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Enough!" Then, all the water, and Rolf, came pouring back into the empty whole in the ground. "Where ya hidin at, ya big lug? No! Edd is using a strange device. "Eddy: "Yeah, with the sounds of an idiot. In. He nimbly leaps from roof to roof and sets out to scour Peach Creek for the Eds. ]Ed: "Wiggle my toes, wiggle my toes. ", Edd's statement is partially correct. Even more coincidentally, Kevin's bike is parked against it. "Eddy: [snapping] FINE! Everything I said about my brother was a lie. [He pushes a heavy box into Eddy.] [Ed falls out of the car.] "Don't forget about me!" ]Rolf: "Downtrodden rabbit radishes! "[Sarah and Jimmy look at each other, worry in their eyes. This implies Eddy already knows that Jonny is Captain Melonhead. ], [Sarah cuts a hole in a cardboard box and looks through it. Australia was the next country to air the movie, on June 5. I'm in!" It does this again. [He hugs them close.] "Eddy: "Those chumps'll never catch us now! "Lee: "I said move" [Lee realizes what Sarah said.] [He uses his shirt as a bandana.] [He realizes who it is.] [Jonny sneaks away.] When he does so, he breaks the tree in three and falls in the water. As he works to get it loose, he hops around his room, destroying it. "Ed: [hugging Edd] "Happy place, Double D, happy place! "[As he storms off, Eddy's eyes fill with tears. While Eddy and Edd desperately try to escape through the window and a heat vent (both of which are closed off with bricks), Ed attempts to ride away on a Preserved Camel in the room, which pitches him backwards into a fire-alarm like box marked as "In case of movie, break glass". Among those, his shuddersome stink bomb recipes, his heinous hot sauces, oh and my favorite, malicious misleading treasure maps, together with other contentious callous cons, lead me to suspect your brother's quite the jokester. "Edd: [showing off the postcard] "Eddy, look! "Edd: [whispering, shocked] "My fault? ", [The moon shines down brightly on the swamp. "Thank you! This is mainly owing to the fact that he is wearing a strange helmet on his head and appears to be blind. The gum then proceeds to give him a severe electrical shock. "[Ed burrows into the ground and wiggles around until he finds a big rock. ]Ed: "Dive, captain, dive! "Eddy: "Uncle! We coulda stopped there." A regular stampede of em. He did?" ]Ed: "Chickens, Double D! He looks down, and his eyes bulge. Through his dazed, beat up head, Kevin heard Eddy whispering. "Eddy: "Say what? But that's what you get for wrestling walruses. Reaching into his hat, he pulls out his labeler and starts to make a label as he walks towards the trunk. ", [The Eds trundle down the road. He approaches Eddy. ", [Edd is snoring peacefully away. Hair extensions, exfoliating scrubs, spray tan, fingernails glued and polished, a pustule of"Rolf: "Shed tears no more, fussbucket Nazz-girl. [putting his hat on] "Thank you. This time, however, they will finally try to find solutions to their problems, which grow worse by the day." Grudges, lust, simplemindedness, obsession, hatred they're all present, and they . Back in the Cul-de-Sac, after the end credits, deep within the Melon-Cave, Jonny scans the area as he giggles crazily, driven insane by the kids' betrayal of him. Bad! He heard dialog such as Ed saying "Where are we going, Eddy?" "Edd: [realizing they've gone off a cliff] "Stop!" Taking another opportunity to try and get close to Kevin, she attempts to flirt with him, but the floor gives way beneath her. Hasn't Eddy always steered you right?" "Eddy: [taking out his wallet] "Ta-da!" Following the events of Big Picture Show, the Eds find themselves friends with the cul-de-sac kids . Upon realizing that Eddy's Brother lives in the park, the Eds frantically begin searching the park, finding a trailer shaped like a whale. Ed shouted looking at the four kids, and a block of wood, who weren't moving on the ground. ]Edd: "Eddy, look! Please add your own ideas if you wish. "Edd: "But in order for me to calculate our bearings to the gag factory, I'll need" [He walks into a brick wall. ]Rolf: "Hmm. [8] The character was voiced by Terry Klassen, who also served as the voice director for Big Picture Show. ]Eddy: "Hey, quit tossing my cookies! "This bed's killing me! "My bro's always prepared!" [She drops him by the washing machine.] It's illegible!" ]Eddy: "Ha! "He just needs to do my laundry. It then backs up and goes through a fence. [May begins to chase them in circles. "Kevin: "Nope!" "Edd: "Ed! It unfurls to show a picture of an animal. Ed thrusts his feet through the car's floor and literally carries the car out of the room and smashes through the house and on to the street. "Marie: [as Lee works her finger] "So tell us, twerp"May: "what do you and Dutch know about our boyfriends! ]Kevin: "Grab him! 14 Comments. After narrowly escaping, Eddy decides they should seek protection from his unnamed older brother. Create New. The only thing propelling the car now is pure momentum. "Marie: "You'd lose your head if it weren't nailed down. Aw, bro, what'd I do without you!" DO THAT! The camera moves back to the ants, crawling on the ice cream, before the lightning crashes again and we see more of the lane, replete with footprints, downed trees, and boxes. He must have mailed it from this amusement park! Plank decides that they should take a bus. Upon looking at Ed's comic once again, they find out that the factory has been out of business for some time. The title flashes on the screen: A backyard is shown. The trailer shown building up to the premiere showed the Eds all putting on some sort of rings (used in many European EEnE ads) while it shows some of the scenes of the movie, including Eddy's Brother's car (with Kevin hanging onto the window of the car) crashing out of Eddy's House, the Eds sailing a boat, and Sarah with a cardboard camera. Eddy did it." This is a reference to the first line of an Italian nursery rhyme, Ambarab cicc cocc. "[The Gourd spins around evilly, laughing insanely. Goodness, Ed, that's filthy. Eddy laughs. Edd picks up three videotapes in Ed's room. Pain! Profanity; Violence; Human; Crossover; Spike; Celestia; . Icky! "Edd: "We seem to be on a Ferris wheel! "[Sarah grabs the paint and proceeds to slam it down onto Lee's hand. A conveyor belt picks up Kevin's bike and, as Nazz attempts to rescue it, it snags her as well. Over there! "Edd: "What would you do without me, Eddy? [He gives Eddy a noogie. [They slump to the ground. ]Rolf: "Prepare for Rolf's water-laden bovine bladder! He then flips it open and presses a button. Lee? [Sarah, the cameraman and director, looks up unhappily. ]Eddy: [noticing Ed] "Hey, why don't you quit standing there and do something"Ed: "WHALE!" "Ed: "I helped too! "Eddy: "Yeah, right. Ed plunges his feet through the car's floor. [quieter] "Buses sure pack a wallop, huh Plank. I gotcha. 11K Views. ; 2D Visuals, 3D Effects: The cracked desert ground Rolf treks through as he's riding Wilfred.While not really plot relevant, it is the only time the show has ever used any form of 3D . ]Rolf: "Rolf will draw forth the pitchfork of retribution!" "[The postcard is a copy of the park's sign. He does, but in the process loses his hat. ]Eddy: "Hey!" "Jimmy: "Sarah? Yeson Entertainment and Voicebox Productions Inc. respectively handled the animation and voice production. ]Ed: [impressed] "Fancy trick, Eddy! ]Edd: "I think I'm gonna be sick! TV Listings; After a scam goes badly wrong, Ed, Edd and Eddy are forced to hightail it from the cul-de-sac. Big Picture Show is probably the most glaring omission, as the film serves as Ed, Edd n Eddy's true series finale, sending the Eds on an epic journey and completing their character arcs in order to end the show on a high note. What are you doing here? Ed sticks his head out of the armhole. Tears of gratitude fill Jimmy's eyes. ]Edd: "Is anyone there? It's time to call in the special forces. "Eddy: "My big bro showed me! "[Up ahead is a gigantic swarm of flies. [He grins insanely.] Used to watch it on cartoon network astro channel 606. "Kevin: "You are so on fire today, Nazz. "Eddy: [excited] "It's got a sauna? I almost had em! "Ed: "Oh, oh! I'll help you out." He cuts a more pitiful figure than most, though. [His friends stare at him. Nazz suggests that person could be his brother. ]Edd: "Not that way, Ed." "Ed: "Autograph, Eddy! Eddy leaps up, terrified. "[Ed swerves, scared out of his mind. Continuing to vent his anger, Edd says that it was Eddy's desire to scam that brought them into big trouble in the first place. [He rides off in hot pursuit. [He collapses to the dusty floor.] [He grabs a stick and pulls. ]Jimmy: [after a moment of contemplation] "I hope Kevin knocks Eddy's teeth out!" "Jimmy: "Wilfred can't help his oily complexion, Sarah!" SHAKLAHAM! [The tree lands on Eddy. "Ed: "No home should be without one, Eddy! Though their car is in shambles, they realize that they have escaped from the kids, at least for now. - Comes in many different flavors. Your brother certainly is a kind, upstanding and generous human being. [to Edd] "Ah, the what? "Lee: [offscreen] "Why's this place look familiar? So round up your buddies for this hilarious premiere on [date withheld because it has changed] at 7:00 pm on Cartoon Network! "Edd: "Dare I ask?" Rolf chases them. ]Ed: "Ollie ollie oxen free!" "Edd: "A postcard? Once Captain Melonhead sees the inside of the bus, though, his courage wavers. Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show. ]Ed: "Land ho!" Maniacally, he swears to have his vengeance upon the Cul-de-Sac. [He spins Plank's chair around.] The car turns left, and Kevin follows. "See ya. This happens when Eddy pulls out and opens his iconic chain-wallet to retrieve a postcard. During this, Ed catches Edd's hat and it comes off, though what is under it still remains a secret. This has severely wounded their neighbors Jonny, Kevin, Nazz and Rolf, who plan to retaliate violently. "Still the troublemakin Eddy, I see." "Where ya goin? Fingers! The movie first aired in Scandinavia on May 31, 2009, then in Australia on June 5, 2009, Southeast Asia on June 13, 2009, Italy on July 24, 2009, Latin America on September . ]Captain Melonhead: "The time of reckoning is now, rapscallions! Rolf will interrogate this caboodle of bovine discord. [reaching him] "Are you all right? Boulder. "Oh dear. little Ed academia: Big Picture Show Published: Jun 28, 2021. Ed Edd n Eddy Season 1 Episode 8 Fool on the Ed / A Boy and His Ed. Prepare yourself for a merciless thrashing!" "Eddy: "Snore! While Kevin begins wiping the muck off his bike, Nazz is furious and revolted that Kevin obviously cares more about his bike than he does about her. Soon, there is nothing left of Ed on top of his coat. "[The car slams into a giant rock. ", [Nazz and Kevin are tearing down the road, looking for the Eds. Series creator Danny Antonucci directed the film and co-wrote it with Jono Howard, Mike Kubat, Rachel Connor and Stacy Warnick. "Edd: "The collision was unavoidable, Eddy! Later that night, it is revealed that Rolf has also ambled into the swamp, blind from the meat-grinder on his head and flails around miserably in an attempt to find his way. Sleepytime guys." 'Cause I ain't laughin. He is seemingly hit by a car, breaking open the meat grinder at long last. What? "[The door flies open. "[Lying in front of Rolf is a cow. Alien spaceships are attacking!" "[Suddenly, a bus honks as it pulls in. [He gallops around, looking for it.] Edd attempts to examine for the postmark and discovers the mark has been smeared, making the address illegible. [packing again] "I thought it was those sore losers! "Eddy: "It was? I'm getting my bike!" "Marie: "That's 'cause we're just walking around in a circle." "[May picks herself up off the ground. "Kevin: "Nazz! "Eddy: "We did it, Double D! Hold on to your Jawbreakers because Ed, Edd n Eddy are back this November [date withheld because it has been changed]. Because sinks are Mother Nature's own cereal bowl!" I wouldn't miss this Ed-thrashing for all the shoulder pads in the world! Eddy's brother sways unsteadily and says "Uncle" as he falls weakly to the ground, having been knocked out cold. [He slaps another mosquito. ", [A rumbling and and screaming from a pipe as a heavy load travels along it. What's it called? Take me! "A stubborn lid, this." Undoing the latch on the door, they managed to open it just enough for . "Nazz: [through her teeth] "It's late and I'm cold. Eddy immediately realizes that the key is for his brother's car. [1] Most fans enjoyed the movie, citing it as "epic", "heartwarming", "emotional" and, of course, "funny". [A toy rat is running in circles. "May: [getting up] "I coulda sworn they went this-a-way! Western Animation / Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show "[The Eds see a shadow pass by the blinds. ]Kevin: "Time for payback! Finally getting his sock off, Ed grabs two comics and Baron O' Beefdip. [wrestling with it] "This thing must come" [It snaps back onto his head. ", [Nazz rubs two sticks together. as three figures made their way to the campfire pit."Please say a big hello to Ed, Edd, n' Eddy!" Edd and Ed both waved happily at the campers, while Eddy looked suspiciously at Chris . Watch Ed, Edd n Eddy - Stream TV Shows | HBO Max Postcards from the Digimon (transcript) R. Rambling Digimon. This trailer was later used for Southeast Asia, which aired there on June 13. [Ed is so close to being dragged out.] Suddenly, Kevin slams their vehicle from the left, shaking them and sending them skidding. [Ed crawls from the swamp.] Edd "Double D"/Marie Kanker - Works | Archive of Our Own Eddy looks up and sees Ed eating the toast. Ed, Edd n Eddy - Fimfiction He then walks over to the trashcan and tosses away his mask before turning back to the file cabinet, labeler in hand. ]Nazz: "THAT'S WHAT I THINK OF YOUR STUPID BIKE! Eddy lies there. ]Kevin: [groping for them] "You're going down, dude. Save yourselves!" What do you think? In the backyard, when Ed throws his sponges into the air, he appears uninjured. ]Kevin: "Lemme through! We can't let this go, man. [A long shot of the field shows that Wilfred is gone.] "The Screaming Gophers!" "Lame!", said Muscle Man. ]Jimmy: "I found it, Sarah! Eddy begins to fight his way out from under Ed. The AKA Cartoon logo is displayed with a melon rind in the background. "Ed: "How do we find it, Double D? These are parodies of the trio of boys with the same name, Ed, Edd, n Eddy. "You're just in time. "Ed: "Boy, did it go bad. Eddy jumps in fear and clambers over a rock to a hiding spot. Save yourself" [He crumples to the ground. "[Rolf turns back to the chair. Inside, the lights switch on. "Kevin: "Good one, Nazz. I demand you tickle each other right now! ]Sarah: "Okay, Jimmy. It hits a tree and lodges there. [5][6] During The Complete Second Season DVD's "Behind the Eds" interview, Antonucci hinted that the film would reveal what is under Double D's hat, though this never occurred. "Jimmy: Ed, Edd, Eddy, Jimmy, Nazz, Sarah, Kevin, & Rolf: [As the kids sing the song, Wilfred eats out of Captain Melonhead's downed helmet. He hears Rolf calling. ]Sarah: "Ew that's so gross! The most critical review was that it had no plot and many fans were especially upset that they did not show what was under Edd's hat, probably because Danny Antonucci wanted it to remain a mystery. ]Rolf: [finishing] "The interrogation is complete, Wilfred. "Kevin: "AAAAAAHHH! "Edd: "If you had paid attention to what I said and not pushed the red button" [Ed comes out of his spot only to witness the start of a brawl. "Ed: "BBBWWWWWWAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! Ed, Edd n Eddy | Fan Theories Wiki | Fandom Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. "I'm a goner! Daniel Sioil as well as Ruth Vincent served as producers while Ken Cathro was its editor and Scott Underwood, Steve Garcia, Raven Molisee, Joel Dickie and "Big" Jim Miller worked on the storyboards. Say, let's go to my place! ]Kevin: "Gah! It's gone! "Kevin: [oblivious] "Oh, hey Nazz. Are you okay?" Heck, I even recalled watching Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy's Big Picture Show and the part I remember watching the most from the TV movie was where Eddy meets his big brother. When they hit, all the water is splashed upwards, and a bunch of buried treasure is revealed. When Edd realizes what exactly was so funny about the word, this being the first three letters in the word sextant, his face turns red and only says in response it would not be too funny when the sextant found where the Gag Factory was located. Love Big Picture Show! ]Eddy: "It was just a scam, Double D! Ah good old days. Mar 15, 2022. "[A memory hits Ed. Kevin and Nazz see this and see the derelict factory in the distance. "Kevin: "Those thieves couldn'tve got far. He and Nazz rush off in pursuit on the newly repaired bike. ]Rolf: "Wilfred?" Upon arriving, they discover the factory has been shut down, and Edd cannot find any clues in the office. Especially, Edd. When Ed careens through his bedroom door, he slams it onto the wall where his bed is. "Eddy: [pushing his hands away unhappily and reveals his true nature to everyone] "I made it all up, Double D. Everything about my brother was a lie. The picture is only marred by a despondent boy wheeling his bike across the grass. ]Ed: "Stop! After the events of "The Ed, Edd n Eddy big picture show" the Ed boys have finally been accepted by the other kids in the cul de sac. [He begins to search for his sidekick.] One false move, and they will fall to their quite probable deaths. This time Eddy has gone too far and pulled a prank that has the whole neighborhood gang after him. It creaks open a few inches, revealing that it is bolted numerous times. "Kevin: [spotting the factory] "Dorks." Back in Peach Creek, Jonny and Plank board their bus. ]Ed: "Your brother's got moo-moos, Eddy? Ed, Edd n Eddy Big Picture Show came out seven years ago. Kevin leaps onto the car, and his bike wheels off, coming to a stop against a sawhorse, perfectly parked. The bug flies off and hits a sunflower. In the opening scene, the lane is shown completely destroyed. "Eddy's Brother: "Do Mom and Dad know you're here? ", [The Eds are tromping through a grassy field. Missing the rocks by a long shot. Category:Ed Edd 'n' Eddy Spoof | The Parody Wiki | Fandom The camera then turns to Ed's room, where Ed, clearly in a panic, rushes in and immediately begins filling one of his socks with as many of his belongings as he can, including his Sponge Collection and some buttered toast. [She hurries after him. Duh! As the Kankers muse over how Eddy's Brother isn't so tough after all, just then, a bus suddenly pulls up and Jonny and Plank rush out. "May: "Looks like someone left something in their pocket! "Eddy: "Don't milk it, Sockhead. I'm Double D!" This could provide the very clue we need!" [He tosses the tree over his shoulder and runs towards the sound. Rolf opens the canteen and pours oil out of it, onto the seat. The movie then aired on September 27, 2009, in Latin America. "He's a big grown man." ]Eddy: "It wasn't my fault, I swear!" Charlie-Robinson Poortvliet of gave the film an "8.2/10" rating, calling it a "double episode grand finale" that was superior to all previous Ed, Edd n Eddy episodes. [Eddy joins in. [He yawns.] ]Eddy: "Ed! ]Rolf: "Peel your onions, Ed-boy!" It was the unpredictable current that proved unfavorable! [despondent] "I've never taken a bus before. "[He waits for his friends to come back. From here on out, it's nothing but smooth sailing! [He grins evilly. ]Ed: "Trouble! ]Kevin: "DOOOOORRRRRKKKKKKKSSSSSS!!!" Enraged, Eddy yells at Edd that he wasn't completely innocent either, as he was the one who built the machine in the first place; however, Edd fires back saying that Eddy was the one who hadnt paid any attention to what Edd told him and pushed the red button, causing the machine to malfunction. Three adolescent friends named Ed, Edd and Eddy (collectively known as "the Eds") opt to flee the Peach Creek cul-de-sac after their latest money-making scheme heavily backfires and leaves it in a state of devastation. ]Ed: "Eddy!" Before he can bring himself to finish, Ed comes bursting through his door. "[Suddenly, a deep rumbling is heard, and an earthquake occurs. Eddy finally reveals himself and merely stares blankly upwards and tearfully admits to everyone that he made up everything that he ever said about his brother. "Edd: "Hurry please, I'm afraid I can't hold on for much longer gentlemen! Breakfast, Double D? & DC Super Hero Girls: Mayhem in the Multiverse, Brak Presents the Brak Show Starring Brak,,_Edd_n_Eddy%27s_Big_Picture_Show&oldid=1138325182, Animated films based on animated television series, Pages containing links to subscription-only content, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Ultimately, however, the kids manage to catch the Eds. [Eddy snickers, and Edd goes off to do something. Eddy's Brother (fanon) | Ed, Edd n Eddy Fanon Wiki | Fandom My candied apple, Sarah. "[Ed leads them into a clearing and sits down. A seat from a Ferris wheel rises up, the Eds on it. They land on top of one another, and Captain Melonhead leaps on top of the pile of Eds. ]Edd: "Eddy! He sees the Eds pass and snarls. "Timber, the Dark Shard:The Gourd: "There's no time left? "Eddy: [after a yawn] "I would if that stupid scam worked. ]Jimmy: "Party at Kevin's, yay! ]Lee: "Why, you little brats! "Eddy's Brother: [stroking his goatee] "Why not?" "[Edd slams the cabinet shut and is thanked with a cloud of dust to his face. "Eddy: "As if! I think he wants us to follow him! Are you sure this is the gag factory? "Ooh! Teach em a lesson, May!" "]Edd: "There." Oh, the horror! "Kevin: "NOOOO!!!! They slam into a tree and stay there, pinned. Enough with the pig, let's just go." "Splinter the Wonderwood:Captain Melonhead: "Boy, Plank, you sure turn into a fireball when you're wearing a mask! For the wii. This continues until they enter the woods, where Jimmy slows, then stops. ]Eddy: "My big bro's place! ]Edd: [stepping over Ed] "Excuse me, Ed." Kevin rides his bike past the school. "[The path forks. Hope you enjoy. Jonny and Plank subsequently arrive and, without giving anyone a chance to explain what happened, quickly attack the Eds. "Pain! Sac!!! "This can't be happening. You're so neeve. "[Rolf climbs down. AGAIN! "[Edd and Eddy stumble backwards and trip over the rug. bili_1504913406 Dec 4, 2021. [He kicks Eddy off.] Seeing nobody, he wheels his bike in. Ed, Edd n Eddy. Don'tcha think?" Sarah sets her basket down and seethes with rage. Like blah, blah without the other blah! "Lee: "Taking care of our boyfriends. Rolf fears a omen has befallen us." "Jimmy: "A Wet Willy! When they come out, they are blanketed in dead flies. "Eddy: "WHERE'D HE COME FROM? Seeing this, Wilfred revolts against Rolf, attacking Rolf in a frenzy, dropping all of Rolf's supplies back on Rolf before running off to hide. "Edd: "It's called a sextant." Jonny was using his melon lock pick to pick open the lock on the window. "[Edd tries to get loose. After finding her, Kevin attempts to reconcile with her and succeeds. Has anybody seen my pal? Seeing no one, he smiles. She finds the dumpster with Rolf's indentation and stops. "I'll go examine the factory's filing cabinets and see what I can find." Pardon me! His friends have gone missing. Seeing no sign of trouble, he shuts the door. Directors. "Edd: "Edifying." ". We merely need to float upon the current, and it will carry us to its opening and Eddy's brother's retreat. However, the kids embrace the Eds as friends. "Eddy: [looking at Ed's glasses] "Man, that joke's old. I'm sorry! ]May: "But that would mean we're lost! Ed Edd n Eddy Season 1 Episode 7 Look into My Eds / Tag Yer Ed. "Edd: "How can you be so certain, Eddy? "[Ed falls off the camel and slams into the wall. Kevin quickly removes his shirt and uses it to sponge off his soaked bike as an angry Nazz arrives. [She empties the wheelbarrow of its cargo: Kevin, Nazz, and Rolf. Edd and Eddy, meanwhile, finally get the vent cover loose, and Eddy leaps in only to find that his brother bricked up the vents as well. Ed amuses himself by drawing a picture of Eddy on a cow's udders, until Edd takes the crayon he was using to make a chart. They dangle in front of Wilfred, and Wilfred begins to follow them.

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