v20 merits and flaws

Focused Rage (1pt. FLAWS MERITS Acute Hearing: (1 pt) (VPG) You have exceptionally sharp hearing, even for a vampire. Those who wait and watch are in a positoin to take full advantage of the vagaries of time. (CB:L1), Family Member A member of your mortal family is also a vampire. This characteristic makes you the center of attention at any gathering, since they all want to wholeheartedly please you. Methuselah's Thirst The character is no longer capable of drinking mortal blood to sustain himself regardless of Blood Potency. (NOS). (CB:R1), Forked Tongue Your tongue is forked and flickering, like that of a snake. Enemy (1 - 5 Flaw)You have an enemy, or perhaps a group of enemies. The Inbred Flaw cover all manner of physical, mental, and emotional defects. (GFA), Supernatural Spouse You share a relationship equivalent to marriage with a supernatural creature other than another Kindred. For ghouls, being Kinfolk can be an advantage or a hindrance. Your Storyteller should create game stats for the stalker. Valuable Secret (1 - 3 Merit) Others would kill or die to know this secret the character guards. V20 Classical Age - The Ultimate Revised Discipline Compendium includes: This book is for those who want an in-depth look only for those who want to have the Merits and Flaws available at their fingertips. This vampire is loyal, capable, and powerful enough to stand against anyone in her way. It isnt so much that youre fair or quick of wit (though you may be) you simply possess a certain animal charm that few can resist. This is a list of Merits and Flaws in the Storyteller System used by the Classic World of Darkness and other game lines. These ebooks were created from the original electronic layout files, and therefore are fully text searchable. In the case of sidhe kinain, this Flaw is the same as the Sidhe's Curse from the Player's Guide. Although your Mentor might no longer have contact with you, the simple fact of your apprenticeship has marked you forever. The Merits from Prime 5.1 have been included for convenience. (CB: NOS1), Ravaged [Kinain] You were Ravaged by a changeling at some point in your past, stripping you of the glamour of your fae heritage, which you have yet to recover. The more often he use your ties, the weaker they grow. You leave no trail to follow as the earth swallows your footprints, and the trees and grasses cover your scent. When acting on "home soil" (your main haven, not auxiliary havens), you gain an additional die to all your Dice Pools. Generally speaking, you're a szlachta, and most modifications necessitate the purchase of the Flow: Monstrous (The Vampire Players Guide, p.19). Other Salubri may regard you with distrust or envy if they know of your unusual gift. (ELY), Vitae Sink (Ghoul) For whatever reason, you metabolize vitae more quickly than other ghouls do. For whatever reason, your domitor is actually rather fond of you. Both characters have to buy this Merit. The ghoul has reasonablly good Virtues and Willpower ratings and will do anything you say, since it loves you so much. The time the ST spent to make the amnesia happen feels like special treatment. You have been known to go to extremes to best this individual, and he has been known to do the same to you. (4 pts.) You may gain Glamour normally as any kinain would, but you will not have any initial Glamour to use for cantrips or Fae Gifts, making it unlikely you would have learned much about either (unless you have a gift that does not require Glamour to use). Because of this, all Appearance-based rolls receive two extra bonus dice, as well as a -1 Difficulty rating to seduction-based Appearance rolls, too. If you do something wrong and the act is not easily attributed to you, it will most likely be blamed on someone else. This title was added to our catalog on January 05, 2022. However, these vampire acquire a peculiar pallor upon their Embrace 0 they look like corpses, and no amount of blood ingestion will flush their features (as other vampire are able to do). Charmed Samadji (Ravnos; 1 - 4 Merit) Your family or sire has gifted you with an item of power. For him, your rivalry has become a matter of death or dishonor. Their books and page numbers are listed for your convenience. On nights of the new moon you are extremely passive, but on nights of the full moon you are extremely emotional and volatile. If you are convincing enough, you can infect others with your overconfidence. Of course, your kin do not want you to be a ghoul forever, as they would like you to return to their society and raise a family of your own. Vicissitude Modifications (Ghoul) Although you may not be talented at the Tzimisce forms of fleshcrafting and boneshaping, at some point you have been modified into a more warlike form. Combined with Heightened Senses (Level One Auspex), this Merit can provide superhuman olfactory acuity. "Decrepitude" and "Hemetic" didn't make it into V20. Every time you are forced to wait around instead off acting, a Self-Control roll is required to see if you go haring off on your own instead. You see everything as an omen or a sign from God, devils and angels are everywhere, and you just can't read the Good Book too many times. (PGS), Patience You have learned the wisdom of patience in all things. This will regrow when the aggravated wound is healed. This not a facility for blessing or cursing, or an ability that can be ruled by any conscious control. (PGS). The entirety of your life has been training to be an Inquisitor, a warrior for the Society of Leopold. The physical category describes Merits or Flaws that deal with a character's physical makeup or abilities, while the mental category addresses intellectual abilities or patterns of behavior. The difficulty to use any level of this Discipline is reduced by 1, although this Merit can never reduce the difficulty of any roll below 4. During the waxing moon you are pleasant and more focused on your tasks. You feel that your domitor needs you, and that every feeding is nothing short of an act of purest love. Putrescent The mystic process that inhibit the natural decay of the vampiric form were less effective on you. Vampire Merits & Flaws. By necessity, havens generally are secret locations or at least highly secure (ideally both), otherwise the vampire runs the risk of exposure or destruction at the hands of witch-hunters or rivals - or, worse still, the resident might become the victim of . (CB:S). Image Obsession [LaSombra] (1 - 5 Flaw) You find yourself hypnotized by the vagaries of your own appearance. NOTE: Without this merit, a Ravnos player character is assumed to be georgio. (CB:AS1), Vulgar You will never fit into High Society. Your vampire has the following flaw (s): Impatient. Most newer books are in the original electronic format. How much you know about the magic depends upon the number of successes you roll using your Perception + Occult (difficulty 8). This Merit supersedes those of Werewolf Companion and Spirit Mentor in The Vampire Players Guide.) Many will believe you to possess great power (regardless of the truth), and will be appropriately respectful of you. Opponents must score two more successes than normal to grapple you, and your difficulty to soak fire damage is reduced by one. (ELY), Enchanted Blood [Kinain] Your blood carries some of the essence of Glamour in it, meaning that vampires who drink from you suffer the same effects as drinking the vitae of a changeling: temporary enchantment and possible madness. (CB:AS1), Disreputable CenacleYour cenacle has been shamed by an event in the past. If it fails or botches, the stalker has managed to tail your character throughout the night and might put in an appearance when its least helpful. While you cannot derive any nourishment from eating regular foods, this ability will serve you well in maintaining the Masquerade. You have no place in the world of the Damned. The Storyteller should create something suitable or choose one item from the Mystical Items list to give to you (though you can suggest something). Only the general flow of Kindred politics and society remains reasonably familiar; the rest of the world is gibberish. You are forever a Poseur, and you have no ability to judge a masterpiece from trash. You might not even know that your beloved liege is hated at all; after all, who could dislike such a wonderful creature as she? You can guzzle Nosferatu vitae until your stomach bursts, and your complexion won't suffer a bit. You may add 2 dice to all rolls that directly include use of your voice: singing, preaching, leadership, etc. Example: the character may achieve a minor variation on a form. What happens is that if a roll is made that would kill the character, the roll is made a second time. You are slow to heal normal wounds as well, requiring two Blood Points per Health Level recovered. (TE), Image Obsession [LaSombra] (1 - 5 Flaw) You find yourself hypnotized by the vagaries of your own appearance. Although dangerous, any weaponry causes normal damage only; despite its horrid appearance, your arsenal is still only mortal flesh and bone. These have all been modified to provide you with protection, numerous places to rest and emergency escape routes. Baby FaceYou look more human than other vampires, enabling you to fit in the human world much more easily. (TE), Lunacy You are affected by the phases of the moon. (CB:R1). You must have at least 2 dots in Drive to take this merit. You receive a -2 to your difficulty on Seduction or Subterfuge rolls. The Valuable Secret should be created and given by the Storyteller. Although it would not be condemned by the Kindred, you both take pains to keep the association secret. You are more likely to frenzy if you do not get your fix for the night; the difficulty of all frenzy rolls increases by two. (ELY). Example: the character may make a significant variation in one of the Protean shapes, (as long as it is still a shape traditionally associated with Vampires), such as becoming a black cat instead of a wolf. (CB:S), Dual Nature You have two distinct Natures, both of which have an influence on your personality and behavior. (INQ). NOTE: You may not take a Family Enmity with the Tsurara or Ravnos families. Your fangs are enormous, snaggly things resembling cobra fangs or possibly even tusks. The player is trusted, even if they are not trustworthy. Your friend must have some influence or ability that make him valuable to the sect or you would have been ordered to destroy him long ago. Somehow, everything you say or perform rings with power and conviction. The cost of this Flaw depends on the relative power and position of your ex-paramour in Kindred society (1 for an ancilla, 2 for another elder, 3 for a more powerful elder). The cost of this Merit depends upon the power and position of the childe. Whether it instills people with fear, love, or self-loathing, all Disciplines that require sight contact have their difficulties reduced by 3. When you flirt, you find many willing minions. You are particularly fond of Kindred who realize their lesser standing in the face of your obvious superiority, although you tend to view any who speak well of you as more intelligent and deserving than most. You are able to understand many magical portents that are revealed to people every day, but are seen by few and interpreted by less. The only exception are the specific Mage: the Ascension merits and flaws at the bottom. (CB: NOS1), Drug Resistance You are unusually resistant to drugs. Nosferatu Caitiff You were Embraced by a Nosferatu, but failed to meet the standards of even that clan, and were subsequently rejected by your sire. Some traits are presented as Merits in some sources and as Backgrounds in others; this list only covers sources that list traits as Merits. As such, you may hide your blood in a chalice or feed ghouls without betraying the true nature of their draught. Exactly who you owe, and why, and how much, depends on the value of the Flaw and the Storytellers twisted imagination. When that pride is insulted or threatened, the player must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 9). You may drink an additional two Blood Points from your victim each turn. Precognition You have the ability to perceive events before they happen. (CB:Tz1), Holy AuraYour aura, no matter what color it takes, is unusually brilliant to those who can see it; you are practically a beacon among other mortals, burning with a religious devotion. You are not allowed to speak to Kindred outside the sect, you are not allowed to go anywhere outside pack territory without a fellow pack member, and you are required to prove your loyalty time and time again. Though he may call upon his friend in times of need, she may call on him as well. (PGS), Pack Enemy You have made an enemy within your pack. Inbred (1 - 5 Flaw) A common occurrence among the incestuous Giovanni clan, inbreeding can take many forms, and this Flaw is best discussed with the Storyteller before a player takes it for her character. A 3-point Merit indicates that you occasionally can sense the others strong emotions (fear, joy, pain) if your twin is in the vicinity. The Merit can be of great use if you wish to impersonate a vampire, but can also cause some very dangerous misunderstandings. Passions may burn brightly; but as they say, revenge is served best cold. Example: The character may modify the incidental effects of a form. You must score one extra success to do damage with a bite, and once you have locked your teeth into your prey, you automatically cause the victim one additional Health level of damage for every two Blood Points taken (you have to chew and chew and chew). Every one of your accomplishments or triumphs will eventually become soiled or fail in some way. They will not offer any assistance to you, and may even alert your enemies to your presence in a city. More difficult geasa are worth more points. Other elders could easily discover this at any time and, at the very least, most of society knows that you are to be shunned. Typically, only independent ghouls may purchase Kinfolk as a Merit. Nine Lives Fate has granted you the opportunity to come as close to Final Death as anyone can get and still survive. Perhaps your eyes are unusually vivid, or uncannily colored, or incredibly trusting and inviting theyre distinct, regardless, so you might as well make use of em. Prodigies of Obtenebration also find Abyss rituals easier. Those possessing it do not bear the Curse of Lamia; their Kiss causes no more damage than the blood loss itself. Whenever you kiss someone, you leave traces of sweet vitae behind. There isnt anything actually magickal about your gaze, but others cannot help finding it intriguing, whether you want them to or not. Worse, your willpower is considered to be one point lower whenever potential hook-ups try to seduce you or bend your will with supernatural powers. You still suffer full wound penalties at Wounded and . Some visions may be precognitive, while others might be warnings or advice. The number of points spent determines the scope of the variation, which must be specific, approved by the Storyteller, and defined when the merit is chosen. Face the FlamesThe weakness of your Beast renders you less susceptible to blind panic when faced with fire. ), Wraith Companion The character has a mentor that is a wraith. Some Supernaturals will find this a positive aspect; others, particularly Kindred, may likely be hostile to you. Sanctifying Kiss Your lips have a particular crimson luster like roses or fine wine. Sexy You are one sexy mutha. While your packmates may still be groggy, you tend to be awake and aware. Your Unconquered ally may be called upon for assistance and may also enlist your support from time to time. Beholden (1 - 3 Flaw) You owe somebody something, and some day theyll call the marker in. This geas may be a family curse or duty that you have inherited, or it may have been imposed on you by a changeling using the Sovereign Art. (Cb:L1). When you do fail, you quickly find someone or something else to blame. However, one can never count upon a guardian angel. In times of great need you may be supernaturally protected. You may ask for her help in times of need, but she may not always be able to help. (The player makes all rolls related to either Charisma or Appearance at -2 difficulty. (DSBH), Iron Will(Mortal)This version of Iron Will is the same as the one for Vampire except that it costs one extra point (for a total of four) for a mortal hunter to be immune to Kindred Domination. In besting this individual, yougo to the extremes, and he behaves similarly towards you. (ELY). You may declare your love for one another openly, although you risk becoming an outcast - or worse. This can obviously lead to some unplanned and quite twisted codependent relationships. (CB: NOS1), Special Rapport You have a special bond with another vampire that extends beyond any other type of bond you know of. (INQ), Light SleeperYou need less sleep than other mortals; you can function quite well on four hours a night. You are able to land on your feet from a fall virtually every time. (CB: NOS1), Tough Hide Your skin is thick and leathery, resembling that of a pachyderm. (CB:R1), Childe, Loyal Your childe's loyalty goes beyond any Blood Bond, being born of true affection and admiration. This Merit determines your standing within the hierarchy. This does not heal other sorts of wounds whatsoever. They find her totally repulsive either for a past deed or nothing at all. (ELY), Powerful Ghoul You have a very powerful ghoul Blood Bound to you. Your work is never good enough to suit you. You may or may not remember how the competition started, but now you and your rival are inseparable. Note: Ghouls may never heal Vicissitude modifications , not even with vampire blood. As a rule, the Tzimiscse make sufficient cosmetic alterations to ruin the looks of all their battle-ghouls, even those whose modiciations ar enot in and of themselves hidesous. Work with your Storyteller to create a good reason for this effect, and how it developed. However, he may also call upon you for aid some day. Such a gift is rare and precious, and many people with this capacity never even manage to fulfill their true potential. The difficulties of all die rolls involving the use of the voice to persuade, charm or command are reduced by two. ), Bard's Tongue You speak the truth, uncannily so. The modifier is determined by the rating of this flaw. The points of the flaw determine the size of the animals (2pt -rats, bats and mice, 3pt Cats and dogs, 4pt Wolves, deer, bears as examples). Iron's Curse [Kinain] You are sensitive to cold iron as a true changeling. More objectively the term Thin-Blooded denotes a Cainite who is part of the Thin-Blood "clan" in 5th Edition or an individual who suffered from the Thin Blood Flaw, introduced in earlier editions (also known as Thin Blood Syndrome). Potent BloodYour blood, for some reason, is very potent and Kindred will desire to drink it. (Cb:L1), Inbred (1 - 5 Flaw) A common occurrence among the incestuous Giovanni clan, inbreeding can take many forms, and this Flaw is best discussed with the Storyteller before a player takes it for her character. Your skin exudes a grease that attracts flies, gnats, bees, and other flying insects. If the need should arise, you are expected to kill your contact to protect the Sabbat or prove your loyalty. Likewise, your Marijava friend may call upon you for help occasionally. They will thwart any and all plans the character has if they are near by. (GFA), Routine Through the ages you have settled into somewhat of a routine. (DSBH). You can drool blood, pop your eyes out to double their width, spontaneously grow and burst boils on your flesh, extend you tongue three feet out of your mouth, etc. You won't get canonized just for this. A 5 point Merit means that you often sense your others emotions, even at a distance, and can feel the others physical pain or peril. Should you refrain from action, the Storyteller is within his rights to deduct temporary Willpower from your character until such time as you pursue your vengeance once more. (PGS). He should be very careful, lest the wrong mortals see them. This is a serious Flaw, as your unlife is constantly threatened by frenzied attacks directed against you by enraged werewolves. (DSBH), Airport The character controls a major airport, and all Kindred who would use it must answer to him, for it is his domain. (DSBH). The more inhabited it appears to be, the more attention it will garner. (INQ). Hidden DiablerieThe tell-tale black streaks of diablerie do not manifest in your aura. (PGS), Poor Taste You can never have the Art Appreciation, Expression, or Crafts skill. This Merit is often coupled with the Prey Exclusion Flaw. The exact nature of the punishment is left to you and the Storyteller. (CB:R1), Pack Enemy You have made an enemy of your pack leader. Your domitor treats you with some measure of compassion and does not casually endanger your life. You can heal aggravated wounds only at a rate of one Health Level per five days, as opposed to one Health Level per day. If this information becomes known among other elder vampires you will be shunned, or perhaps even put to the sun. You carry the blood of the Garou in your veins, nd your own children may be Garou. They are also known for their animal natures and prowess at Protean. (DSBH). Perhaps it is because you have been tainted by your dealings with the Infernal, or perhaps they just dislike your smell. Stalker Someone has an unhealthy obsession with your character. Yet, for reasons unknown, a simple touch from you is enough to illict the same effect. Finally, the constant itching and irritaiton increase by one the difficulties of all your rolls to avoid frenzy. All of this and more can be achieved with merits and flaws! You gain one extra die to Dice Pools involving digital coordination or grappling. You may find yourself flirting with more than one person at the same time, a situation that could turn awkward in a heartbeat. Within your specific Aptitude, reduce all difficulties by 2. Normally, vampires can only seal the wounds they inflict when feeding by licking them closed. In fact, if you had the choice, you would choose the trash. Should the wind blow while you are moving, there is no way to hear you. (ELY), Innate Magical Ability You have some sort of magical ability that makes you unique. As a result, you draw attention from members of the opposite sex, or your own sex, with raw animal magnetism. (ELY), Cast No Reflection You actually cast no reflection in mirrors, just like the vampires of legend. In game terms, this Merit subtracts two from the difficulty of any Social roll that involves sustained eye contact, or from an influence spell that includes eye contact as a focus. The Guide contains completely revised rules for each Merit and Flaw and new Characteristic effects created for your Vampire games (any V20 scenario). Unfortunately, vampires find your blood particularly strong and tasty - twice as potent as that of other mortals, in fact. (CB:Tor1). Catlike Balance You possess an innately perfect sense of balance. You have both come to each other's aid several times over the years, and you would be aggrieved were anything to happen to your love. Either because of personal proclivity or the rigors of Vicissitude, you have become acclimatized to pain. (INQ, PGS), Oversized Fangs When you grow your fangs, you really grow 'em. Revenants with this Flaw want nothing more than to serve the glorious ideals of the Sabbat, and leap to indulge many Sabbat vampire's whim. The bugs may travel up to 20 feet from you to sting and distract your foes. Magic Sensitivity You have a supernatural gift that allows you to know if any magic is in use or has been used recently within a 10-footradius of yourself. (1 for leading anarch, 2 for an Archon, 3 for a primogen, etc., determined in conjunction with the Storyteller). (PGS). You are expected to carry this powerful draba until you sire your own progeny, then pass the gift to her. It is imperative you keep this information hidden. This Merit obviously has the potential for abuse, and its not appropriate for all chronicles or characters. (DSBH), Family Enmity By an act of betrayal, or perhaps a simple "misunderstanding," you have gained the scorn of one of the families. The swarm does no actual damage, but any being caught in the swarm must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 7). Under Kindred law, both you and your childer may be subject to a Blood Hunt should other vampires discover your secret. The damage done is Standard Brawling damage, only it is considered aggravated against supernaturals. (PGS). This Merit allows you to regain Willpower using both Natures. Rival You have an intense rivalry with another Kindred. Unfortunately, both of your kind would consider you threats if they knew of your relationship. This may be one of the existing physical or supernatural Flaws listed in the Player's Guide, like Huge Size, Short, Changeling's Eyes or the like, or it may be some new physical change or deformity. She would do almost anything to aid you, and you trust her as you do no other among the Kindred. Eat Food You have the capacity to eat food and even savor its taste. You have no idea who or what it is, but you have an idea that someone is looking out for you. The Storyteller must decide why you are being watched over, and by what (not necessarily an angel, despite the name). You tend to go to the same places at the same time of year, and to proceed from have to haven in a regular order. Rivalry (1 - 3 Flaw)You have an ongoing rivalry with someone (perhaps a Cainite, or even a mortal).

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