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prohibits the transportation in interstate or foreign commerce of any goods with a value of $5,000 or more with the knowledge that they were illegally obtained, and prohibits the fencing of such goods. The Victorious Youth is a Grecian bronze sculpture dated to be between 300-100 B.C. The sum paid was nearly 800 times the $5,600 that Italian art dealers gave to the fishermen who found it. This means that each time the statue changed hands, it still remained tainted to all subsequent possessors. It is important to note that there are Uffici di Esportazione Oggetti dAntichit e dArte in many Italian cities, each with their own directors. Vicente Guerrero S/N, Jofrito, 76120, Santa Rosa Jauregui, Quertaro. Italy has made a very clear and compelling case that the Lysippos was smuggled into Italy, via Fano, and therefore was later smuggled out of Italy, Noah Charney, an arts professor who teaches each summer on the Arca postgraduate program in art crime and cultural heritage protection in Italy, told the Guardian. Bir baka sitesi. On June 25, 1973 Hoving hand-delivered a letter to David Carritt, the negotiator designated by Artemis for the potential sale informing the firm that he had been authorized by John Paul Getty to offer the sum of $ 3.8 million for the purchase of the bronze. symptoms of omicron in kids; is evaporation line thick or thin on equate; similarities between beethoven and haydn; is cooper barnes vegetarian 0. statue of a victorious youth formal analysis. After all, the final section is called Reaching a Consensus (84-91), and throughout the book attentive novices have been encouraged to believe that they too can be part of the stylistic decision making process. Emancipation: The fact or process of being set free from legal, social, or political restrictions; liberation. The Victorious Youth - Bryn Mawr Classical Review To read all of ARCAs posts on the Getty case, follow our link here. Munich-based German dealer Heinz Herzer offered to sell the statue to J. Paul Getty in 1972. But the Greeks expansion did not stop there. 5.1 Public art listed by artist. (It. Italian art dealer Giacomo Medici was eventually arrested in 1997; his operation was thought to be "one of the largest and most sophisticated antiquities networks in the world, responsible for illegally digging up and spiriting away thousands of top-drawer pieces and passing them on to the most elite end of the international art market".[23]. By incriminating himself, his estimate could at least be considered reasonably honest. Il Getty pronto a restituire la Venere Ma non restituir il Lisippo. On August 1, 2007 an agreement was announced providing that the museum would return 40 pieces to Italy out of the 52 requested, among which the Venus of Morgantina, which was returned in 2010, but not the Victorious Youth, whose outcome will depend upon the results of the criminal proceedings pending in Italy. Andrea del Verrocchio, (born 1435, Florence [Italy]died 1488, Venice), 15th-century Florentine sculptor and painter and the teacher of Leonardo da Vinci.His equestrian statue of Bartolomeo Colleoni, erected in Venice in 1496, is particularly important.. History of the Statue referred to in Italy as L'Atleta di Fano, L'Atleta di Lisippo, L'Atleta Vittorioso, or for short, often as a point of pride, or affection, "il Lisippo." The Court of Cassation has not yet released its formal ruling, so we do not yet know on what grounds it reversed its 50-year-old decision that there is no evidence that the statue belongs to Italy. At Olympia, these games were categorized for men, youth and boys. My guess is J.P. Getty did more to preserve antiquities than any other person before or since. It was customary for [Princes] to journey from their kingdom if they were not needed, to level in another class perhaps, or just enjoy their freedom. This time, armed with the photographic evidence provided to the Carabinieri by Renato Merli on November 24, 1977, which showed the bronze statue as it appeared at the time of its discovery, still covered with marine life, Italian prosecutors finally had a body to go with their smoking gun as Merlis photo perfectly matched the statue sold by Artemis to the J. Paul Getty Museum. California law specifically recognizes that each time stolen property is transferred to a new possessor, a new tort or act of conversion has occurred, and so the statute of limitations begins to run again with each subsequent good or bad faith buyer. Bernard Ashmole, an archaeologist and art historian, was asked to inspect the sculpture by a Munich art dealer Heinz Herzer; he and other scholars attributed it to Lysippos, a prolific sculptor of Classical Greek art. Moreover, the statue is not and has never been part of Italys cultural heritage. Until we see that decision, we cannot determine with certainty our next legal steps. Statue of a Victorious Youth , 300 -100 BCE - Artsy statue of a victorious youth analysis In 1983 the Convention on Cultural Property Implementation Act (CPIA) became law in the United States, implementing the 1970 UNESCO Convention. The ship carrying it may have foundered, preserving the statue for centuries in the sea. best planned communities in the south; why nurses don t want covid vaccine. ), 32 (nautical) miles out from the Italian coast. coin representing Demetrios I of Bactria touching a wreath on his head with his right hand like the Victorious Youth, but cradling Herakles club and lion skin in his left instead of a palm branch. The title of Mattuschs monograph springs from the reasonable hypothesis that the Getty bronze represents an athlete, and a two-part justification for this identification takes the place of the self-contained formal analysis we might expect (49-51 and 84-91). In addition to conflicting with the Third United Nations Law of the Sea Convention, adopted in 1982, this theory would lead to the absurd result that if an Australian fishing boat had found the Bronze, it would become Australian cultural property. These games included footraces, combat sports, pentathlon, horse racing, and chariot racing. Similarly, the Getty Research Institute (GRI) has, since 1991, lent 70 prints, drawings, manuscripts, and rare books to exhibitions in Italy. LACMA's collections encompass the geographic world and virtually the entire history of art with more than 100,000 objects dating from ancient times to the present. statue of a victorious youth formal analysis We very much value our strong and fruitful relationship with the Italian Ministry of Culture and our museum colleagues in Italy. Like a smoking gun without a corpse, without the whereabouts of the missing bronze statue, the court was left with insufficient evidence to determine if the underlying crime, that the bronze was of historical and artistic value, was in fact true, without that, they could neither prove which governing territory the antiquity had been found. As the wax melted, an air space formed, creating a mold of the Victorious Youth, which became filled with molten bronze. Share Naomi Rea Global News Editor They start to show real and modern people instead of gods and goddesses. On display at The J. Paul Getty Dismissed by the Lower Court in 2007, the decision was appealed by the Public Prosecutor with the support of Italys Avvocatura dello Stato, and on 12 June 2009 the new magistrate Lorena Mussoni, preliminary investigation judge at the Tribunal of Pesaro ordered the forfeiture of the statue on the basis of the fact that the object had been exported out of the Italian territory in contravention of Italian laws. Thirty nine of the antiquities covered by the deal were scheduled to be transferred to Italy by the closure of 2007. The museum also issued a timeline which I have elaborated upon below. as reported by Athos Rosato, a 15 year old deckhand at the time the statue was lifted aboard ship, to US journalist, Jason Felch in an interview sometime in 2006. Nor can anyone clearly state where under what circumstance or motivation the statue was in transit. Despite the lack of legal provenance documentation or export certificates substantiating the antiquitys legitimate export out of any originating source country where Greek remains might be found, and superseding the voiced concerns of the statues legitimacy raised by John Paul Getty himself. [6] The inserted eyes would have given the bronze statue a naturalistic look. statue of a victorious youth formal analysis. His painting is a great example of solid Greek art in subject and aesthetic. On November 8, 1970 the Court of Appeal in Rome absolved the four defendants of wrongdoing, as again, the whereabouts of the statue remained unknown, and without the benefit of being able to examine the unaccounted for antiquity, there was insufficient evidence to prove the underlying crime. www.boxingaddictions.net > Blog > Uncategorized > statue of a victorious youth formal analysis. There is no physical evidence to support the conclusion that Lysippos was the sculptor, but Frel, Mattusch, and ancient literary source Pliny, theorizes that Lysippos or his student was the Youth's creator. "A judge in Italy has ordered the confiscation of the famed Statue of the Victorious Youth, which is also known as the Getty Bronze. Romans probably carried the statue off from its original location during the first century B.C. Earlier Getty publications have played up the latter possibility (royal portrait) at the expense of the former (victorious athlete). In February 2014 Italys highest court elected not to issue any ruling upholding or rejecting the lower courts judgment that the Victorious Youth was illicitly exported from Italy and as such, is subject to seizure. He had been an adventurer in his youth. [21], The Bronze was originally owned in 1971, by the Artemis Consortium, an association of several international art dealers, and then stored with a Munich art dealer, Heinz Herzer. Juni 2022; Beitrags-Kategorie: chances of getting cancer in 20s reddit Beitrags-Kommentare: joshua taylor bollinger county mo joshua taylor bollinger county mo By the same token, how would they classify the Riace Warriors, two full-sized Greek bronzes of naked bearded warriors, cast around 460450 BCE which were found at sea by a diver near Riace on the southern coast of Italy in 1974? Beitrags-Autor: Beitrag verffentlicht: 14. Early life. The Getty's 'Victorious Youth' is subject of a custody fight [2] Other research has developed an argument that the Bronze represents a victorious athlete and a young prince whose lineage relates to Alexander the Great. Answer (1 of 2): If you look at portraits of Roman emperors, you will see that they do not look the same. statue of a victorious youth formal analysis A cross check was begun by the Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Artistic Heritage on January 2, 1978 who then sent a photograph of the statue of Lysippos to the Ministry for Cultural and Environmental Heritage, and from there on to the countrys Export Offices in order to ascertain if an export license had ever been requested from any of them. Cult Statue of a Goddess, perhaps Aphrodite 88.AA.76, Two Griffins Attacking a Fallen Doe 85.AA.106, Attic Red-Figured Neck Amphora 84.AE.63, Fragment of a fresco: lunette with mask of Hercules 96.AG.171, Apulian Red-Figured Loutrophorus 84.AE.996, Apulian Pelike with Arms of Achilles 86.AE.611, Attic Red-Figured Calyx Krater 88.AE.66, Attic Red-Figured Phiale Fragments by Douris 81.AE.213, Attic Red-Figured Amphora with Lid 79.AE.139, Apulian Red-Figured Volute Krater 85.AE.102, Attic Red-Figured Calyx Krater 92.AE.6 and 96.AE.335, Attic Red-Figured Mask Kantharos 85.AE.263, Etruscan Red-Figured Plastic Duck Askos 83.AE.203, Group of Attic Red-Figured Calyx Krater Fragments (Berlin Painter, Kleophrades Painter) 77.AE.5, Apulian Red-Figured Bell Krater 96.AE.29, Attic Black-Figured Amphora (Painter of Berlin 1686) 96.AE.92, Antefix in the Form of a Maenad and Silenos Dancing 96.AD.33, Bronze Mirror with Relief-Decorated Cover 96.AC.132, Attic Red-Figured Bell Krater 81.AE.149, Apulian Red-Figured Volute Krater 77.AE.14, Attic Red-Figured Calyx Krater (Birds) 82.AE.83, Group of three Fragmentary Corinthian Olpai 81.AE.197, Apulian Red-Figured Volute Krater 77.AE.13. It should be noted that up until that date neither the German authorities nor the Italian authorities had acquired a photo of the trafficked artwork in its original state, having just been raised from the sea. This is the third and final part of a three part series (I, II) examining the historical assumptions of Paradox Interactive's 19th and early 20th century grand strategy game, Victoria II.Last time, we looked at how the game's models for the industrial revolution and warfare interacted: by simulating (even in a fairly limited and abstract way) both the tremendous increases in productivity . Some elements that can help you understand art include the theme, or the deeper, broader meaning the . A Formal Analysis of Statue of Liberty by Andy Warhol - Phdessay The scholars cited by Mattusch in the endnotes have already reached the consensus that the Getty statue is a Lysippos-inspired athletic victor who could date anywhere from the late 4th through the 2nd century B.C.E. write a rational function with the given asymptotes calculator. Comments are moderated. That same year Herzer shopped the statue to Bernard Ashmole, then Keeper of Greek and Roman Antiquities at the British Museum. The object left Italy before the 1970 UNESCO Convention existed, and long before Italy or the United States ratified the UNESCO Convention. You can unsubscribe from this list at any time via the resignation link. History of the Statue of the Victorious Youth (The Getty Bronze) December 2018, History of the Statue referred to in Italy as LAtleta di Fano, LAtleta di Lisippo, LAtleta Vittorioso, or for short, often as a point of pride, or affection, il Lisippo.. Lh576-01 ! a Sigma In this letter Hoving stated: As I made clear in our conversations, (that you had previously heard by telephone) the conclusion of this purchase by Mr. Getty is subject to examination and approval of the Council of the Metropolitan Museum and of Mr. Gettys Legal Advisor, in relation to certain legal issues that may require qualifications or certifications . In turn, Italy agreed to loan other works to the J. Paul Getty Museum which were not looted in origin. Fahrverkauf Ingolstadt; Preise This is not the factually correct basis for the German courts ruling as has been outlined earlier in this blog post. The statue of a Victorious Youth was found in international waters by fishermen on an Italian vessel in 1964. Pact: A formal agreement between individuals or parties. Ancient literature gives testimony of the classical sculptors; however, the artist did not sign the statues. The captain of the vessel was Romeo Pirani, the owner of the vessel was Guido Ferri. The Getty has presented more than two dozen exhibitions in collaboration with institutions in Italy, a number of them arising from cultural agreements between the Getty and the Italian Ministry of Heritage, Culture and Tourism, the Sicilian Ministry of Culture and Sicilian Identity, the Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli, the Musei Capitolini, Rome, and the Museum of Aidone. One of the Pesaro Courts bases for ordering the forfeiture is the theory that ships under the Italian flag (like the fishing boat that found the statue in 1964) are the equivalent of Italian territory. Getty Villa 17985 Pacific Coast Highway, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272. We hope you will come and see it for yourself. Location Created: Greece Physical Dimensions: 151.5 70 27.9 cm, 64.4108 kg (59 5/8 27. The Statue was created in Greece, possibly by Alexander the Great's Court Sculptor Lysippos, but it may have been sculpted by another. Greek, 300-100 statuettes.24 Greek portrait statuary b.c.e., bronze with inlaid copper. In November 2007, a Pesaro judge dismissed the case, finding that no one was alive to be prosecuted, that any applicable statute of limitations had long-since expired, and that the Getty should be considered a good faith purchaser. The athlete's eyes were once inlaid, probably with bone, and his nipples are in contrasting copper. SKU: 62670. The Museum's previous curator of antiquities, Marion True, was indicted in Italy in 2005 along with Robert E. Hecht on criminal charges relating to trafficking in stolen antiquities. Italys supreme court has ruled that the Getty museum in Los Angeles must return a 2,000-year-old bronze statue it bought for almost $4m (3.1m) in 1977. In addition to the application of bone, copper, glass, ivory, the bronze would be painted pale and gleaming like flesh to its viewers of the ancient world. German authorities terminated the investigation in April 1974 for lack of evidence of wrongdoing. Post author: Post published: June 8, 2022 Post category: drag strips near me open today Post comments: is rachel brown related to marc brown is rachel brown related to marc brown Beitrags-Autor: Beitrag verffentlicht: 14. Found outside the territory of any modern state, and immersed in the sea for two millennia, the Bronze has only a fleeting and incidental connection with Italy.. 2314 et seq.) September 10, 2020. According to literature, the bronze statue found at the Getty Villa is renowned by lovers of art from all around the world (Mattusch 1). Provenance Research Training Course in Italy 2023, The Amelia Conference 2023 Call For Presenters, An Interview with ARCAs Social Director Monica di Stefano, An Interview with ARCA Founder, Noah Charney, Virtual restitutions in the age of Coronavirus and Australian bush fires, Revisiting the UKs Dealing in Cultural Objects (Offences) Act of 2003. statue of a victorious youth formal analysis At point XII of this purchase form von Bothmer stated that he had learned of the existence of the ancient bronze via Elie Borowski, a prominent antiquities dealer who himself is is an individual of controversy. In 1973, at the request of Italian officials, German police investigated Herzer about receipt of stolen goods in connection with the statue. The reason for the ministrys failure to join any of the Italian legal proceedings related to the bronze in the 1960s stems simply from the fact that the ministry did not yet exist as it was not until 1974 that it was formally established. A humid environment under 35% is necessary to keep the statue from deteriorating. Donatello's David represents a union of classical and humanist concepts in alignment with Christian iconography. The questions which we as specialists choose to ask of archaeological artifacts sometimes predetermine the answers we will obtain. 5 Public art navboxes, lists and articles by location. On May 3, 2012 Maurizio Di Palma, the Pre-Trial judge at the Tribunal of Pesaro, once again upheld the earlier 2010 order of forfeiture and confirmed that the statue was illegally exported from Italy. statue of a victorious youth analysis. rdr2 kieran fishing mission disappeared; reggie lewis son basketball. None of the documentation I have been able to review has specified whether or not the aforementioned distances, given by the fishermen aboard the Ferruccio Ferri, and in one instance drawn from a notebook submitted as evidence in which. The investigation was dropped for lack of evidence of wrongdoing, mainly because the Italian high court had concluded that there was no evidence that the statue had been found in Italy (or Italian waters) or that it was of Italian origin. To read all of ARCAs posts on the Getty case, Postgraduate Certificate Program in Art Crime and Cultural Heritage Protection Summer 2023. The Victorious Youth, Getty Bronze, also known as Atleta di Fano, or Lisippo di Fano is a Greek bronze sculpture, made between 300 and 100 BC, [1] in the collections of the J. Paul Getty Museum, Pacific Palisades, California. 35 of 2016 each party to the case, heard by Italian Magistrate Giacomo Gasperini was given the opportunity to speak, to challenge, to interrupt and to interject their thoughts during a series of open public hearings, where the documentary evidence was again reviewed, where oral depositions were taken, and where facts were again illustrated again or anew. The time period it took for this robust review by Peeler is not stated in the Gettys timeline, but according to court documents a letter was sent to Stuart T. Peeler on 4 October 1972, by lawyers Vittorio Grimaldi and Gianni Manca of the Ercole Graziadei law firm, which represented Herzer and the art firm Artemis. statue of a victorious youth formal analysis. how to become a sheriff deputy in montana; whatever happened to dixie armstrong; thank you email after interview software engineer; modahum erde preise; huntsville havoc staff. special olympics records Juni 2022; Beitrags-Kategorie: evander childs high school famous alumni; [15] Interpreting the anatomy is important in identifying the statue, from the detail in the joints, delicate attention to the wrists and ends of fingers there is a youthful representation. The Office of Enforcement Operations of the Criminal Division has supervisory responsibility over offenses arising under 18 U.S.C. Athanadoros, Hagesandros, and Polydoros of Rhodes, Nemrut Da (tomb of King Antiochus I Theos), Golden lunula and two gold discs (Coggalbeg hoard), The Regolini-Galassi tomb and the Parade Fibula, Temple of Minerva and the sculpture of Apollo (Veii), City of Rome overvieworigins to the archaic period, Roman funeral rituals and social status: The Amiternum tomb and the tomb of the Haterii, The Modern Invention of Ancient White Marble, An introduction to ancient Roman architecture, The archaeological context of the Roman Forum (Forum Romanum), Seizure of Looted Antiquities Illuminates What Museums Want Hidden, Looting, collecting, and exhibiting: the Bubon bronzes, The rediscovery of Pompeii and the other cities of Vesuvius, Room M of the Villa of Publius Fannius Synistor, Boscoreale, Tomb of the Scipios and the sarcophagus of Scipio Barbatus, Bronze head from a statue of the Emperor Hadrian, Romes layered history the Castel SantAngelo, The Severan Tondo: Damnatio memoriae in ancient Rome. "The Bronze Statue of a Victorious Youth" is an almost life-size figure of an athlete wearing a victory wreath. The J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles has vowed to assert its right to keep an important Greek statue after Italy's highest court rejected its appeal of a . As for the JPGMs state to the bronzes fleeting presence in Italy in modern times, its worth mentioning that the introduction of the statue onto Italian territory was done so clandestinely, via two Italian vessels, the Ferruccio Ferri and the Gigliola Ferri, captained by Romeo Pirani and owned by Guido Ferri, in violation of the provisions set out in, Articles 35, 36, 39, 42 , 48, 61 of Italian law n. 1089 of 1939. The victors received wreaths of different leaves depending on the site location; laurel at Delphi, olive at Olympia, pine at Isthmia, and wild celery at Nemea. Ashmole is said to have spoken directly with John Paul Getty about the statue during a visit to the billionaires UK home, which is located three miles north-east of Guildford in Surrey. where a new hearing was scheduled to establish whether or not the order of confiscation issued by the Court of Pesaro on May 3, 2012 should be affirmed. The origin of the statue is unknown, but either Olympia or the youth's hometown is possible. Subject: A victorious Athena Historical Context/Analysis: For 40-50,000 years, women were best known for fertility. As stated above, the Court of Cassation annulled the Appellate Court sentence in May 1968 and ordered the case reheard in a new trial. Mosaic decoration at the Hammath Tiberias synagogue, Palmyra: the modern destruction of an ancient city, A conversation with Dr. Kenneth Lapatin, Curator of Antiquities, Getty Museum and Dr. Beth Harris, Executive Director, Smarthistory, in front of, https://smarthistory.org/statue-of-a-victorious-youth-getty-conversations/. Analysis Of The Book ' Of Cannibals ' 1008 Words | 5 Pages. , Cite this page as: Dr. Kenneth Lapatin, ", Reframing Art History, a new kind of textbook, Guide to AP Art History vol. As in the case with so many art restitution requests, situations are more complex than any one side of a story can tell. It was in Italian territory only for a fleeting period of time, and only in modern times. As a result of this court decision, the tribunal issued an order for the statues immediate seizure and restitution to Italy. The Victorious Youth is placed in a vacuum with the solution to penetrate interior layers without washing anything out. statue of a victorious youth analysis. In her June 12, 2009 order for seizure Mussoni acknowledged that the statues find spot was contested but she based her ruling, in part, on the fact that Italy nevertheless owned the statue ab initio under Italian patrimony laws as article 4, second paragraph of the criminal code, defined the fishing vessel as the territory of the State for fictio juris, as Italian ships and aircraft are considered as the territory of the State wherever they are, unless they are subject, according to international law, or to a foreign territorial law. Italian law imposes certain penalties on those who participate in illegal exportation. [16] However, this theory did not survive the criticism of other scholars. The Victorious Youth - Getty Mr. Getty appears to have rejected this proposal because it would have required the Getty Museum to pay more than 90% of the purchase price while receiving only a 50% ownership interest. Forgery (4) formal analysis (16) gender (13) . Open daily at limited capacity, 10-5pm, closed on Mondays. "L'Italie joue le bras de fer avec le Getty Museum", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Victorious_Youth&oldid=1138206563, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2007, Articles with Italian-language sources (it), Articles containing Italian-language text, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with French-language sources (fr), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 8 February 2023, at 15:13. The statue is of ancient Greek origin, was found in international waters in 1964, and was purchased by the Getty Museum in 1977, years after Italys highest court, the Court of Cassation, concluded in 1968 there was no evidence that the statue belonged to Italy. (yrs 3-4) Political science. statue of a victorious youth formal analysis Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. According to Jiri Frel, the stance and proportion of the Getty Bronze are similar to Lysippos's portrait of Demetrios Poliorketes (336-283 B.C.). A further problem concerns the garment the statuette wears, which difers from those worn by almost all Greek and Roman statues or Fig. Getty Center 1200 Getty Center Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90049. English We would like to take stock of the relationship with the Paul Getty Museum because there have been some misunderstandings, while we would like it to be very clear on our position: in fact, there are a number of judicial measures that have to run their courses and, while the judiciary conducts its investigations, we would like to find a solution of good will with the Getty . *Tribunale Ordinario di Pesaro, Criminal Section, Ufficio del Giudice per le indagini preliminary in funzione di Giudice dellesecuzione, Ordinanza del 12 puo 2009, n.2042/07 R.G.N.R. Also the memory or capabilities of those making statements has also drawn questions as to abilities and motivations as we have pointed out in an earlier blog post. 7 Similar projects that don't use Wikipedia. Bryn Mawr PA 19010. In February 2010, Judge Lorena Mussoni, preliminary investigation judge at the Tribunal of Pesaro, ruled that the Victorious Youth was exported illicitly. [7], In the late 1980s antiquity scholars, and Getty Museum curator, Frel, used radiocarbon dating and stylistic analysis to attribute Lysippos as the creator of the Youth. 3 (#99152), Dr. Elena FitzPatrick Sifford on casta paintings. o Presence on an Italian-flagged boat does not make the object Italian.

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