in. Swap to Carth and activate [AMG](d4jq8) via QS - Deal with Tanis in the Dune Sea They're listed here in order of speed. - Move Jolee forward using Flourish Weapon [Save Teleports](5dagb) whenever MC is running to a door Kill Lashowe and loot her for the holocron Activate [AMG](d4jq8) via QS, then open the door and [AMG Skip](d4jq8#ch4Control_During_Cutscenes) the convo via [Force Skip](8fp02) Add Bastila to the party before entering the Cantina ago. - When the announcer CS starts, cancel the pop-up and immediately QS to advance one line of dialog Bastila accosts you Perform [Swoop Skip](iarwc#ch8Swoop_Skips) three times Hell tell you that he has a plan to get off the planet but he needs the Sith Launch Codes to get away without being blown up by the Sith. Good luck!- Use your ten +/- cards as your sidedeck- Finishes "Pazaak Rules"Manual Save in New Slot (Slot 6)Swap to Bastila and leave cantinaRemove Bastila from partySave Teleport to the Droid ShopTalk to Luka Yaka: 1,1,1,1,1,3,3,1- We threaten him to ensure a 2500 credit price- Finishes "Droid for Sale"Talk to HK-47, meatbags: 2,1- Leave the party empty when promptedExit Droid Shop and talk to Iziz: 1x6, 3- Begins "Fair Trade"Manual Save in Slot 4Talk to Gate Guard to exit to Dune Sea, The Dune Sea:Soft Buffer to skip angry wife convoTalk to Tanis after he accosts you: 1,1,3,1,1- Finishes "Tanis Trapped"Loot talking rubble in swoop crash area to trigger Gamorrean ambush: 4,1- Finishes "A Desert Ambush"RtEH and Transit Back to create a transit point- We will use this for Transit Point Storage laterSave Teleport to skip trigger and enter the Eastern Dune Sea- Suggested Memory Reset #3 on the AutosaveSoft Buffer from entrance to Komad- This is essentially a long string of Save Teleports, but we could hit some convo triggers- End the buffer by casting Master SpeedTalk to and kill Komad Fortuna: 1,2,1,1,2,3,1,2- Killing Komad now skips two convos with him laterSave Teleport to banthas- You could hit a trigger on the way out here, so if the fade-in stops happening turn this into a Soft BufferActivate AMG via QS, then talk to the banthas and AMG Skip their CS via Force SkipActivate AMG via QS and talk to the banthas again- Watch the CS until the Krayt Dragon begins to emerge from the cave- Use CS Movement via flourish weapon hotkey to end the CS right next to the tail- Finishes "A Desert Hunt"When the CS ends, loot the Krayt Dragon for two pearlsLoot the chewed Twi'lek corpse on the right side of the cave for Nerve Amplifier BeltLoot the tattered equipment pack in the back left for Bastila's father's holocronActivate AMG via QS, then click the Star Map and AMG Skip their CS via Force Skip- Finishes "Star Map: Tatooine", The Ebon Hawk:Fast Lane via Slot 6 (last slot) to Return to the Ebon HawkSave Teleport into Anchorhead and past the Czerka Office until Senni Vek accosts you: 4- You may need to skip over Manaa Demknot's convo again if you Save Teleported to skip it earlier- Begins "GenoHaradan"Save Teleport forward once into a small dead end, then RtEH- This helps position us for a Coordinate Warp laterBoard the Ebon Hawk- You may want to cast Master Speed to make your Save Teleports more manageable hereRun forward until Zaalbar accosts you- Begins "Dwindling Supplies"Upgrade your lightsaber with the Krayt Dragon Pearl (keep Sigil)Check the supplies in the cargo holdTalk to Jolee three times: spam | spam | 1,1,3- After the first convo, Auto-Level to enable the second convo- After the second convo, QS/QL to enable the third convo- Finishes "Jolee Bindo"Hear the three sets of footsteps, then return to the hold to evict Sasha: 3,3,1,1- Finishes "Strange Stowaway"- Finishes "Dwindling Supplies"Save Teleport to the cockpit and do Carth #6, #7, and #8- QS/QL between each conversation to advance to the next- Finishes "Carth"Fly to Manaan with a Map CS Skip to RtEHActivate AMG on the load to QS Hotshot back to Ebon HawkFly to Manaan again with a Map CS Skip- Add Carth to the party before you RtEH, GenoHaradan:Soft Buffer to skip Sith/Republic soldier CS through second doorSave Teleport down hall until Jordo accosts Carth- Begins "Finding Dustil"Remove Carth from partyTalk to Nubassa: 3,2,1- Finishes "The Trouble with Gizka"Manual Save in New Slot (Slot 7)Enter West CentralTalk to Port AuthorityRtEH and Transit Back next to the fountain through the Ahto City door- We'll use this transit point to return here laterEnter East CentralManual Save in Slot 2Soft Buffer or spam the Sith/Republic soldier CSTalk to Hulas- Begins "GenoHaradan: Lorgal"- Begins "GenoHaradan: Zuulan"Talk to Roland Wann: 3, 1spam- Finishes "Republic Embassy"- Begins "Star Map: Manaan"- Begins "Mission for the Republic"Activate AMG via QS, then hack computer terminal to kill Lorgal- Use CS Movement with Flourish Weapon Save Teleports to move back towards Hulas during the CSTalk to Hulas: 1x8, 2- Finishes "GenoHaradan: Lorgal"- Begins "GenoHaradan: Vorn"- Begins "GenoHaradan: Rulan"- Begins "GenoHaradan: Ithorak"Add Juhani and Jolee to partyEnter Ahto East with a party member- We prefer the MC to be as close to Hulas as possible, Sidequesting:Soft Buffer to skip the rude Sith toll ladyTalk to Vek inside the swoop areaTalk to Queedle: 1x4,2 | QS/QL | 1,3Perform Swoop Skip three times- After each skip, press Escape once to clear the menu and IMMEDIATELY press Alt+F4 to activate AMG- After the swoop victory dance CS starts, AMG Skip it via Force SkipQS Hotshot to Manaan Docking Bay using Slot 7Transit Back to return to the West Central transit point- Suggested Memory Reset #4 on the AutosaveEnter Ahto WestManual Save in New Slot (Slot 8)Elora accosts Jolee- Begins "Sunry's Murder Trial"Activate Solo ModeAs MC, Soft Buffer (or spam) the diplomat squabble in courtTalk to Judge Shelkar: 2Swap to first party member and talk to Nilko Bwaas- Begins "Republic Hiring Mercenaries"Swap to second party member and talk to Selkath Prison guardSwap to MC and talk to Sunry: 1,4- Begins "Sunry's Story"Swap to party member in bar and have Shaelas accost you- Begins "Missing Selkath"Transit Back to Manaan Docking Bay, Reaching the Sith Base:Talk to Selkath Merchant: 3---------------------------------------------------------SHOPPING: Selkath MerchantBUY:- 5x Hyper Battle Stim- 5x Hyper Adrenal StrengthEnd: 2109 Credits---------------------------------------------------------Remove Jolee and Juhani from partySave Teleport down hall until Vek accosts youActivate AMG via QS and speak to droid: 1,1- When droid starts walking, use CS Movement to Save Teleport into the Sith Hangar- Before the CS ends, prepare a Fast Lane by activating AMG via QS - Use blind mouse movement to open the map, click Transit Back, and close the mapWhen the CS ends, use the shuttle to reach the Manaan Sith BaseManual Save in New Slot (Slot 9)- Do NOT use the keyboard for this or you'll break the transit pop-up!After the Manual Save, use the Fast Lane to RtEHQS, then load the Anchorhead save (Slot 4)Talk to the Gate Guard to get the Dune Sea AutosaveQL and activate AMG on the load to perform Transit Point Storage, Worthy of History:Use all stims except the five Hyper Strengths and Hyper Battle Stims- You'll at least have a basic Strength, but we want to clear out this menu so stims are quicker to use laterCast Master Speed and kill the nearest Sand People Warrior for his outfitEnter Sand People Territory} Equip the Sand People OutfitActivate AMG via QSSave Teleport to Vorn's Assault Droid and defeat it with a Force Jump- If you trigger a Sand People ambush, use the pop-up to AMG Skip it via Force Skip, then reactivate AMG via QSHack assault droid: 1,4,4- When your mouse disappears from the black screen after hacking, AMG Skip it via QS/QLAdd HK-47 and Mission to the partySwap to HK and Save Teleport to the Sand People EnclaveOpen the door to the enclave, then QS/QL- This clears an issue where the Sand People will always be hostile when you enterEnter the EnclaveActivate AMG via QS, then run forward to trigger the Sand People CS- Mash through the CS until the Chieftain starts talking, then AMG Skip it via Force SkipTalk to the Chieftain: 1x11, 3- Finishes "Worthy of History"Talk to Griff and the imprisoned Jawa, Warping Segment:Hard Save Hotshot to Anchorhead using Slot 4- This needs to be a Hard Save Hotshot so that HK and Mission spawn at the exit to the Dune SeaActivate Solo Mode and use HK-47 to talk to Iziz- This swaps HK's position with MC's- Finishes "Fair Trade"Put HK in this specific locationManual Save in Slot 1Swap to Mission and talk to the Gate Guard to enter the Dune SeaQS, then load the Anchorhead save in Slot 1AMG on the load to Coordinate Warp to Dune Sea via QS Hotshot- This puts HK-47 in the right place for the next Coordinate WarpSave Teleport to position Mission in this spotCoordinate Warp to Manaan Sith Base via QS Hotshot using Slot 9- If Mission spawns near MC, she wasn't in the right spot. DLZ - [Displaced Load Zone](f0aia) If it finishes at the same time it begins, it is only noted as "Finished". Vs. Twitch: If the Fighter Skirmish does not trigger, retry: - *Suggested Memory Reset #8 on the Autosave entering Temple Exterior* - Finish Canderous's backstory - Finishes five bounty quests: Dia, Largo, Selven, Bendak, and Matrik Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu on TatooineBuy: Bantha Fodder (5829 Credits left), 8. Kill the two Torture Droids and then press the Cage Release to let the man free. Some of the Sith will throw grenades so be careful. - Finishes "Invited to a Party" Talk to Warleader Garn: 1,1,3 Most saves will be in new slots, particularly after Kashyyyk. Talk to Nilko Bwaas: 2,1spam **Upper City:** Fly to Manaan again with a [Map CS Skip](rb685) Sith Soldier accosts you Swap to MC and loot Largo for Energy Projector If youre nice to Zelka and he trusts you hell show you the back room where hes trying to heal some injured Republic soldiers. Enter the Lower City with Carth - Mash the conversation until the outcasts begin walking out of the gate - Master Valor FLU - Swap to a party member and [GP Warp](77xef#ch3AMG_GP_Warps) the MC to the Temple Summit [QS Hotshot](iarwc#ch3Quick_Save_Hotshots) to the Ebon Hawk using Slot 2 When you look through a camera the room will be added to your map. Use the Security Panel and Insert the Pass Card to disable the security lasers. - Move Jolee to the same spot as before, then trigger the [GP Warp](77xef#AMG_GP_Warps) - Begins "Escaping Taris" Activate [AMG](d4jq8) via QS, then swap to Juhani and move towards the door to trigger the Star Map CS - This helps position us for a [Coordinate Warp](iarwc#ch6Coordinate_Warping) later Head: Breath Mask - Bought from Crattis Yurkal, Dantooine- Gives us Immunity: Poison, which is protection against the Force powers Slow, Affliction and Plague. - Begins "Gluupor, the Rodian" Theres only two residents that have anything to say. -------------------*** Finish moving Juhani and wait for the Journal Icon to pop-up in the top left - As before, move behind Gerlon during the cutscene The information about the "promised land" is later confirmed by Bioware in their Old Republic MMO. 8 Int Help them find off the Rakghouls and they will leave. - If you go past the trigger, run backwards until the CS starts - Finishes "The Duel Ring" - Tell Lurze Kesh you won't help him **Manual Save in New Slot (Slot 14)** **2. - If you trigger it, press 5 to exit the convo - Invited to a Party Talk to Hulas: 1x8, 2 Swap to Carth and apply Adrenal Alacrity The Leviathan** Swap to party member in bar and have Shaelas accost you - Finishes "Strange Stowaway" This page was last edited on 16 April 2018, at 20:42. Directed by James Mangold, the movie also stars Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Antonio Banderas, John Rhys-Davies, Shaunette Renee Wilson, Thomas Kretschmann, Toby Jones, Boyd Holbrook, Oliver Richters . Activate Solo Mode Add Juhani and exit to the Great Walkway Add Bastila to party, Return to Hideout, and Transit Back Swap to Mission and [GP Warp](77xef#ch3AMG_GP_Warps) to move MC to the exit Activate Solo Mode and click on door to right with MC Make sure you bring along some medpacs before you begin the tougher fights. **Dreshdae:** Talk to the Chieftain: 1x11, 3 - Note that the previous duels have temporarily disabled your Plot Armor; you can die here! When you take an interest in the encounter they will tell you to go away. - Sell Gizka to Nubassa They will use blasters so make sure all of your characters turn on their Energy Shields. *Buy*: Bantha Fodder (5829 Credits left) - Kill the Vulkar Guard behind the first door [Fast Lane](imbom) using Slot 1 to RtEH - Finishes "Mission for the Republic" Defeat Yuthura and spare her: 3,2 In the room to the west youll have to face three Sith and a Technician. - Finishes "The Code of the Sith" - *Suggested Memory Reset #7 during the [Hotshot](iarwc)* Taris is a sharply divided world. Use Mission to disable any mines that you come across. Return to the Hideout and Transit Back to set the transit point Manaan 2- Turn in Ithorak's bounty to Hulas- Investigate Sunry's case and find the secret recording- Turn in the Data Module and take the Submersible- Locate the Star Map underwater- Tell Shaelas about his daughter- Tell Nilko Bwaas about the mercenaries- Show the recording at Sunry's trial9. There are some junkpile droids that you can reactivate and I guess have them patrol the area for you. **Manual Save in Slot 4** - *We'll use [Save Teleports](5dagb) for movement for the rest of Taris. Swap to MC and QS/QL to fix following AI Youll get two medpacs and a few extra credits. **Reaching the Sith Base:** **Anchorhead:** [Soft Buffer](t5kyf#ch4Soft_Buffers) to skip the kath hound CS Taris is the first real location in Knights of the Old Republic that you'll be able to explore. - Vibration Cell Watch the full trailer now for The Flash. - 5x Hyper Adrenal Strength - Finishes "Rapid Transit System" - QS in South Apartments, then load Slot 3 **Lower Sewers:** Immediately after Sherruk dies, [QS Hotshot](iarwc#ch3Quick_Save_Hotshots) to Jedi Enclave using Slot 2 Activate Solo Mode } Unequip and Re-equip Sith Armor, then Transit Back Zax the Huts Bounty Office is in one of the rooms of the Cantina. - Skip the prison break segment via a Coordinate Warp - Finishes "The Promised Land" - You can use medpacs if necessary; Marl can also stun or one-shot you, so this fight is slightly risky Talk to Bendak Starkiller - When it starts, [AMG Skip](d4jq8#ch4Control_During_Cutscenes) the Bastila CS via [Force Skip](8fp02) [Save Teleport](5dagb) to skip trigger and enter the Eastern Dune Sea - Leave the pop-up active and QL **4. Swap to Bastila and exit the office "- While this line plays, click to skip it then immediately start buffering- Finishes "The Jedi Council"- Suggested Memory Reset #2 after loading at the end of the Hard BufferSwap to Canderous and talk to Master ZharSwap to MC and talk to Master Zhar again: 1,1,6,3,2,6,4Swap to Canderous and talk to Master Dorak to become a Jedi Guardian> Level 3: Save Skills, Medium Armor Proficiency, Force Valor and Affect MindMaster Speed FLUSwap to Canderous and talk to Master Zhar- Begins "Jedi Trials"Swap to MC and use Workbench to fully upgrade Sanasiki's Blade} Equip to MC: Sanasiki's Blade mainhand, Lightsaber offhand, Adrenaline Amplifier, Breath Mask, Strength GauntletsTalk to Master Zhar with MCManual Save in Slot 2} Use Adrenal Strength on MCActivate Solo Mode and Disable V-SyncSwap to Canderous and perform Enclave DLZ- Set up Canderous so he's close to the DLZ point and you're fairly confident he will DLZ- Swap to MC, cast Master Speed (and Force Valor if you wish), then swap back to Canderous and finish the DLZ- This will Duration Glitch Master Speed so that it lasts the entirety of Dantooine, Redeeming Juhani:Remove Canderous from the party and enable V-SyncJon accosts you- Begins "Mandalorian Raiders"Talk to Elise- Begins "Missing Companion"Soft Buffer to skip the kath hound CS- If you didn't duration glitch Force Valor before, finish this buffer by actually casting Force ValorEnter Matale Grounds via the nearby entranceOpen Buffer to the first Mandalorian to get right behind himAfter the CS, kill the Mandalorian via Sneak AttackEnter the Grove behind youRun/Force Jump through the Grove to enter Sandral GroundsManual Save in Slot 3Reenter the GroveBolook accosts you: 2,2,2- Finishes "Murdered Settler"Kill the Mandalorian to the left via Force Jump- You do not need to kill the Duros or the Mandalorian on the rightSoft Buffer to skip the Juhani fightTalk to Juhani to redeem herQS Hotshot to Jedi Enclave using Slot 2Talk to Master Zhar- Finishes "Jedi Trials"- Rebegins "The Jedi Council"Talk to Master Vandar- Leave party as is when prompted- Finishes "The Jedi Council"- Begins "Investigate Ruins"- Begins "Sandral-Matale Feud"Remove Bastila from partyActivate AMG via a Manual Save (Slot 1) to QS Hotshot back to the Grove, Dantooine Ruins:Run/Force Jump to Matale GroundsForce Jump to the three Kath Hounds and loot Casus Sandral's corpse- Begins "Dead Settler"Run/Force Jump through Courtyard to Ruins- Hug the right wall when approaching the Ruins to skip a cutsceneAdd Mission and keep Bastila when prompted inside the ruinsActivate Solo ModeSoft Buffer to skip the droid conversationLoot Nemo's corpse for Sigil CrystalSwap to Mission and click on the exitSwap to Bastila and activate AMG via QSDisable V-Sync and perform the Star Map DLZ- When the Star Map CS starts, cancel the pop-up and skip CS via Force Skip (or QS/QL)- Finishes "Investigate Ruins"Enable V-Sync and activate AMG via QSSwap to Mission and GP Warp to move MC to the exitTalk to Mission three times: 1 | 1,1,4,1 | 1x13,2Manual Save in Slot 4QS Hotshot to Sandral Grounds using Slot 3, Sidequest Cleanup:Deactivate Solo ModeTalk to droid outside Sandral Estate: 4Enter Sandral Estate and AMG on the loadAMG Skip Nurik's convo via Force Skip - First, mash Nurik's convo until he starts to walk away- Finishes "Dead Settler"Go through the main door and bash down the one on the leftTalk to Shen: 1,1,2,3Activate Solo Mode, then activate AMG via QSGo through both doors at end of hall to leftGo in first door on left to have Rahasia accost youAMG Skip Rahasia's convo via Force Skip- Mash until she starts to run awaySwap to Bastila and activate AMG via QSTalk to Shen to leave: 1AMG Skip Rahasia's convo via Force Skip- Mash until Shen says his last line, "Thank you, we will remember you always. - Begins "Bastila" Timing ends when the mouse disappears on the black screen after the load Add Canderous to party once you're in Dreshdae - New Lehon Temple route - Defeat Ice via Critical Strike [Save Teleport](5dagb) to Manaan Star Map True; the others are 2. [Save Teleport](5dagb) to the Tomb of Marka Ragnos - Begins "Captured by the Leviathan" Exit Javyar's Cantina and disable V-Sync - Find the Star Map in the Lower Shadowlands Swap to MC and QS/QL next to Selven to skip the CS Use the elevator controls to reach the Hangar: 3 - The Trouble with Gizka Talk to Dia in one of the apartments. *Keep*: All Computer Spikes, 13 parts, 1 Strength Gauntlets, 1 Adrenaline Amplifier, All Stims, 1 Energy Projector, 1 Durasteel Bonding Alloy, 1 Vibration Cell If you want to gain light side points say that youll help him out and give him 100 credits to pay Davik back. Hell run at you from the get-go and do some major melee damage. **Leaving Lehon:** Youll start in an apartment in the Upper City. - Begins "The Jedi Council" - This is better than a vibroblade on Taris, and we use its purchase from Larrim to trigger the Credit Underflow glitch so we can buy sufficient stims for the Duel Ring. Our attributes are chosen here for two reasons: 18 Strength is to maximize our damage and melee weapons for maximum damage. **Gloves: Strength Gauntlets** - Found on Taris, Sith Governor's corpse Position MC on left side of mouth of passage to back of cave - Finishes "Threat from Xor" - Talk to Bastila again to stay true to the Light Talk with him and pay him 200 credits to have the bounty removed. Activate [AMG](d4jq8) on the load to [QS Hotshot](iarwc#ch3Quick_Save_Hotshots) back to Ebon Hawk To get to the Vulkars base youll need to find a hidden entrance through the sewers in the Under City. Swap to Juhani and activate [AMG](d4jq8) via QS - The reward for killing Ithorak, +4 Strength is only bested by the Dominator Gauntlets, which cost way too much for the marginal upgrade. Add Canderous and Juhani to party Talk to Roland Wann: 3, 1spam Swap to Carth and run to the entrance of the second apartment on the left - After the first two skips, clear menus and activate [AMG](d4jq8) via QS, then talk to Motta: 2,1 - The Sith Armor overwrites the Scuba Suit, allowing full movement underwater Remove Mission from the party - Can reset after the QS in East Central, then load Slot 13 to finish the [Hotshot](iarwc) Mission will say that she knows how to open it. Activate [AMG](d4jq8) on the load screen for Davik's Estate skip: 1. - This hits the flag that tells the game Dantooine is destroyed, part of Zuulan skip - Finishes "Rakatan Research" [Coordinate Warp](iarwc#ch6Coordinate_Warping) to Vulkar Garage via [QS Hotshot](iarwc#ch3Quick_Save_Hotshots) using Slot 1 Talk to Zelka: 1,1,1,3 Swap to Canderous and talk to Master Dorak to become a Jedi Guardian - If he asks "It is our passion that fuels the Force" choose 1. Remove Jolee and Juhani from party Once youre ready go to the Cantina and speak with Canderous. The Premium Merchant quest is only available after the Leviathan.- Kashyyyk could be done in one visit if done after Manaan 1; however, skipping Rulan lets us reach the Lower Shadowlands more quickly, and there is a convenient Coordinate Warp to go back for Rulan from the Manaan Sith Base.- Tatooine could be done in one visit if done after Manaan 1; however, it is faster to visit Senni Vek on Tatooine, even though we do Kashyyyk first. Command Center [Coordinate Warp](iarwc#ch6Coordinate_Warping): --------------------------------------------------------- Zelka Forn on TarisBuy: 6x Adrenal Alacrity, 7x Adrenal Strength (-836 Credits left), 3. } Reapply Hyper Strength and Hyper Battle Stim **Manual Save in New Slot (Slot 8)** [section=Kashyyyk] Persuade is our main skill and what we will be dumping points into during the Fake Level Ups (or FLUs) later on in the run, so that we can take some conversational shortcuts. - Kill the Vulkar Guard behind the first door Kill the rakghoul attacking Hendar - Swap to Carth, enter the Sewers, and activate [AMG](d4jq8) on the load CS - Cutscene - *Suggested Memory Reset #2 after loading at the end of the [Hard Buffer](t5kyf#ch3Hard_Buffers)* - This [Coordinate Warps](iarwc#ch6Coordinate_Warping) back to Leviathan Bridge via an abbreviated [QS Hotshot](iarwc#ch3Quick_Save_Hotshots) - Rakatan Research The DLZ version is only 3 seconds slower than Strat 1, but you still have to do a DLZ. - Solve the puzzle with an H path and talk to the computer: 1,1,1,6 - The QL should happen when Bastila says the line starting with "I suppose I'm taking the news" - Murdered Settler [Save Teleport](5dagb) to board the Ebon Hawk - Finishes "The Double-Double Cross" [GP Warp](77xef#ch4Buffered_GP_Warps) to move Carth to the exit **GenoHaradan:** Activate [AMG](d4jq8) via QS, then talk to Race Coordinator to start race Complete the swoop race with the pop-up still up Talk to Chuundar again: 1,1,2,1,1 Talk to Researcher Ll'awa: 3 **Manual Save in Slot 1** She will agree to show you into the Vulkar base if you help her find her friend. Avoiding the to-hit penalty of Flurry is important in this context.- Our Force Powers are fairly straightforward; Affect Mind is actually skippable, but it does have minor benefits and selecting it keeps our Force Power menus as clean as possible.- 14 Persuade, 10 Charisma, and Master Valor are enough to guarantee all Persuade checks for the entire run, since we max out at level 10. You can buy and sell basic supplies from him. - Sunry's Murder Trial Activate the computer console in the east room first. In one of the rooms will be the Gargage Heads Desk with some Pazaak cards, upgrades and the Garage Head Key Card. He should barely get a shot off at you. - Begins "GenoHaradan: Lorgal" - Begins "GenoHaradan: Rulan" Initial Feat - Weapon Focus: Melee Weapons. - Activate [AMG](d4jq8) via QS and talk to Ajuur twice to start the duel Take out the two droids and the Sith. - Finishes "Honest Debt" //--> - Activate [AMG](d4jq8) on or immediately after the load - Press Alt-F4 and cancel the pop-up to regain control if this happens - If he equips his melee weapons, you lose the +10 attack bonus from Melee vs. - Changed Kashyyyk to side with Freyyr instead of Chuundar Imperator_Knoedel 9 mo. The man you saved will tell you he was stealing uniforms to give to Gadon in the Lower City. Theres an advanced medpac in the footlocker. It's the most useful belt we come across on Taris, which isn't saying much. - This is the best melee weapon we have early access to without venturing to Yavin. Explore all of the paths until you find a locked door with Zaalbar inside. *These strategies are the same except for how we reach the Catacombs. If Juhani and Jolee warped to MC, you'll have to run one of them back to the Ebon Hawk Kill the Mandalorian to the left via Force Jump - Swap to Jolee and run/[Save Teleport](5dagb) to the same point as before, then trigger [GP Warp](77xef#AMG_GP_Warps) Run towards Upper City North [Save Teleport](5dagb) through first two doors and take first door on left This can first be used to upgrade the Prototype Vibroblade from the Sith heavy trooper remains on the Starboard Section of the Endar Spire with the Vibration Cell from the Jedi remains on its Command Module. Security is used for a skip on Endar Spire, as well as opening Selven's apartment on Taris. Stock up on medpacs and throw in a few grenades to take down his health. The GenoHaradan sidequests are the main routing constraint in the midgame. - Finishes "Rakghoul Serum" Re-enter the Lower Sewers by the nearby entrance Activate Solo Mode to leave party near the Lower Sewers **Endar Spire:** - Our Force Powers are fairly straightforward; Affect Mind is actually skippable, but it does have minor benefits and selecting it keeps our Force Power menus as clean as possible. Kill the commander and his minion, then loot the commander - When the Star Map begins to open, [AMG Skip](d4jq8#ch4Control_During_Cutscenes) the CS via [Force Skip](8fp02) As Carth, run back to hall and click on exit door Use the elevator controls to [Auto Save Hotshot](iarwc#ch4Auto_Save_Hotshots) to the Command Deck This saves at most 5 seconds. To the south east corner near the locked sewer entrance is a body with the Rakghoul Serum. - Activate [AMG](d4jq8) on the load, then perform the [QS Hotshot](iarwc#ch3Quick_Save_Hotshots) Interact with the console, then after the dialog option [AMG Skip](d4jq8#ch4Control_During_Cutscenes) it via [Force Skip](8fp02) - Finishes "Investigate Ruins" As the force field fades, activate [AMG](d4jq8) via QS Swap to Bastila and leave cantina Can anyone tell me the people I need to talk to to get all the information I need? Over the course of the game you will experience many worlds and meet many people, and your behavior towards them will affect the course of the game. There are five panels. - Use [CS Movement](d4jq8#ch4Control_During_Cutscenes) to go through the cell door before it locks - Finishes "Star Map: Tatooine" Vs. Marl: aitch and arrdee are they brothers, kid kills himself on zoom video, 401k performance last 10 years graph,

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