narragansett beer date code

From the brewer: On the 12 pack I have a date it was packed and a best by date. 1 comment. First 3 digits are for the day of the year and the last digit is the year. From the brewer: The last four digits on the sticker on the bottom of the six-pack carrier is the month and date the beer was bottled. Captured By Porches:Uses abottlingdate. date. Nebraska Brewing:From the brewer: At this time we do not have bottled dates on our reserve series as each has only one bottling per year. Format should be MM/DD/YY. From the brewer: The date is clearly presented on the front of the bottle for every batch. Flying Fish:Uses abest bydate. 1 = Year (2011), 049 = 49th day of the year (Feb. 18th 2011) and 1154 - Military time (1154 Hrs). . The first number is the last digit of the year. Barrington:Uses adrink bydate. Bottles have coding on packages may be read as follows: "08E09" = May 8th, 2009. On the cases only. The Secret Code of Beer Expiration Dates. Ninkasi:Uses abottlingdate. Cases:Written on the case with a sharpie and according to the brewer, the format depends on who's writing it. The smell is of some hops and grains and smells like a beer should. From the brewer: As soon as we are bottling our own in June this year will be applying the packaging date on the bottle.General Lafayette:Uses abottlingdate. We have a sticker with the best enjoyed by day and month and beer batch on the top of each 6 or 12 pack box. It's a Julian date code followed by the year. First 3 digits are for the day of the year and the last digit is the year. Snoqualmie Falls:Uses abottlingdate. Recommended shelf life 120 days from that date. Grab their It's About Time IPA, the first beer made in the new facility, to celebrate the brand's long journey to rebirth. Epic Ales:Uses abatchnumber. Format is MM/DD/YYYY. Natty Greene's: Uses a born on date. On the 22oz. Heavy Seas:Uses abest beforedate. Format is MM/DD/YY.Lavery:Uses abottled onandbest bydate. Written in yellow ink on the neck of the bottle. Doesn't have as much funk as a hamm's but doesn't look as good in the glass. Example: BEST BY 1-29-10.Empyrean:Uses abest enjoyed bydate. The best if purchased by month is notched into the side of the all of their labels except for their Holiday Yule Fuel Barleywine. Format is a bit odd. Score: 77 with 1,617 ratings and reviews. Clown Shoes:Uses abottlingdate. May. Shelf-life is 120 days. Blue & Gray:Uses abottled ondate on the bottles.Blue Mountain (VA):Uses abest bydate. Red Rock:Uses abottlingdate on their beers.Reuben's Brews:Uses aborn onorbottlingdate. From the brewer: We intend to print the date on which the beer was bottled directly onto the neck of the bottle. Shelf-life is 3 months at room temperature and longer if kept cold. They are starting to produce their own labels and these will have a. Fullsteam:Uses abest beforedate on their growlers which have a shelf life of at least 60 days. Last update: 04-29-2023. . The letter after the YY indicates the hour it was bottled: A = 8AM, B = 9AM, etc Steamworks (CO):Uses abest beforedate. San Luis:Uses abottlingdate. It's a sticker on each 4-pack. DDDY, where DDD = Julian Production Date ; Y=last digit of year.Ghost River:Uses abottlingdate on their bottles and cases. This is the bottling date, not the best before date. Auburn Alehouse:Uses apackagingdate. It's in a MM/DD/YY format on all bottles between the neck and the shoulder of the bottle. It's on the cases only in a format for internal use. Formatis MM/DD//YY. Ex: 135 3 would be the 135th day of 2013 (May 15). It's on the back label of the bottle and also on the bottom of their cans. Example: AUG2013. Pisgah:Uses abottlingdate. Bit heady when you pour but drinking straight outta the can is the best way to experience this beer. and press submit, Narragansett Beer will mail out the Narragansett Beer "Loyalty Card". Heater Allen:Just started putting abottlingdate on their bottles, will eventually be on all their future beers.Heretic:Uses abottlingdate. Format is MM/DD/YY on a white sticker. Upstate:Uses acanneddate. Olde Hickory:Uses abest bydate. Narragansett Beer. It's on the 6-packs, 12-packs as well as on individual bottles and cans. will also have them (Sept. 2013). The 6 packs come on a flat which is also stamped with the production date. From the brewer: Month and year production date. Caldera:Uses apackaged ondate. google_ad_width=125; Company says their beer is good way past 6 months from bottling date. From the brewer: It is vertically etched on the left side of the back label, and is in a MMDDYY format (063013 would thus mean June 30, 2013). Best By date: BEST BY 05/22/13 .Bozeman:Uses acanningdate. bottles have it. They have akegged ondate on their kegs which is pulled under 90 days. Santa Cruz Aleworks:Uses abottlingdate. McKenzie:Usesbottle numbers. Shelf-life is 90 days. Example: 1559. Ex: 11B25B14 would be Nov. 25, 2014. google_ad_client="pub-9703416424830795"; 24). Stillwater Ales:Uses abottlingdate. Palo Alto:Uses abottlingdate on all their bottles. It's right next to the government warning. We use Julian dates. Olvalde:No freshness info since most of their beers are cellarable though they do have thevintage yearon them. Mendocino:Uses apackagingdate. Date is 6 months from bottling.Beer Engineers:No freshness info but all their packaged beers are higher in ABV so can be aged. Ex: Jan 2013. Some of the batch info is on the website but you can always email the brewer for specifics. Format is a bit odd. Frog Island:Only kegs but they have abest beforedateof 60 days on them. 12oz. It's on the neck of the bottle in black ink. Gordash (Holy Mackerel):Uses abottlingdate. bottles. Poured a light golden color with a small white head. Free State:Uses abest bydate. The top date is the bottled on date, the one below it is the "freshest by" date.White Birch:Uses abottlingdate. Contact them at (401) 437-8970. It's on the bottom of the can. beers we mark month and year they were bottled. Cold stored since purchase. date. google_ad_type="text_image"; Printed on the lower right hand side of the bottle as well as on the cases. One is a date in the lower left side: 0909 1009 1109 1209 (month/year). Omission:Uses abottlingdate. If you look on their website you can find out when it was brewed and bottled. If it is a "shorts" bottle bought at the brewery, we probably put bottles into a re-used case box. On the bottles, it's on the label. Only on the case boxes. Paradise Creek:Uses abottlingdate on their beers.Peak Organic:Uses abest beforedate. Battle Road:Uses apackageddate which is stamped on the bottle. date. Month and year are notched on the right side of the front label. Sebago:Uses abottled ondate. Santa Fe:Uses abest bydate which is 120 days from bottling/canning. Keegan Ales:Uses abottled ondate on the case box. Laurelwood:Uses abottlingdate on the cases andborn ondate for bottles. Ex: 11B25B14 would be Nov. 25, 2014. date. The letters and numbers after that indicate a brewery and packaging line.Grey Sail:Uses acanningdate. Wolf Beer:Uses arecommended beforedate. Lawson's Finest Liquids:Uses abatch number. From the brewer: Right now we put a best by date on the bottom of our six packs. The code is standard Julian dating. Ex: 13094 would be April 4th, 2013. Geary's:Uses abottlingdate. Evolution Craft Brewing:Uses abottleddate. Side Projects and SpecialReleasesare style-dependentThird Street Brewhouse (MN):Uses aproduceddate.Thomas Creek:Uses aproductiondate. Should read BOTTLED MM/DD/YY.Seven Brides:Uses abottled ondate on the neck of the bottle. It is typically on the left side of the label. Calculate 6 months prior to find the bottling date. Sierra Nevada:Uses apackagingdate. Highland:Uses abottled ondate. Ellicottville:Uses abrewed ondate. Pelican:Uses abottlingdate. Shelf-life is 3 months. Marin:Uses abottlingdate. Currently we remove a line from the hash marks on the left side of the bottle. It's just on the packaging boxes. It's on a tag which is on the bottle cap. Also uses a. date. AC Golden:Uses abest consumed bydate. date. It's gotta neat hue to it; it smells like a mass produced, but safe smell; it has a pretty gosh darn nifty taste to it; feels easy and it's just a really enjoyable, unpretentious beer. The first 3 numbers are the day of the year, and the last digit is the last number of the year. The 12-pack sampler box has apackaged ondate on it. promo codes The last time we posted a The Narragansett Beer Shop! Speakeasy (CA):Uses abottlingdate. The ink is purple on a brown bottle and very small so you have to hold it up to strong light to see it. date. It's a different version of the Julian date code. It is on the six packs with a stamp on the top of each on Drop Kick and Cream Ale. So Oct. 14, 2008. Flying Dog:Uses abest beforedate. Date is handwritten on the bottle. date. Detroit Beer Co:Uses abottled ondate. National (MD): Uses a bottling date on their back label. Right side of label from top to bottom is April, May, June. It's a sticker on the top of each six-pack, format is MMDDYY. For example, if the first 4 numbers on the bottom of the can are 1481, this means the beer was born on the 148th day of 2011. It reads the 69th day of 2010 the 8 on the end is the batch that it came out of. Ex: 071 13 would be the 71st day of 2013. Rule of thumb is 3 or 4 months after bottling and the beer should be fine. It's a Julian code. Best Beforedates have been seen in CO specifically. It's a 3 digit number stamped on the neck.Hatuey:Uses a Julian date code which is stamped on the shoulder of the bottle. It's posted on the cases boxes. 2.1.06 8:02 PM EDT By Covington Brewhouse:Uses apackagingdate. Moylan's:Uses abottlingdate which is on the cases. Format is MM/DD/YYYY. Format is YY/MM/DD. Snipes Mountain:No longer bottles but they have akegged ondate on their kegs. They only bottle one beer, Bootjack IPA. bottles are good for 3 months after the bottled on date.Back East:Uses apackagingdate on their cases and kegs. date. Natty Greene's:Uses aborn ondate. Format is MM/DD/YYYY. Being from the Mid-West, I had never heard of Narragansett until last week at a tavern in Fredericksburg, VA. We saw that a pint was about 1/2 the price of all the other beer. Tastes of light yeast and bread notes. Ex. Lexington:Uses abottled ondate. Narragansett was formerly the number one selling brand in New England, but it now occupies a relatively narrow . Phone Number 401-437-8970. It's stamped on the bottle in black ink on the top right portion of the label. New England:Usespackaged ondate which is on the inside of the case. Cascade/Raccoon Lodge:Usesvintagedates. Shelf-life is recommended at 90 days but it can last longer. Dunedin:Uses abatch code. Shop and enjoy your savings of April, 2023 now! The first three digits represent the day of the year, last digit is the last number of the year. Each one is hand applied so sometimes the location varies. Alamo:Uses abest beforedate. Golden City:Uses abottlingdate. From the brewer: If you look at the label on the bottle, there is a notch taken out on the month it was brewed. Lonerider:Uses abest bydate. For example, if the code on a bottle or can of a Coors product reads "NOV14 111B" or "NOV1411132B", then November 14 is the day the product should be removed from a retailer's shelves. Overall the beer is great in its lane. Ex: 021513. It's on the bottom of each can. It's on the cartons and now, more importantly, on the bottles. West Sixth:Uses abrewed ondate stamped on their cases only. From the brewer: There is an ink jetted date on each bottle just above the top of the label. Galena:Will use apackagingdate. Mother Earth Brewing:Uses abottlingdate. Didn't taste like a damn thing kinda like Montucky but was drinkable and bottles (Most Wanted series) which have the year: YYYY. The mouthfeel is weird. From the brewer: Our bottled beer has a date stamped on the case boxes giving the born date. On the bottom of the six-packs, there's a best buy date. Church Brew Works:Uses abottlingdate. Metropolitan:Uses abest beforedate. Format is MM/DD/YY. Flying Bison:Uses abottlingdate on their labels. On the lower left side of the label is the month and year of bottling. They will havebatch numbersthat you can look up on their website to get PDFs of brew logs, cellar logs and packaging logs. Santa Cruz Mountain:Uses abottlingdate. From the brewer: the code can be found on the back label over the bar code reads as follow:XXBYYY the XXB is the code for the wholesaler and the YYY is the julian day when it was bottled = born on date. Uses abottled ondate. Kona Brewing:Uses apackagingdate. Printed on the side of the bottle in yellow ink. However, if purchased by the six-pack, bottling date is in white ink toward the bottom of the bottle The first two digits are the year the beer was brewed, the second three are the batch number and the final four are month and day. Also, certain beer seem to have a Julian. 5 bucks more than a hamms for a 30 pack. Southampton:Uses aproductiondate. It's on the bottom of the packaging of the six-packs. Ex. This pattern continues clock wise around the label. We are phasing into Julian with yyddd. 0689 1219 means beer was packaged on the 68th day of 2009 at 12:19. date on cases only. For the special series of beers, the month and year are printed on the front label. It's a Julian date code. Marshall (OK):Uses abottlingdate. Therefore, the numbers 07050 would mean this Leinie product should be taken off the retail shelves by July 5, 2010. Barley Island:Uses abottlingdate. Green Flash:Uses abottled ondate. Ale Asylum:Uses abest bydate. They have a year shelf life. Cooperstown:Uses apackaged ondate. google_color_text="260A00"; It's marked on the case boxes and is usually 60 days from bottling. Format is MM/DD/YY.Dogfish Head:Shows thebottlingon the neck of the bottle. It's an 8-digit code stamped on the label (YYYYMMDD).Indeed:Uses abottlingandborn ondate on all their packaged beer. The packaging date is on the bottom of each can and on the side of each six pack. notched directly on the bottle. Some of the batch info is on the website but you can always email the brewer for specifics. From that date, we guarantee the quality for three months. Unless otherwise noted, domestic beers have a shelf life of approximately four months, but imported brews last a year after bottling. Horny Goat Hideaway:Uses abottlingdate which is the Julian date.Hubert:Uses abottlingdate. I hav had multiple people exclame to me that this is the best AAL out there, so I decided to give it a shot with a 24oz can. They also code 24 and 12 pack cases. Bottlings for these are released within a week of each other. Fire Island:Uses aborn ondate. DDDY, where DDD = Julian Production Date ; Y=last digit of year.Southern Prohibition:Uses anEnjoy Bydate. The first three numbers are the day of the year the beer was bottled. We generally want the beer consumed within 90 days. Try a broad and eclectic spectrum of brews, from Del's Shandy to Coffee Milk Stout. We are working on rebuilding the date coder that attaches to our labeller. The first five digits of a newly-canned Yuengling product would read: 17027 (the numbers that follow are internal data). For more info, gohere. date. I avoid super macro bud/miller/coors and this is your pivot. From the brewer: The bottled-on date and batch number are ink jetted on each bottle about shoulder height. Here is a sampling of the shelf life for some of their beers:Burning River - 90 days,Commodore Perry - 90 days, Eliot Ness - 100 days, Dortmunder - 110 days, Edmund Fitzgerald - 180 days.Great Northern Brew:Uses abest beforedate that is stamped on their cases. Legend (VA):Uses abottlingdate. Ale Apothecary:Uses abottlingdate. Knee Deep:Uses abottlingdate. Format is YYDDD. Atwater Block:Uses aproductiondate. The X, IPA and Anvil have a 6 month shelf-life. Sun King:Uses acanneddate. Listed as month/day/year and is 120 days out. . Delivery & Pickup Options - 8 reviews of Narragansett Beer "Official beer of the clam, and Dr. Seuss! They plan on bottling soon and will probably carry over the dating. If you look on the side (usually right) it will have a little notch for what month it was bottled in. Narragansett Beer is a Rhode Island-based beer company. the 3 digit is the week it was bottled and the last number is the day. Ex. : March 18, 2010.Bruery (The):Uses abest bydate. It's stamped on the case carton only. Putting the beer into geeks since 1996 | Respect Beer. Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites. Shipyard:Uses abest enjoyed beforedate. Big Boss:Uses abottled ondate. It is typically on the left side of the label. Format is MM/DD/YY. Expires: 09/25/2020. Left side is the day of the month, bottom is year, letters are the month.Traveler Beer:Uses abest beforedate. D.L. Only the cases are stamped. origin ZIP Code, destination ZIP Code and time of acceptance and will depend on shipping service selected and receipt of cleared payment . bottles. Full Tilt:Uses apackagingdate on the cases only.Funkwerks:Uses acellaringdate. Date is 120 days from canning. Also, each label on our 12 oz. has 3 digits followed by a space, then one more digit. Lewis & Clark:Uses abest beforedate. Weyerbacher:Uses abottled onandbest beforedate. It's on the mother case, format MM/DD/YY. In this example, "A 1 52 84" signifies the Production Day: A, Brewery: 1, Line: 52, and Time: 84. In anticipation of the opening of the Narragansett brewery and taproom later next month, Narragansett Beer is thrilled to . Format is MM/DD/YYYY. Pizza Port:Uses abottlingdate. date. Hawaii Nui:Uses aborn ondate that's date stamped only on the cases. Looks like this: APRIL2012. It's stamped on the bottles and cases. It's on the left side of their labels. From the brewer: Date stamp on the box is MMMDDYYYY. google_ad_format="125x125_as"; Stamped on the box and also printed on the label. It's a Julian code. Date and time is written on the can. We're updating the IPA, DOA, Stout and Pale to read like the Secession. Lucky Bucket:Uses abest bydate. Golden Road:Uses acanned ondate.GoodLife:Uses abottlingdate. Shelf-life is 6 months.Monday Night:Uses abest beforedate on the case box only. Only the year is written on the label. Anderson Valley:Uses a Julianbottlingdate in small print on the bottle neck. The code on the cans is the manufacturer's code, not Half Acre's.Hardywood Park:Usesvintagedates on some of their beers. Laughing Dog:Uses abottlingandbest buydate. Most of our seasonals do not have this due to their limited availability. A few of their high ABV beers have abottlingdate that is clearly marked. Mayflower:Uses apackaged ondate. North Coast:Uses abottlingdate on cases only. Russian River:For the Blind Pig & Pliny the Elder, there is abottled ondate. Get 5 The Narragansett Beer Shop! For the bottles, it's printed on the top shoulder, on the glass. Typically it is on the bottle (sometimes below the neck label) and cans (usually on the bottom). 16oz can. We asked the bartender about it and decided to give it a try. Tallgrass:Uses abest bydate. Boulder Beer:Uses apull (best before)date. Press Release. I is skipped, so J=September, etc. Example: Canned with care: 02/28/10 09:56, Slogan. google_ad_host="pub-6693688277674466"; Its the number of days into that year. Example: Brewed March 15, 2009, Bottled May 24 2009.Block 15:Uses abottlingandbest beforedate for their monthly Hop Experience Ale. Add your business, list your beers, bring in your locals. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 6 Narragansett Beer 2020 Rebus Puzzle Coasters 130 Years Rhode Island #1 at the best online prices at eBay! Backcountry:Uses abottled ondate. It's on the master carton only. All 12 oz. Month and year are notched on the right side of the front label. Great Divide:Uses abottlingdate. Atlas Brew Works: Beers will be available in the summer of 2013. Deschutes:Shows thebest beforedateas month (but not year). It's a Julian date code. Once the new artwork is out, they pull the old one after 30 days. Pours crystal clear golden color with a brilliant white head . Which is 100 days from the day we bottled. Blind Bat (The):Uses abrewed onandbottled ondate. Then why is it that most . The code is standard Julian dating. It's on the side in the month/ year format. Fireman's Brew:Uses abest bydate stamped on the cases only. Also, their 6-pack carriers have an NFC inlay which allows NFC-enabled cellphones to read the specs of the bottle (ABV, IBU, brew date, bottle date and brewer`s and bottler`s initials. Ex. Saugatuck:Uses abest bydate. For example J would be January, F would be February, etc. First, check the label. Cisco:Uses abest beforedate which is on the cases only. Stamped on the bottles and cans. Format is MM/DD/YY. From the brewer: There is an ink jetted date on each bottle just above the top of the label. It reads the 69th day of 2010 the 8 on the end is the batch that it came out of. The first three numbers are the day of the year which would be 180 days after packaging, and the last two numbers indicate the year. If you look in the lower right corner of the label you will find a code that reads something like 123A12. google_ad_host="pub-6693688277674466"; Format is MM/DD/YY. Written in black ink on the side of the bottle, just below the label. Example: 021710.Coastal Empire:Uses apackagingdate which is time stamped on the beer. Atlantic Brewing (Maine):Best beforedate stamped on top of end panel of each case. No-Li Brewhouse:Uses abottlingdate on the cases only. City (WI):Uses abottlingcode. Brau Brothers:Uses abottlingcode. date. 3, 2021 at 11:35 AM. From the brewer: We've done it a couple ways. They just got a laser etcher and are trying to sort out glitches so soon each bottle will be laser etched with the date (July 2013).Cottrell:Uses abest beforedate on their beers. Their is also a a sticker with thebottlingdate on the bottom of their 750ml. Fish Brewing (WA):Uses aspawned on (bottling)date.