process automation specialist superbadge step 6

This error i get while validating 5 step. Is that correct? Queue Name:Rainbow Sales ; AND Assembly System Sales. Share and grow together..!For more, we always have the back of the community and you can drop me a comment if it helps! Marketing Materials action Next. Please contact your system administrator for more information. 3, "Wednesday", But when I added the Global Constant cannot = null criteria, I started getting the first error listed.I feel like my approval process might be the issue.Any advice on what to try next? i am stuck with the same issue, and i tried to open the reference link.. bbut the page was not found.Pulling my brain for past 13 hours on this step..Please help. Done the Superbadge Successfully.. Don't forget to activate the process after changes are made! Take a break, grab a snack, and watch this video. Everything worked when I tested before checking the step but I kept getting this error:Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: A new Opportunity with a 'Prospecting' stage for a 'Prospect' Account did not successfully create a Task for the Account owner with the Subject 'Send Marketing Materials'.I ranted, I changed my process to call invokable processes, I tried again. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. We couldn't find the record you're trying to access. Process automation specialist superbadge challenge 5Jobs - Give your Salesforce admin these details. Superbadges are proof of worthiness! They dont want any State abbreviations that are greater than or less than 2. Formula ==> AND(!ISBLANK( BillingCountry ), LEN(BillingCountry) != 2), validation rule Name ==> State Validation rule for shipping add Message: MALFORMED_QUERY: When . I am getting the below error while checking challenge. Hello! Hint: Carefully read / listen to the 1st line of the "Automate Opportunities" video/transcript. Process Builder except last step all steps should Evaluate Next Criteria To solve the above business use case we will modify the Screen Flow Created for this article. Please check the configuration of the custom fields on the Account object. An unhandled fault has occurred in this flowAn unhandled fault has occurred while processing the flow. Two things that I see in what you posted - The related to ID does need to be there just make sure that you are relating it to the OpportunityID. Have anybody solved this before?Thank you in advance! Create an lead assignment rule and make 2 rules entries and give order accordingly. I've read all postings related to this and went thru what I've but couldn't find the error. Have you:Created a user named Nushi Davoud & assigned him to be your manager? )Thank you! The approval process should be selected to automatically push the approval to the manager. The email should be sent to "User: Integration User" from the current user's email address. Can you please help me to resolve it incase you know the resolution. Did you email me? Prospect node of process builder:Opportunity.Stage equals prospectingOpportunity.AccountId does not equal $GlobalConstant.nullImmediate actions:Email finance group Create task:Due date only = TODAY() Assigned to ID = Opportunity.AccountID.OwnerIdPriority = HighStatus = Not startedSubject= send marketing materialsIf I try to add the related to ID field it automatically goes back to the first critique that the process couldn't run. Need help!! I'd check this first to see if you have any validation rules on the opportunity object. Happy to take a look- Hi Trailhead Baby,I am getting below error:A new Opportunity with a 'Prospecting' stage for a 'Prospect' Account did not successfully create a Task for the Account owner with the Subject 'Send Marketing Materials'. Configure the more complex functionality in a flow and then add a flow action to your process. You want to send the email to finance for 3 specific account types, and there will be logic involved with the conditions. trailhead playground and have installed the package: Username: will be Small contribution to SFDC community. Under Record Collection: Add New Resource Filterresult: Variable Type as below. Thanks in advance for your help! This process involves 4 total nodes. Let the universe renounce some goodness to you . Make sure that you rule is Active before you validate this step. Number_of_won_deals__c / Number_of_deals__c, f)Call for Service The issue- You should not be able to approve or reject the opportunity. Give your Salesforce admin these details. 1. IF Deal is Negotiation[Opportunity].StageName equals Negotatiation/Review[Opportunity].Amount greater than 100 000Submit for Approval ((Opportunity: AmountGREATER OR EQUAL100000) AND (Opportunity: StageEQUALSNegotiation/Review) + Next Automated Approver Determined By Manager of Record Submitter)4. Username: will be autofilled but you can change it to an easy one . What are the criteria on your robot setup record set up?Did you assign Nushi Davoud to be your manager? Also if this was a real use case, I would also want to trigger the approval flow for opportunities that are in stage Negotiations already, but have the Amount changed to a number >100k right? A PageReference is a reference to an instantiation of a page. UPPER(ShippingCountry) =='' schedule ( 'Warehouse Time To Schedule to Test' , scheduleTime, new WarehouseSyncSchedule ()); Test . 180 mod 7 gives 5, so only when Opportunity's close date is on Monday or Tuesday Robot Setup Date may occur on weekend. check where the error happened on the logs and u will find the culprit. Thanks for informationThank you!! I appreciate your help and hints along the way to get me back on track with the challenge.Thank you! Create a new Trailhead Playground for this superbadge. Thank you for any help! Still stuck? All of them have to be inactive. For AND to be true, all the conditions inside it should be true. label -Day of the Week Please help. Hi Arno,If you would share some details of your process, I'll take a look. Admin ur content has helped me to understand various aspect of approval process and task. HINT: There are 4 necessary criteria for this node plus you will need to customize the logic in order to select the conditions. Error Message: You can not save a new account unless the shipping and billing state fields are valid US state abbreviations, and the country field is either blank or US, USA, or United States. You can look up ExceptionCode values in the SOAP API Developer Guide. Challenge Not yet complete heres whats wrong: Assembly System Sales. Create related Email Alert from search box for the templates above. Determining various development & t. Make sure you have successfully logged in to your I made two dollars today! It's saying the Send an email to the finance group process failed. Note: If you have trouble in creating process builder, comment the errors you are getting, so that I will guide you to process it. I am getting the exact same error. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER, We can't save this record because the Robot Setup v3 process failed. Photo by William Iven on Unsplash. If you are in a consulting role, WATCH THE VIDEOS. I will help you figure out each challenge and how to clear it. Superbadge-Process-Automation-Specialist/ at master Many thanks! An unhandled fault has occurred in this flow OR ( panda express addiction > alyssa lynch project mc2 > billing specialist superbadge challenge 6. billing specialist superbadge challenge 6 05 Jun. "Basically we want to send an email to the finance group whenever an opportunity is created for."(Opportunity accountID is not null and the AccountType is A, B, or C.). You are a life saver. GitHub - alinechan/Superbadge-Process-Automation-Specialist Then I changed approver to a manager and I stopped receiving email alerts. I set the Stage = ClosedWon under Approval Steps. Below are tips and gotchas for each report / dashboard. Remember that Salesforce calculates DateDiff in days, so I did 365*2 and it was happy with that. You are so close to passing! Rainbow Sales. There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. In challenge 5 there is a hyperlink on robotsetup too. Thank you for such a wonderful content. When she said she wanted a widget, thats when I swore out loud. Based on LeadSource value lead should be assign to correct sales team (Queue). I had two. I am stuck on challenge 5 not quite sure what to do or how to proceed. Thank you in advance for your help! It looks like you are almost there! I need help with the Process Automation Superbadge Challenge # 5.Requirements : Automate OpportunitiesFollowing the business requirements, create a process to alert the finance group and create tasks for account owners at appropriate times during the sales process. Go to action on the last node where we set up robo record. ), validation rule Name ==> State Validation rule for billing add I have created 3 approval processes: 1) Opportunity Stage is Negotiation Over 100k; 2) Automatically Approve Opportunities Stage = Awaiting Approval and Amount = 100k. I dnt see an option for [Opportunity].Id in my process. hey Amar, Did this way back in time trying LWC these days. Create 4 Roll Up Summary fields as below: Field 1: Label:Number of dealsSummary Type:COUNTSummarized Object:OpportunityFilter Criteria:None, Field 2: Label:Number of won dealsSummary Type:COUNTSummarized Object:OpportunityFilter Criteria:Stage EQUALS Closed Won, Field 3: Label:Last won deal dateSummary Type:MAXField to Aggregate:Opportunity: Close DateSummarized Object:OpportunityFilter Criteria:Stage EQUALS Closed Won, Field 4: Label:Amount of won dealsSummary Type:SUMField to Aggregate:Opportunity: AmountSummarized Object:OpportunityFilter Criteria:Stage EQUALS Closed Won, Field 5:Label:Deal win percentReturn Type:PercentDecimal Places: 2Formula:(Number_of_won_deals__c / Number_of_deals__c), Field 6:Label:Call for ServiceReturn Type:TextFormula:IF( DATE( YEAR(Last_won_deal_date__c)+2 , MONTH(Last_won_deal_date__c),DAY(Last_won_deal_date__c) ) <= TODAY(), Yes, No), Validation Rule 1 : Rule Name :US_Address (Anything). ACADEMIC & STUDENT SERVICES. It's a tricky formula, but I'll get you started: CASE(MOD([Opportunity].CloseDateThis thread on the developer community should point you in the right direction:, Hello, I keep seeing this error message: A Closed Won Opportunity did not successfully either create an Robot Setup record and if it did, then the Date__c was not 180 date from the Opportunity Close Date.When I set field values for the new robot setup record I have opportunity as a field reference to Opportunity ID and a formula for the Date that is close date plus 180. give your salesforce admin these details. or am i making mistake here? A new Lead with the Source Web was not correctly assigned to the Rainbow Sales queue. but i have assigned the queues to the respective source, In Create Flow For Oppportunites I Have an error, Challenge Not yet complete heres whats wrong: Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Manager of Opportunity Owner for Approval; Lock Record and move stage to Awaiting Approval. The formula field you need to create for calculating the day of the week can be easily found online; I used this forum post. Please install the package first through app launcher or follow below link: as your own manager-, LEN( State ) Process Automation Specialist: Automate Opportunities Requirements: New Opportunity Created for Account Type = Prospect OR Customer, send Email to Finance Team, create Task for Account Owner ONLY for Prospect. If you get stuck again, I'm happy to take a look! MOD(Date__c - DATE(1900, 1, 7), 7), Assigned to ID Field Reference [Opportunity].Account.OwnerId 3. I actually got it. Same error. Please contact your administrator for more information. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Adding the rest of the event in the process builder. Did you look at: is a full walk through of this step. So, here i'm going to discuss every problem statements / business requirements of Process Automation Specialist superbadge and convert them into a problem solving flow. Give your Salesforce admin these details. I wont say any more than that, for fear of giving it away, but if youre stuck, feel free to tweet me @gemziebeth. Thank you for your Blog, Your information is always extremely helpful!!! Error ID: 932835170-8850 (-1845957167): [] Tip:Activate Approval Process :-)Tip: Have 2 entry criteria in approval process: Money and stage.Tip: Put the money criteria ONLY in the approval process, NOT in Process Builder.Error:A Closed Won Opportunity did not successfully either create an Robot Setup record and if it did, then the Date__c was not 180 date from the Opportunity Close Date.Tip:Only use criteria Opportunity = Closed Won, not additional 'opportunity record is changed'.Hope this helps guys! CronTri, Hi Rangers, Welcome to the month of February, time to unleash new sphere of learning. formula ==> (Be sure to create a Trailhead Playground, and not a regular Developer Edition org. Try a formula: AND (first criteria , second criteria)* Within the first node of the process, make sure to include both types of customers. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, You need Manager Approval: []When I deactivated the process I got following error messageChallenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: A new Opportunity with a 'Prospecting' stage for a 'Prospect' Account did not successfully create a Task for the Account owner with the Subject 'Send Marketing Materials'.Here is the snapshot of what I have done. Username: will be It means that wen salesforce tried to check the workability of your approval process, the record that shud have been submitted for approval, ie shud pass the criteria. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER, We cant save this record because the Automate Opportunities process failed. And with Super Set credentials, showcase your expertise in a specific domain and take the next step towards landing a top job. Can I have those screenshots,Because I am in stuck somewhere around there,Please? Could you share some details of your process? You can not create non US leads. A project with Daddy: My favorite daily process! Process Automation Specialist Superbadge Showcase your mastery of business process automation without writing a line of code. Email: your own unique email id will work fine. I enjoy playing on Trailhead, taking long walks with mommy, watching the Florida Gators with daddy, and chasing my two dogs. Do the whole thing again, it will do. Test Scheduling logic Hi Rangers , Great going !!! Would you mind sharing the formula that you are using to calculate the setup date? Reference: There have been a lot of questions about this step, so I posted a walk through of the process. It looks good on a resume to be a contributor. I fixed that by deactivating that validation.Then I got an error message:A Closed Won Opportunity did not successfully either create an Robot Setup record and if it did, then the Date__c was not 180 date from the Opportunity Close Date. I ranted again, moved things around, tried again. OR( You are missing one condition.2) Look at your "create a prospect" task. Hi Trailhead BabyI am at a loss, I have checked, double checked my process builder, and the create Marketing Material Task is not working.Hoping you can give me a hand with this.Criteria:Opportunity.Account.Type Equals Picklist ProspectOpportunity.StageName Equals Picklist ProspectingOpportunity.AccountID Does not equal NullCreate a Record:Record Type: TaskDue Date Only: TODAY() + 7Assigned TO ID: Opportunity.Account.OwnerIDPriority: HighStatus: Not StartedSubject: Send Marketing MaterialsRelated to ID: Opporunity.IDThanks :). Help on Superbadge Process Automation specialist Step 6. In this part of challenge, we gonna create a flow which takes some input from user and will return list of Product record. did not pass. Im facing one problem. NOT( * Approval actions on the approval process- The only thing you need here are field updates. Why did i see Lead: Clone source only , didnt get Lead: Source ? Randomly enough, you dont seem to need to tick this box as part of your approval process to pass the challenge, but in a real-life scenario, Im pretty sure I would cover that base. Amazing blog to go through and understand the steps in detail. help I kept getting this message: To continue the process after evaluating this criteria, define the next criteria node. Please go through this it will definitely help you -. Only Trailhead Playgrounds have the correct data for these challenges.) The account type is missing in yours. Thanks for the screenshots! This issue is not resolved for me how to resolve this issue? I tried so many times but I dont know where I did wrong . Is their anyway I can share my screen shots please? 2. Tips for Passing the Service Cloud Specialist Superbadge Record Page Properties are as follows, CASE( MOD( Date__c DATE(1900, 1, 7), 7), 0, Sunday, 1, Monday, 2, Tuesday, 3, Wednesday, 4, Thursday, 5, Friday, 6, Saturday,Error), Or You can use this formula also instead of above formula, CASE(WEEKDAY( Date__c ),1, Sunday,2, Monday,3, Tuesday,4, Wednesday,5, Thursday,6, Friday,7, Saturday,Text(WEEKDAY( Date__c ))), Create Another Process Builder (Name: Robot Setup). My first assumption is that there is a reference field missing in your process. Hi Trailhead BabyI stucked at Step-5 Automate OpportunitiesWhile Deactivating Process Builderit's getting error Like thisChallenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: A new Opportunity with a 'Prospecting' stage for a 'Prospect' Account did not successfully create a Task for the Account owner with the Subject 'Send Marketing Materials'.While active Process Builderit's getting error like thisChallenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. Creating design specifications with the development team. Report Modifications: Sales Two words: Filter Logic Support If you get this errortry stacking to 100% and make sure that you have a "horizontal" style chart. Just open the debug logs and check. Challenge-6 (Create Flow for Opportunities), How to show or hide a particular section of Visualforce Page dependent upon picklistfield value, How to redirect to another Vf page after saving a record. Salesforcians - Blogger The action within process builder triggers an email alert. That's what I would do if it isn't a validation rule problem. I included it by itself as it is apparently the one giving me issues. Have already completed challenge 3 successfully where created custom object Robot Setup. Thank you for your prompt reply! : Challenge 6. 2) My first node focuses on two types of current customers and the prospects. Is it possible that the problem is somehow in previous steps (they passed the challenge, but maybe affect this step) ? Complete the capstone assessment to earn the Approval Process Specialist Superbadge. If yes to these questions, let's take a deeper look! There is an additional node with a separate immediate action that should come first. This one gets a bit trickier because she makes a subtle hint that you need to nest your Processes. Please contact your system administrator for more information. An unhandled fault has occurred while processing the flow. Time investment starts from about five hours for the superbadge itself and can extend . Create Setup Record and Setup Date = 180 days + close date. Unless you've revised things since then, I'd bet that the primary issue for this error is that the node for a "prospect" did not have criteria that required both the stage and the account type. In process builder check whether u select the stop button or execute the next Appu is correct, if we enter any 2 letter state code which is not a part of US, for example, TT then it should through error but using the above validation rule it doesnt throw any error because if we enter any two letters then the condition LEN(State) > 2 becomes false and in AND it wont check next condition i.e. Node 1- Tweak quite a bit. I started this Superbadge in the usual way, by printing this instructions plus the slides and transcripts of the videos. process automation specialist superbadge step 1 It's worth notifying that case 0 means Sunday, not Monday, and the solution may require an additional day to skip weekends. Success! Challenge 4: Create Sales Process and Validate Opportunities, Challenge 6: Create Flow for Opportunities. Otherwise, an email would be sent to finance every time you have an opportunity created or edited as long as the opportunity is associated with an account. If you want First Ascent, dont use Check Challenge to test what youve built. So, rather than using > symbol to check LEN(STATE) use =, and add NOT for AND, it should be like below: OR Tip:Account Type = Prospect AND Opportunity Stage = Prospect AND ConstantError:System.DmlException: Insert failed.

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