maryland court case type abbreviations

Some jurisdictions may interpret some of the terms contained herein differently. Court Order -- A command or mandatory direction of a judge which is made during a case. Probable Cause -- Information given to a judicial officer that is sufficient in itself to warrant the issuance of a charging document. Reverse Waiver -- Procedure by which charges against a minor defendant are transferred from the circuit court to the juvenile court. The revenue collected by the clerks for these services is distributed to city, county, and state governments. Tort (Trans: twisted) -- An injury or damage to person/or property for which the person who caused the injury is legally responsible. Non probate property must be reported to the Register of Wills on the Information Report or Application to Fix Inheritance Tax on Non-Probate assets. Arrest -- To deprive a person of his liberty by legal authority. There are numerous codes (abbreviations) used by the clerks to identify events in a District Court case record. Habeas Corpus (Trans: you have the body) -- A writ which brings a person before a court. Interstate Detainer -- An arrest warrant issued on a charging document in another state and lodged with a correctional institution in Maryland in which the defendant is already detained to ensure continued detention of the defendant until delivered to the custody of the other state for prosecution on the pending charges. Ex Parte -- On one side only, by or for one party; done for, in behalf of, or on the application of, one party only. An order entered by a judge suspending or postponing a proceeding or execution of an action before the Court. Docket Number -- Case number; the designation assigned to each case filed in a particular court. Writ of Garnishment of Property -- An order of court commanding that a defendants assets be seized and the money paid to the plaintiff to satisfy a judgment. Extradition -- The surrender by one state to another of an individual accused or convicted of an offense outside its own territory and within the territorial jurisdiction of the other which, being competent to try and punish him, demands the surrender. Costs -- Fees and charges required by law to be paid to the court, the amount of which is fixed by statute or court rule. Abated by Death -- The disposition of a charge due to death of the defendant. Upon entry of a dismissal, except a dismissal without prejudice, the matter has effectively ended. (Compare Probation). Title 11. Although the FBI does publish a standard list, many abbreviations are the result of local court "ingenuity." This list of Incompetency -- Lack of capacity to understand the nature and object of the proceedings, to consult with counsel, and to assist in preparing a defense. Is there a specific reason you are asking? Battery -- The unlawful application of physical force to, or offensive touching of, another without the individuals consent. Prayer for a Jury Trial -- Request of a defendant in certain cases to be tried by a jury. The Clerk will not assign a case code for you. Typically defendants enter one of the following pleas: guilty, not guilty, or nolo contendere. Defendant -- The person against whom a suit is filed, or in a criminal action, who has been charged with a violation of the law or criminal wrong doing. Note: Marital Property does not include property acquired before the marriage; acquired by inheritance or gift from a third party; excluded by valid agreement; acquired during the period that the parties voluntarily lived separate and apart without cohabitation and without interruption; directly traceable to any of these sources. To further that cause, the Maryland Judiciary has implemented CAPTCHA technology to confirm users are not robots or other automated systems in order to access and use CaseSearch. Below is the list of Standard Docket Text Abbreviations adopted by this court, as well as a list of abbreviation codes for U.S. Government Agencies. Landlords Complaint for failure to pay rent -- An action for the recovery of possession of real property. Quash -- To set aside or to make void; with respect to process, such as a summons or subpoena, to void on motion of the person served. Accommodations - Assistance with special needs and interpreters. Judgments. Immunity from Prosecution -- Protection from prosecution in exchange for testimony that might not otherwise by forthcoming. Alford Plea -- A special type of guilty plea by which the defendant does not admit guilt but concedes that the State has sufficient evidence to convict; normally made to avoid the threat of greater punishment. (Also known as Examination in Aid of Enforcement of Judgment; formally known as Supplementary Proceeding in aid of enforcement of judgment.). Ex Parte -- On one side only, by or for one party; done for, in behalf of, or on the application of, one party only. Certified Mail -- Mail deposited with the US Postal Service, with postage prepaid and return receipt requested. CDTP - Criminal damage to property CTTL - Criminal trespass to land CTTR - Criminal trespass to residence CTTSL - Criminal trespass to State land CTTV - Criminal trespass to vehicle D/C - Disorderly conduct DAOPW - Drinking alcohol on the public way Appellant -- The party who takes an appeal from one court to another. Bail Bond Forfeiture -- The failure to satisfy the condition of the bond, namely the appearance in court as required, causing the full penalty amount to become due. Person -- Any individual, partnership, joint stock company, unincorporated association or society, municipal or other corporation, the State, its agencies or political subdivisions, or any other governmental entity. Absconding Debtor -- A person who leaves a jurisdiction purposefully to avoid legal process. (see De Novo). Cepi -- I have taken; the return on a warrant indicating that the defendant has been arrested. However, at any time, a traffic case record can be pulled from the history database back into Case Search by the clerk's office. All rights reserved. Record on Appeal -- The case file and its contents, together with a transcript of all proceedings in the lower court. Limited Jurisdiction -- the authority over only particular types of cases, or cases under a prescribed amount in controversy, or seeking only certain types of relief, the District Court is a court of limited jurisdiction. Attorney Information System (AIS) - Centralized Judiciary database for Attorney Information, Attorney of Record -- An attorney who represents a party and has entered an appearance in an action. Estate is solvent, Final Distribution can occur within 12 months from date of appointment. Sequester -- Separate or isolate; for example, to separate witnesses from each other, to separate property from a party and place it in the custody of the court or a third person, etc. Tenant Holding Over (THO) -- A landlord-tenant action filed by the lessor to repossess certain leased premises which the tenant has not vacated after notice. Judgment -- The final order of the court; in a criminal case, the conviction and sentence constitute the judgment, so there is no judgment until sentence is imposed. Voir Dire (Trans: to speak the truth) -- the preliminary examination of a prospective juror, or witness, to determine whether the person is competent, impartial, and unprejudiced. Crimes of Violence -- Maryland Law provides a definition for Crimes of Violence as they relate to mandatory sentences in certain crimes and crimes of violence relating to pistols and revolvers. Appellee -- A party against whom an appeal is taken. Order -- A ruling of the court, on a motion, objection, or other matter relating to a preliminary point or some step in the proceedings. Res Judicata -- The matter already has been decided; a rule against relitigation of issues. Latest News. Jury Trial Prayer -- A case that was originally filed in the District Court, but for which a trial by jury in the Circuit Court is requested. The first name is not required. Contact Information Accounting & Finance Location: (AB) 2nd Floor Phone: (352) 671-5520 Transfer -- In a criminal case, a change of location (venue) of the case to another location in which charges are pending and to which the defendant has pled guilty or nolo contendere, to permit the defendant to similarly plead to the transferred charges, and have sentence imposed as to all the charges. Each case number must include a case code. Terms of Use/Disclaimer, The Journalist's Guide to Maryland's Legal System, statement of charges issued 930817 (August 17, 1993), date of hearing/date bond received; bail amount; defendant status bond code; percentage required; commissioner/judge id#, date of commitment order; incarceration location, date bond set; bail amount; type of bond code; percentage posted, Civil 1989 ( some cases are in history database and are unavailable). Abated by Death -- The disposition of a charge due to death of the defendant. Nolle Prosequi (Nol Pros) (Trans: to be unwilling to proceed) -- A formal motion in a case by the States Attorney, indicating that the charges will not be prosecuted. Jury -- A group of 12 citizens assembled to hear evidence at trial and make a unanimous decision as to guilt or innocence beyond a reasonable doubt. Mandamus -- A court order compelling an individual to fulfill an official ministerial duty. Affiant -- The person who makes and signs an affidavit. Probation -- A means of conditionally releasing an individual after trial. Maryland Court of Special Appeals: Md. Plaintiff -- A complaining party in a civil action. Crimes of Violence -- Maryland Law provides a definition for Crimes of Violence as they relate to mandatory sentences in certain crimes and crimes of violence relating to pistols and revolvers. Res Judicata -- The matter already has been decided; a rule against relitigation of issues. Probation Before Judgment (PBJ) -- A conditional avoidance of imposition of sentence after conviction; failure to satisfy the terms and conditions may cause imposition of sentence after a finding of violation of probation. Note: Marital Property does not include property acquired before the marriage; acquired by inheritance or gift from a third party; excluded by valid agreement; acquired during the period that the parties voluntarily lived separate and apart without cohabitation and without interruption; directly traceable to any of these sources. The Maryland Electronic Courts (MDEC) case management system was implemented in Prince George's County on Monday, October 17, 2022. Exhibits -- Documents and other tangible things that are attached to a pleading or offered as evidence in a case, after being marked for identification. Levy -- A setting aside of the defendants property made by the sheriff or constable; this property is placed in custody of law. Hours of Operation - 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday except legal holidays Orphans' Court 41605 Courthouse Drive Leonardtown, MD 20650 (301) 475-5566 (FAX) 301-475-4968 Forfeiture -- The loss of money or property or rights to property by failing to perform a condition or obligation required by the law or court without compensation to the owner. Third Party Claim -- A defendant may cause a summons and complaint to be served upon a person not a party to the action who is or may be liable to the defendant for all or part of a plaintiffs claim against the defendant. Writ of Habeas Corpus -- A court order compelling a Warden/Sheriff to bring a prisoner before a court at a specific date and time, most frequently to determine whether the prisoner is being held lawfully. Res Gestae -- Things done; rule under which a remark made spontaneously and concurrently with an incident carries an inherent degree of credibility and is admissible because of its spontaneous nature (excited utterance); an exception to the hearsay rule. These tables give the various abbreviations for the U.S. Federal Courts including the U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Court of Appeals and U.S. District Courts. Search Warrant -- A written order by a judge directed to a peace officer or constable commanding the officer to search for and seize property as described therein. Burden of Proof -- The necessity of proving facts at issue in Maryland, the criminal burden of proof is beyond a reasonable doubt; the civil burden of proof is by a preponderance of the evidence, or sometimes by clear and convincing evidence.. Examination in Aid of Enforcement of Judgment -- A request by plaintiff (judgment creditor) to discover the assets of a defendant (judgment debtor) after entry of judgment. Writ of Garnishment of Wages -- An order of court commanding that a portion of the defendants wages are deducted regularly and paid to the plaintiff to satisfy a judgment. Guilty -- The word used by an accused in pleading to the charges when he confesses to committing the crime of which he is charged. Probation Before Judgment (PBJ) -- A conditional avoidance of imposition of sentence after conviction; failure to satisfy the terms and conditions may cause imposition of sentence after a finding of violation of probation. Release of Lien -- The cancellation of record of a Declaration of Trust or other recorded security instrument given to secure a bail bond that has been discharged. Co-defendant -- One of multiple persons named in the same civil complaint or charged in the same criminal charging document. Contract --A written or verbal agreement for the exchange of goods or services between at least two parties. Return -- The act of a sheriff, constable, or other ministerial officer in delivering back to the court a writ, notice, or other paper which he was required to serve or execute with a brief account of his doings under the mandate, the time and mode of service or execution or his failure to accomplish it, as the case may be. Dismissal -- Rules provide for both voluntary and involuntary dismissals. Rebuttal -- The act of contradicting or overcoming the effect of a presumption or evidence. Release of Lien -- The cancellation of record of a Declaration of Trust or other recorded security instrument given to secure a bail bond that has been discharged. This link is part of the Michigan Court Rules. Public Defender -- Counsel provided at public expense, primarily to defend indigent defendants in criminal cases. Circuit -- A geographical area including one or more counties over which the courts jurisdiction or a judges representation extends; under Article IV, Sections 14 and 19 of the Constitution of Maryland, there are six appellate circuits in Maryland and eight trial level circuits. Title 12. Confessed Judgment -- An action seeking final judgment based upon a person agreeing, in advance, to the entry of judgment against them upon the occurrence or non-occurrence of an event, such as making a payment. Custody -- The detainment of a person by virtue of lawful process or authority; actual imprisonment. Evidence -- All the means by which a matter of fact, the truth of which is submitted for investigation, is established or disproved. When you're done, the program automatically generates your completed forms, along with detailed instructions on what to do next. Posted on Jan 16, 2019 It means that it is a criminal case where attorneys are required to file electronically. Pending -- Cases that are awaiting further action. Certified Copy -- A copy of a document or record that is certified by the official custodian of the original as a true copy. Emergency Evaluation -- Petition filed for issuance of an order by someone other than the subject for an emergency mental and/or physical evaluation that could result in involuntary admission to a facility. Nulla Bona -- No goods; a return to a writ of execution when no goods of the defendant are found to levy. Lesser Included Offense -- A crime composed of some, but not all, of the elements of a greater crime; commission of the greater crime automatically includes commission of the lesser included offense. Suspend -- To set aside all or part of a sentence. Marital Property -- The property, however titled, acquired by one or both parties during the marriage. A witness who fails to comply with a subpoena. Cross Claim -- A claim asserted between co-defendants or co-plaintiffs and in a case that relates to the subject of the original claim or counterclaim. In Propria Persona -- in ones own proper person; a party choosing to represent himself or herself without the benefit of an attorney; pro se. Arraignment -- The procedure whereby the accused is brought before the court to plead to the criminal charge in the indictment or information. Writ -- A written order issued by a court and addressed to a sheriff or other person whose action the court desires to command to require performance of a specified act or to give authority to have the act done. This quick reference guide is to some of the most common Maryland Judiciary Case Search System abbreviations. 0 found this answer helpful | 0 lawyers agree Reconsiderations can be ordered in open and closed cases. Tracking Number -- The assigned 12-digit number that identifies the defendant and incident throughout criminal proceedings; the number identifies the year (first 2 digits), the origin of the charging document (next 4 digits), and the place of the charge(s) within the sequence of changes issued that year (last 6 digits). Count -- A separate charge in a charging document or separate cause of action in a civil complaint. It used to be just 'CR.'. Prosecuting Attorney or Prosecutor -- A public officer whose duty is the prosecution of criminal proceedings on behalf of the citizens of the state; most often refers to a States Attorney or Assistant States Attorney but, for some crimes, can be the State Prosecutor or Attorney General. Docket Number -- Case number; the designation assigned to each case filed in a particular court. Case Search name searches default to search for exact names only. Regular Estate (RE) - Assets subject to administration in excess of $30,000 ($50,000 if the spouse is the sole legatee or heir). Quash -- To set aside or to make void; with respect to process, such as a summons or subpoena, to void on motion of the person served. Peace Officer -- A person charged with the duty to enforce and preserve the public peace. A party who fails to comply with a court order in a civil action. Pardon -- Relief from a conviction (full pardon) or from any further punishment imposed by a conviction (particular pardon) granted by an executive official (governor or president). Litigant -- A party to a lawsuit; one engaged in litigation. Jurisdiction -- Authority by which courts receive and decide cases. Case Tracking System. Bench -- Process issued by the court itself, or from the bench, for the attachment or arrest of a person. Government, Tracking, Management. A disregard of, or disobedience to, the rules or orders of a judicial body or an interruption of its proceedings by disorderly behavior or insolent language. Moot -- Issue previously decided or settled. The case type has also been changed to 'CRSCA.'. This is the two week period that an employee works and then is paid for. Action -- All the steps by which a party seeks to enforce any right in a court or all the steps of a criminal prosecution. . Modification -- (a change or alteration) An order changing the terms of a prior order of the Court. Mistrial -- A trial that has been terminated and declared void due to prejudicial error in the proceedings or other extraordinary circumstances. Contract --A written or verbal agreement for the exchange of goods or services between at least two parties.

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