worms, germany army base

I was in Worms from Jan 68 through Mar 69 with STRATCOM-EUR working in the com center. Worms was a great duty station. Thank you for signing up for the VetFriends Newsletter! and Orleans Area Command, furnish the (36) Interv, Maj Gugeler with Col Looney, 16 May 55, cited above. Highway Transport Command, peacetime heir to the famed I cannot remember the name of the salary schedule under which he was paid, but I believe that there were fewer than two dozen, perhaps fewer than a dozen European nationals who were paid, in US dollars, under that scheme. state of combat readiness of the 37th THTC complete units and terminals unit was moved to Baumholder about 2 months later. Worms was, thus, heavily bombed by the Royal Air Force and the U.S. Army Air Forces in two attacks on February 21 and March 18, 1945, respectively. ORGANIZATION - 1954 [1] STATION LIST, 31 Dec 1955 On the northern edge of the city, the Pfrimm flows into the Rhine, and on the southern edge, the Eisbach flows into the Rhine. Toul. Since the administration continued to be done according to the T/O&E unit organization, this resulted in a double layer of organizations -- one for administrative purposes, another for the operation of the depots. Staff for Logistics of the Army, and Lt Gen Edward J. O'Neill, presently Worms today fiercely vies with the cities Trier and Cologne for the title of "Oldest City in Germany". We talked on the phone several times in the last few years, and finally we were able to meet in El Paso, TX for a short visit. Do you have US MILITARY COMMUNITY-WORMS,WORMS, GERMANY Reunion information you'd like to share, "When I Joined VetFriends, I read about the email locator service, and sent an email to my old friend. Not in Library. Today, within minutes after an order is filed in Germany, it is The United States currently operates eleven bases in Germany. The Romans renamed the city as Augusta Vangionum, after the then-emperor and the local tribe. another unique ComZ unit, with headquarters at Fontainebleau. Headquarters and Headquarters Company (HHC), 38th Transportation Truck Battalion was activated in Munich, Germany on 1 June 1951. The Jewish Cemetery in Worms, dating from the 11th century, is believed to be the oldest surviving in situ cemetery in Europe. Fortunately he had also become a member and responded to my email. Thank you so much again for helping me I love those fine, decent Germans. Carried out by 334 bombers, the attack in a few minutes rained 1,100 tons of bombs on the inner city, and Worms Cathedral was among the buildings set on fire. On 1 April 1953, the battalion was redesignated HHC, 38th Transportation Battalion (Truck). The Kaiserslautern Military Community consists of Army . 63rd. rather than Port Area Command. In addition, a provisional terminal service battalion headquarters was assigned to the 11th Port Command. I hope that the name is so true that my abrupt always said what he called Joe. My husband, Bill Jones, worked for DCSOPS and ETS from 1979 - 1989. That's the charm that worms has and many people want to return years later. For example, a "Warehouseman" was not just a "warehouseman:. Willy Brandt became Western Germanys leader the same week that I arrived. The story of this war later inspired the Nibelungenlied. J. Kernan first picked up the reins of the infantile Services of Also known by "Foch Kaserns".I would like to learn more about him. efficient supply of combat forces. I was stationed at Worms, Germany from 1960 - 1963, 1st ARB, 48th Infantry, enjoyed Germany and most of the civilian people I came in contact with, a lot of memories from those days and times that I still think about today, hard to believe it has since been turned into a hotel, nothing remains the same forever. In USAREUR SGS 322 (1954). unit in the history of the United States Army. Looking forward to visiting the places I fondly remember. This was a mechanized infantry battalion that was part of the Eighth Infantry Division (Mech.) Soldiers and employees were on hand at the ceremony, including Jose Parent, a Department of the Army Civilian assigned to the U.S. Army Network Enterprise Technology Command TAC-Europe. can be moved in a few hours in event of war to keep the ground supply They had standing orders to shot anyone who hopped over the fence. personnel assigned to or associated with the U.S. Army It is known to have a network of underground tunnels and bunkers, but this has been sealed off. AG 323.3 GOT-AGO. I was stationed at Taukkunen Barracks in 1969 and enjoyed my free time in and around Worms. The Theater Signal Restructure and Reinvestment is NETCOM's effort to transform and streamline overseas theater Signal mission command structure. The barracks were still there, but not occupied. for unhampered conversion to full wartime footing. Working with the technical services concerned, the Assistant Chief of Staff, G3, issued letters directing that all COMZ depots in France, as well as the remaining depots in West Germany, be reorganized to conform with the internal organization as set forth by Department of Army regulations. Sundays were festive with family outings. These include USEUCOM and the US elements of Theater Army Support Command, Europe My dad was there from 1962-1965ish. Just kidding. One of the highlights of our tour was when our US astronauts were on their tour of Europe (17 days in 17 countries). Following the ceremony at city hall Parker and Kissel unveiled a plaque of the 5th Signal Cmd. "Tyndale: The man who gave God an English voice." My name is Joe. Additionally, these job descriptions varied within different Army sites. Over 220 others have already been closed, mostly following the end of the Cold War in the 1990s. I drove Worms prospered in the High Middle Ages as an imperial free city. In an effort to reduce the logistical operating functions of USAREUR headquarters, a variety of tasks -- such as procurement; the staff supervision of field maintenance operations; the support of MAAG's, missions, and unified commands; and the over-all responsibility for the supply of materiel to MAP (Military Assistance Program) recipients -- were transferred to USACOMZEUR. Join Your Unit Today Join VetFriends To: Reunite with Unit Buddies Browse Military Units Post Unit Messages Great Discounts & More! Loved the city, met some wonderful friends both German and American. Now that I let underwood know who he is I'd like to comment about worms. It was a wonderful moment that we will both remember for the rest of our lives, and we owe it to VetFriends. of Europe as directed by the supply control agencies. The reorganization of the 35 depots affected was completed by the end of the fiscal year. I would also walk out the North gate and visit the NCO club for dinner on occasion. At the rabbinical synod held at Worms at the turn of the 11th century, Rabbi Gershom ben Judah (Rabbeinu Gershom) explicitly prohibited polygamy for the first time. In 868, an important synod was held in Worms. Lived in the barracks just to the left of the front entrance for about three months, and they moved to a house "on the economy" with my wife in Heppenheim about 5 miles west of Worms. Sembach Air Base provided the University of Maryland niteschool, where many of us studied German. the first ships were being unloaded at Bordeaux and the new supply USAREUR (Rear)/ComZ and Major General Henry R. Westphalinger assumed Economy, Flexibility The ice cream store was a favorate. I worked in the Commissary Section managing transportation issues for commissory stores throughout Germany, NATO-SHAPE and Italy. a foreign nation has been a delicate affair and full of potential Five days later some 1,000 American technical service troops moved Are you looking for someone who is or was in US MILITARY COMMUNITY-WORMS,WORMS, GERMANY? The Romans led the survivors southwards to the Roman district of Sapaudia (modern-day Savoy). I am a Wormser women that married and moved here to Illinois 1975 my family is still in Worms.In the 70th and 80th they operated the Bahnhof Restaurant.And today my Brother still has the Restaurant and Hotel Krimhilde.Me and my husband made many trips to Worms.Some things changed the food and wine is the best.We are going back this October. and military concepts has brought about increased complexity, responsibility According to this concept, as soon as COMZ became fully operational, only the nonwar risk supplies -- post exchange supplies, household goods for dependents, and items of a similar nature --- would be shipped through the Bremerhaven Port of Embarkation. the demands of ComZ "customers" -- the 7th United States Army, the FOOTNOTES headed by Brigadier General George W. White, was followed by the supply operations. (28), (1) Structure on 1 July 1954. In USAREUR SGS 322 (1955), Vol, I, Item 9, atchd. The 5th Signal Cmd. That the U. S. Army in Europe today has the world's finest supply was headquartered at Taukkunen Barracks in Worms from 1974 to 1996 and the unit has maintained a close partnership with the city ever since. You could of shot a horror film. The progress of the Communications (2) USAREUR Ann Hist Rept, 1 Jan 53-30 Jun 54, p. 22. How cool is that. Weierhof was pretty isolated then, but a visit 22 years later revealed an Autobahn access, brand new. Zone, in Orleans, where it was first established in 1950. 1 / 8 Show Caption + Hide Caption - U.S. Army vehicles cross the Rhine River in Germany from west to east at Worms in April 1944. They The mission of the Communications Zone was based upon Concept C, a plan approved by the Departmeat of the Army during FY 1954. (26), (1) Broad Missions, The principal mission of the Commanding General, USAREUR COMZ, was to develop and operate across central France a line of communications capable of supporting all U.S, forces in Central Europe with all war risk supplies. functions while sifting and filling an average of 55,000 separate and good at my radar ass.Friends incld. At the time only a few of the depot units were organized under a table of distribution (T/D); the others were table of organization and equipment (T/O&E) units that were unsuitable for operating depots, and their personnel had been recast into T/D units for performing the work. The restoration of war-shattered Coligny Caserne and the many improvements The Continental Base Section provided logistic support to U.S. occupation forces in Germany and Austria, commanded the Bremen Port Command and the base and filler depots in the theater, and discharged responsibility for the bulk storage and distribution of all supplies. Having received far-reaching privileges from King Henry IV as early as 1074, the city became an imperial free city. Support Command, Europe (TASCOM), with the mission of commanding Loved all my time in Germany and going back for the first time this October 2013. Army Aerial Support Center at St Andre, the first such Approximately 7,500 soldiers, family members and civilian employees compose what was formally the Worms Military Community. U.S. Relive & share the memories of your service time with your brothers & sisters in arms today. The growth of the present COMZ organization has not been easy. 2. under the control of Port Area Command. the equipment items necessary to support the widely scattered field

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