misconceptions about teaching in ghana

Dev. CBR Inclus. Before working at eSchool Media, Meris worked as an assistant editor for The World and I, an online curriculum publication. The SDGs Goal 4.5 explicitly mentions persons with disabilities. But the section seems to relate more to learners with learning difficulties. 2010 Population and Housing Census: Summary Report of Final Results . Science, Language Arts, History), K-12 educators have committed themselves to developing skills in how to engage and foster growth of young people around the content and processes that comprise that area of expertise. Prior to the 2018/2019 academic year, the Colleges of Education awarded diploma qualifications, while the universities awarded Bachelor of Education degrees and Post Graduate Diploma in Education PGDE/certificates in education. Central Region of Ghana. Knowledge about genetically modified (GM) food and biotechnology is low among the Ghanaian public due to low levels of . He further made a remark, which we also observed on a visit to that College of Education. However, when we prob. We, therefore, recommend the need for student teachers to be grounded in disability issues in order to understand learners with diverse disabilities, their unique needs and how best they could help them. Copyright 2023 eSchoolMedia & eSchool News. University-Level Upgrade for Teacher-Training Colleges. For years, governments and other national and international stakeholders have focused their attention on making sure that all children can attend school, and they have backed up that commitment with funding. Stressful school atmosphere, teachers' lack of knowledge and bad attitude towards work can equally hinder the reading process at this level. Student teachers according to the Ministry of Education National (2018b) are individuals admitted to the Colleges of Education professionally trained and prepared to impart knowledge at the basic education levels. Educ. ), but not the accessibility of these facilities. 10, 7086. Data analysis was done by first transcribing the audiotaped interview into word format, then both inductive and deductive approaches were used for coding, pattern development, matching and building themes and subthemes. Una mirada desde la funcin de investigacin. A. Wulff (Leiden: Brill), 96115. The policy sets an agenda of child friendly schools, which implies schools in Ghana ought to look out for children; that is child-seeking and again they should focus attention on children; that is, schools should be child-centered. The importance of the SDGs. In fact, the entire Colleges of Education in Ghana curriculum seems to focus on students with learning difficulties. This serves as a baseline. But how prepared are student teachers at Colleges of Education in Ghana. Here are 10 misconceptions about teachers and teaching that emerged from readers (responses edited for brevity): 1. How to Respond to the 6 Biggest Misconceptions About Teaching by Nancy Barile, Award-Winning Teacher, M.A.Ed. Edulearn19 Proc. Why are in-service teachers not writing Exams to acquire the License. The policy defines inclusion in its broadest sense as ensuring access and learning for all children: especially those disadvantaged from linguistic, ethnic, gender, geographic or religious minority, from an economically impoverished background as well as children with special needs including those with disabilities. Post-2015 Education MDGs. As someone who has supported many people into work, both as a recruiter and an employment specialist, I am here to tell you that you absolutely can teach! (2013). Stud. We employed a single-case exploratory study design to deepen our understanding of the preparedness of Ghanaian student teachers to implement inclusive education in one of the Colleges of Education in Ghana. Cc: Ellis Ferdinand It could be an ice breaker or other warming up exercises that could exclude learners with disabilities. In 1994, UNESCO organized a World Conference on Special Needs Education in Salamanca, Spain (United Nations Educational, Scientific and cultural organization [UNESCO], 1994). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, Keywords: Ghana, inclusive education, persons with disabilities, student teacher, teacher preparedness, Citation: Naami A and Mort KS-T (2023) Inclusive education in Ghana: How prepared are the teachers? As part of the global communitys efforts to address social problems collectively, post the Millennium Development Goals era, the Sustainable Development Goals were birthed in 2015 (United Nations [UN], 2015). There were storey buildings with no elevators, most of the entrances to the buildings were inhibited with steps and not ramps. There are two major case study designs: single-case study designs and multiple-case study designs. Unlike gender which was given much attention and detailed reflection in the Colleges of Education curriculum. At the end senior high school (12th grade) students get to attend universities and other tertiary education institutions. According to the Colleges of Education Act of 2012, Act 847, the process of preparing teachers in Ghana to teach at the basic school level takes place at the College of Education (CoE). According to the Colleges of Education Act of 2012, Act 847, the process of preparing teachers in Ghana to teach at the basic school level takes place at the College of Education (CoE). There is nothing like hearing a former student tell you about the positive change you've made in their life. Ethn. Breaking the barriers: Ghanaians perspectives about the social model. If you're a teacheror if you've even thought about being a teacheryou've probably heard a few of these common misconceptions about teaching. We asked our key informant about how they teach students to self-reflect. J. Res. In in view of the above, there has been a rising awareness and activism for the inclusion of students with disabilities in regular mainstream classrooms, but the reality in many underdeveloped nations including Ghana is still a gloomy picture (Adera and Asimeng-Boahene, 2011). Kassah, A. K., Kassah, L. L., and Agbota, T. K. (2012). Johnstone, C. J., Schuelka, M. J., and Swadek, G. (2020). Unpublished thesis submitted to the University of Iceland. 42, 1323. Consistent with Ghanas commitment to ensuring that all children are given the opportunity to exercise their rights through inclusive education, it ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), Article 6 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and Article 7 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), and the Dakar Framework for Action. The critical question is what to teach. The policy (Ministry of Education, 2015: p. 6) defines a child with special educational needs [SEN] as: a child with disability, namely, visual, hearing, locomotor, and intellectual impairments. Throughout the curriculum and other auxiliary documents, there are phrases and statements such as How much time was spent helping this student? Did the teacher spend time helping them Did the student(s) with learning needs successfully complete the activities/tasks assigned in the lesson? These questions amply testify that the focus of curriculum and other auxiliary documents are on learners with learning difficulties to the neglect of other categories of disabilities. Educ. In fact, persons with disabilities still face challenges accessing education. It's easy to describe a smart speaker's functionality in anthropomorphic terms such as "it listens" or "it understands". World 6:81. (2011). doi: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2013.07.034, PubMed Abstract | CrossRef Full Text | Google Scholar. The sample was made up of one hundred and fifty-five students (155) from Aggrey Memorial . Disability inclusiveness requires care and proper planning, but that is not emphasized in the curriculum of Colleges of Education in Ghana. Take the example of a smart speaker. Challenges and opportunities for inclusive education in Ghana. The findings relating to the equity and inclusivity cross-cutting pillar of the curriculum is that emphasis is placed more on gender rather than disability inclusion. Every child has a right to access quality education and acquire skills UNICEF/UN362021/ACQUAH The Inclusive Policy also sets out to facilitate and enable education structures, systems, and methodologies to meet the needs of all children; and it is a good attempt to promote an inclusive society. Bentzen, L. (2015). The study employed the descriptive research design. curriculum tasks student teachers to Identify school and student characteristics that act as barriers to learning. However, this statement is problematic as it is a wrong premise to understand barriers to learning for learners with disabilities. The 2012 Human Rights Watch report indicates that over 5 million persons with disabilities live in Ghana (United States Department of States, 2017). Presently, there are 48 Colleges of Education (CoE) in Ghana, up from 38 in 2014 (Buabeng et al., 2019) and in the 2018/2019 academic year, all Colleges of Education in Ghana were upgraded to University Colleges status to offer a four-year Bachelor of Education degree (Kokutse, 2018). Dugbartey, A. T., and Barimah, K. B. SDGs Goal 4-Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all (specifically, targets: 4.5, 4.6, 4.8), and the social model of disability guided the review. 6. Inclusion in the policy sets out to create an education system that is responsive to learner diversity and to ensure that all learners have the best possible opportunities to learn. Policies, targets, and strategies Education Strategic Plan 20032015 May. The perils and promises of inclusive education in Ghana. The achievement of one goal leads to achieving another goal (Bentzen, 2015; United Nations Communications Groups [UNCG], 2017; United Nations Development Programme [UNDP], 2021). There are few jobs that offer this kind of reward. 60, 281301. For persons with disabilities, self-awareness is even more important given the socio-cultural and religious beliefs and practices that marginalize and discriminate against them and the resultant negative attitudes, stigma, discrimination, and exclusion and of persons with disabilities in all spheres of life (Kassah et al., 2012; Adjei et al., 2013; Dugbartey and Barimah, 2013; Naami, 2019). Adera, B. Next-Generation Data Strategies and Solutions, The Technology Tools, Skills, and Support Every Student Needs to Succeed, Strategies for Creating a Successful Collaborative Learning Environment, Virtual or In-Person, Do more with less with managed services for K12, The Earth Prize 2023 Winners Announcement, Latest Enhancements to Discovery Education Services Drive Deeper Student Engagement, KidWind and Toyota Join Forces to Bring Renewable Energy Education to West Virginia, ISTE and Capstone Collaborate on Childrens Books Championing Digital Citizenship, Ohio Department of Education Names Curriculum Associates i-Ready Assessment an Approved Dyslexia Screener for Grades K3, 6 benefits of immersive learning with the metaverse, Building a Successful Certification Program at Your Institution. Comp. She was also awarded the 2011 Massachusetts Commonwealth Award in Creative Leadership, and in 2007 was named a member of the 2007 USA Today All-Teacher Team. Ironically, the final question suggests the above reflections would have been helpful to increase disability sensitivity and inclusion. Instruction has always been the decision of what to teach (curriculum) and how to teach (methods, materials, and activities). The policy further envisions professional development of teachers in pedagogical skills that meets the needs of children with special needs using child-centered approaches. Yin, R. K. (2009). J. 1, 78377846. It is noteworthy that disability is listed on the observation checklist and reflective journals of student teachers as part of their preparedness on the equity and inclusivity outcome. Yin, R. K. (1981). Educ. Higher Education for Sustainable Development Goals. Educ. Sustainable Development Goals and sustainability teaching at universities: Falling behind or getting ahead of the pack? 171, 434445. All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. By submitting you will receive emails from Hey Teach! World Health Organization. Maybe a better phrase is, Those who teach create those who do. Michael Jay, One of my favorites is, Those who cant, teach. Teachers must be well educated in their field of study, of course,but that is only the beginning. Teachers teach on average 24 periods per week. The aim of the study is to develop an understanding of the kinds and sources errors and misconceptions that characterise students' learning of school algebra. Thus, there should be more exercises to enable the student teachers to strengthen their reflection on disability to improve acceptance of persons with disabilities. In a similar vein, the Government of Ghana has identified several factors that prevent persons with disabilities from attending school, including the general publics negative perception of people with disabilities, physical obstacles, the lack of adequate facilities for assessments, and a rigid curriculum, inadequate planning by regular teachers for students with special needs (Government of Ghana, 2003). Goal four of the SDGs calls for inclusive and equitable quality education for all (Johnstone et al., 2020). KM contributed to the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of the data, wrote the introduction section and assisted with the formulation, and editing of the draft manuscript. (2018). In Ghana, a considerable milestone has been the integration of the SDGs into the medium-term development of Ghana. Most teachers I know work other jobs during the summer months. Ministry of Education. See Appendix A for details of the interview guide. Incl. By 2030, eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable situations. Vol. Government of Ghana. How do learners with visual and hearing impairment benefit from these forms of learning if resources do not have features of alternative formats (subtitles/captions, narrations) for these learners? The GCM is a global tool for education and a global multi-stakeholder mechanism for education in the 2030 Agenda, with the governance mechanism for the GCM, being the High-Level Steering Committee (HLSC) that is mandated to take strategic decisions and action for education (20222023 members). Applying the SDGs Goal 4 as an analytical tool inclusion and equality issues in the training of student teachers. SDGs in Ghana; why they matter and how we can help. J. Disabil. The teacher in the observation checklist can indicate that he/she is an inclusive teacher but prejudices and discrimination against persons with disabilities could cloud their self-consciousness about persons with disabilities. J. Soc. "Education 2030: Incheon Declaration and Framework for Action: Towards Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education and Lifelong Learning for All, UNICEF. The FCUBE concentrated on enhancing the standard of instruction and learning, expanding educational access, and promoting the involvement of all school-age children, including the formation of local educational organizations to facilitate effective management of education (Agbenyega et al., 2005). Common misconceptions of Africa are explored in the second lesson, through a range of activities which again highlight the wide diversity of opportunities, challenges and life styles. Lack of oral competence of both teachers and the children in the target language equally hinder the child's reading progress. Using the curriculum to promote inclusive education? Target 4.a calls for the upgrading of educational facilities so that they are child-and disability-sensitive and to promote inclusive learning environments (United Nations [UN], 2015). further about the omission of an important aspect of school facilities, which is accessibility, from the student reflective portfolio, he made these remarks: I am very happy you brought this up. Teachers need much pedagogical preparation on topics including educational psychology, classroom management, assessment, curriculum instruction, communication skills, and budgeting. doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2019.1906. Education has long been recognized as a global priority. In year one, student teachers are required to do classroom observations to enhance their learning. Physiotherapy 74, 650652. Stay up to date on all the latest from Hey Teach: Get periodic emails that include exclusive content, special guides, and other great resources you wont find anywhere else! This study investigated the use of concept cartoons to diagnose and remedy pupils' misconceptions in selected science concepts. These outcomes were: Year one: awareness of self and learners as unique individuals, Year two: teachers values and attitudes impacting on pupils learning, how diversity impacts on learning, Year three: being a team member, co-teaching, and co-planning, planning for individualized instruction, Year four: teaching all learners; learners, school, and community. Unstructured questionnaires and Teacher observations were utilised in the process of generating the data. In a world where competition for jobs, pay increases, and academic success continues to increase, certifications offer hope to candidates and educators. Akyeampong, K. (2009). But the Free Compulsory Universal Basic Education (FCUBE) program was introduced in 1995 as part of efforts to fulfill UNESCOs mission of free universal education for all by 2015 (Akyeampong, 2009). in Behavioral Science, a Masters in Education, and a Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in Education Leadership. "Kids Today Are Entitled, Dangerous Brats", I can assure you that most of today's students are hardworking, fun-loving, eager-to-learn youngsters. A case study design was employed for this study. London: Macmillan. The National Teacher Education Curriculum Framework (NTECF) sets out the four pillars and cross-cutting issues for the initial training of all teachers at the pre-tertiary level (Ministry of Education National, 2017). The Equality Act 2010 and the Social Model of Disability. 12, 2832. Int. The number of persons with disabilities is likely to grow as incidences such as chronic ailments, falls, injuries, conflicts, accidents, and aging continue to occur (Howard and Rhule, 2021; World Health Organization, 2021). by Nancy Barile, Award-Winning Teacher, M.A.Ed. 9, 8695. Misconception:Force is always in the direction of an object's motion.21 Transfer of Energy Concept: Objects come to the temperature of their surroundings. Dis. The social model stresses the removal of barriers to foster the inclusion of persons with disabilities in mainstream society (Shakespeare and Watson, 2010; Naami, 2014). The Curriculum Framework consistent with the National Teachers Standards, NTC (2018), envisages to prepare new teachers to become effective, engaging, and inspirational in order to improve learning outcomes particularly at the basic school level. 232, 285294. The ICF and social model of disability, on the other hand, helped us identify barriers that could inhibit access of persons with disabilities to inclusive education in Ghana at the systemic (teaching training colleges) and unit (classrooms) levels and to identify what could be done to address issues at these levels. Available at: https://mofep.gov.gh/sites/default/files/news/Ghana-SDGs-Budget-Report-July-2019.pdf. The Politics of Disablement. Disability under this framework is seen as an interface between body functioning, health conditions and contextual factors (World Health Organization, 2007). I explained that tenure is a right to due process, so a teacher can't be fired without the administration presenting evidence that the teacher was incompetent or unprofessional. She is also an Adjunct Professor in the Graduate School of Education at Emmanuel College in Boston, MA. (2018). However, in our nations current climate, saying the word teacher is like Forrest Gump opening a box of chocolates: you never know what youre going to get, as teachers too often are seen as a convenient scapegoat for the perceived problems that are plaguing public education. For example, ICF combines both the social and the medical models of disability. The interview with the key informant was done in English, conducted in the participants office, and lasted for an hour. What are some of the misconceptions and prejudices about teaching and how can they be addressed ? Stay up-to-date with the latest edtech tools, trends, and best practices for classroom, school and district success. (2021). Teaching should therefore involve the full participation of pupils. These misconceptions resulted in perceptions of stigma and discrimination towards people who may get Ebola or work with Ebola patients. Geneva: World Health Organization. As the quality assurance officer of this particular institution, these are some of the questions I ask my coordinators. To achieve inclusive education, a curriculum reform is fundamental to achieve the necessary improvements in the quality of new teachers. These points provided below are responses and comments that were duly and diligently gathered through surveys and seminars in an attempt to provide some possible ways of raising teaching standards to an appreciable level in the country. GhanaS free senior high school policy: evidence and insight from data. The original contributions presented in the study are included in the article/Supplementary material, further inquiries can be directed to the corresponding author. Misconceptions previously reported include the interpretation of warning signs of pre-eclampsia as a normal occurrence during pregnancy. Your source for IT solutions and innovations to support school-wide success. (2021). Social Policy and Disabled People: From Exclusion to Inclusion. doi: 10.1016/S0031-9406(10)62916-1. The site observation was taken to audit the accessibility of the physical environment. A case study design is a qualitative research approach which focuses on a detailed exploration of a phenomenon within its content. Previously, the University of Cape Coast and University of Education, Winneba, had the traditional mandate to prepare teachers to teach at various educational levels including the basic school level (Buabeng et al., 2019). Weekly on Wednesday. The upgrading of teacher training institutions to colleges of education: Issues and prospects. Available at: http://www.who.int/disabilities/world_report/2011/report.pdf (Accessed June 17, 2017). I was shocked that my Facebook friend didn't understand teacher tenure either, so I posted its legal definition. The outcome of the conference called for students with disabilities to be educated within an inclusive education system. Ministry of Education National (2017). doi: 10.4102/ajod.v6i0.341. Article 8 of the CRPD outlines measures that states parties could adopt to ensure that persons with disabilities are able to access education, including vocational training and lifelong learning. doi: 10.1177/107554708100300106. Consistent with achieving improvement in the quality of teachers, the B.Ed. Available at: https://www.ntu.eu/news-archive/the-importance-of-the-sustainable-development-goals/ (Accessed May 3, 2022). Inclusive education places emphasis on all aspects of education, including the pedagogy, school culture and environments that promote inclusion. If you're in the same boat, here's a handy cheat sheet to help set your lunatic cousin Larry straight when he claims to know more than you do about your own vocation. However, it is equally important to find out whether what the teacher does promotes participation or alienates others. Newman, E. K. (2013). (2019) explains that while the CoE provides a yearlong school-based teaching practice in addition to a semester-long campus-based peer teaching, their colleagues offering education degrees in the University of Cape Coast (UCC) engage in a semester-long school-based teaching experience. Teachers share the 12 biggest misconceptions people have about their job Rachel Gillett Sep 15, 2016, 7:37 AM PDT 'Bad Teacher'/Sony Pictures With more than 4 million teachers in the US,. Similarly, it is common for teachers to use illustrative examples on the board or PowerPoint slides and ask students to see even though they have students with visual impairments. Epilepsy Behav. Available at: www.t-tel.org/hub.html. There are so many more misconceptions about teaching that I could easily write a Part II to this article. United Nations Development Programme [UNDP], (2021). Teacher education training for basic and secondary schools are undertaken by initial teacher education institutions. Afr. Disability and health: Fact sheet. During this period, they are required to keep a portfolio for the documentation of their field experience activities. The proponents of the Social Model of Disability acknowledge that impairment could pose a limit to the functioning of persons with disabilities. Confronting them is difficult for the student and the teacher. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Want to share a great resource? In 2015, a policy on inclusive education was developed and adopted by the country toward fulfilling the aspirations of the 1992 constitution, which guarantees education as a fundamental human right. The aim of this module is to introduce students to the huge variation in geography that exists within the complex continent of Africa Key Stage Three, Module, Global perspectives, geopolitics and development, Urbanisation, migration and society Sections Overview Africa: scale and diversity Dealing with common misconceptions of Africa University surroundings and infrastructures that are accessible and inclusive for all: listening to students with disabilities. Knowledge 3, 97114. Daily Monday-Friday. CBR Incl. United Nations Communications Groups [UNCG] (2017). In the 24 years I've worked as a teacher, I've never had a single summer "off.". Abuse of disabled children in Ghana. The promises and limitations of the SDG framework for inclusive education and students with disabilities in Grading Goal Four. World report on disability online. In this paper, we used two analytical perspectives, the SDGs Goal 4 and the social model of disability, to understand whether or not student teachers are adequately prepared to deliver inclusive education in Ghana. Available at: http://UNCT-GH-SDGs-in-Ghana-Avocacy-Messages-2017%20(5).pdf (Accessed August 4, 2022). Soc. Global pressing problems and the sustainable development goals. Braun, A. M. B., and Naami, A. Dev. They are supposed to identify school facilities (e.g., football field, toilet, office space, tennis court, buildings etc. ), can be reviewed. However, disability is not mentioned in the four learning outcomes of the equity and inclusivity of the cross-cutting pillar and their targets. Clean. - Improve education and training needs of teachers. The proponents of the social model of disability contest that a students personal characteristics such as having an impairment is not the major impediment to learning, but barriers created by schools and society (World Health Organization, 2011; Nakua et al., 2017; Braun and Naami, 2021). All authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version. (2019). Edu. Machado, C., and Davim, J. P. (2022). Of course, the known architectural barriers are the impediments as postulated by the social model of disabilities. J. Furth. The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. The components of the learning outcomes we analyzed in the light of the SDGs Goal 4 targets 4.5, 4.6, and 4.8 and the social model of disability (See Supplementary Tables S1S3). Further reading: A Chance to Build Meaningful Relationships with Students, 5.

Pastor Derek Morris Family, Articles M